Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», №4 (52), 2016 г.
Shauyenova M.A.
2th course phD specialty of Pre-School Education, Scientific supervisor:
A.E. Mankesh – professor, Abai KazNPU
The origins of pedagogical ideas of Kaykaus
The article concerns the problem of studying the pedagogical ideas of Kaykaus reflected in his work “Qabus-nama”.
In this regard, the main task of the study is to identify the origins of pedagogical views of Kaykaus and to comprehend
the philosophical ideas of the Middle Ages, that had a tremendous impact on the formation of philosophical views of
scientist-thinker. To study this problem, based primarily on the "Qabus-nama", we have studied domestic and foreign
scientific and pedagogical researches of the system of education and training in the medieval society, as well as the
views of scientists and thinkers of the Middle Ages concerning science, education and upbringing. There is said that
Kaykaus lived in different cities and countries, thereby it had a significant impact on his educational views.
Keywords: Kaykaus, "Qabus-name", educator, pedagogical ideas, the Middle Ages, scientist-thinker, world-view.
УДК 37:94 (574)
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