Summary Suraganova A. - KazNPU named after Abai ,the 2course master of the specialty Foreign Language:
two foreign languages
Bukabayeva B.E. - candidate of philological sciences of chair Department of professional foreign
language communication at KazNPU named after Abai
Problem – dialogic teaching This article is devoted to the problem of teaching dialogue in foreign language communication. This issue was
scrutinized by great number of scholars, researchers and methodologists, but because of its difficulty and specific nature
stays actual for examining so far. The main feature of dialogue is in its situativeness and impossibility to learn by heart
beforehand. The result of conversation can’t be forecasted too. In the article we analyze the notion of dialogue and
observe general ways of teaching dialogue as one of four skills in methodology of foreign language education as well as
offer our outlook on this problem. At the same time we have to say that the term “problem-dialogic teaching” has our
own interpretation. It means that problem-dialogic teaching is not a technology but a kind of studying to our opinion.
But we offer that problem-dialogic teaching may have a lot of technologies to be taught and one of the best technologies
to our way is described in the article.
The technology which is offered by us is devoted to motivate students to communicate and activate their mental
processes. As the rule, the reason of incapability to create adequate dialogue is in psychological barrier and artificial
situations but not in the lack of vocabulary or grammar knowledge. Since communication is the main condition of
human’s activity teaching foreign language communication is very actual in our days, especially in the light of frequent
professional exchanges, international cooperation, academic mobility.
Keywords: dialogue, communication, problem-dialogic teaching, professional communication, dialogic speech,
dialogic unity, problem teaching, problem situations.
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», №4 (52), 2016 г. 50