The third level - at the level of historical processes associated with the development strategy of social
behavior in different situations, as well as using historical experience in the system of solutions of vital tasks.
The base level of historical preparation for primary school is the presence of historical concepts and skills to
work with sources of historical information.The students at this level can have a mark from satisfactory to
excellent. A satisfactory mark on the basic level may be set for a complete description of the historical events
with obligatory spatial and temporal locality.The rating of "good" is put for the reproducing operation on the
level of description of historical events with the use of historical concepts. The rating of "excellent" can be
set for a detailed description of the historical process [5; 6; 7; 8].
The level of training of pupils detected by means of various types of control (testing, independent work,
test work, dictations, oral responses, etc.).
Computer tests, as practice shows, are the only way of pedagogical measurements, allowing to obtain
objective assessments of the level of training and to influence on the teaching process in order to create
positive dynamics in the learning process. The use of computer technologies in the educational process
requires serious consideration of new learning conditions.
Table 1 - The structure of the teaching students on the historical discipline