Ключевые слова: Математическая культура, логическая культура, логическая грамотность. Summary Zh. Bilyalova – senior lecturer, Atyrau state University named after Kh.Dosmuhametova B. Abykanova –associate Professor, Atyrau state University named after Kh.Dosmuhametova, bakitgul@list.ru
D. Sadirbekova –Phd doctoral student of Kazakh National pedagogical University named after Abai, diko82-@mail.ru
The formation of logical culture as a means of developing functional literacy of students In the article there were analyzed psycho-pedagogical approach to forming the functional literacy of students, were
identified the main principles and possible conditions of forming the functional literacy of students at the lesson of
mathematics. In this article the psycho-pedagogical going is analysed near forming of functional literacy of students,
basic signs and possible terms of forming of functional literacy of students on the lessons of mathematics mark. Society
needs a man functionally literate, able to work on a result apt at certain, socially meaningful achievements.
Functional literacy of students is a certain level of form students at the level of universal middle education,
expressing the degree of capture the key competenses of students, allowing effectively to operate in educational activity
and after her limits.
The formed of functional literacy at students supposes a capacity effectively to function in society, ability for self-
determination, self-perfection and self-realization.
Keywords: Mathematical culture, logical culture, logical literacy.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №4(52), 2016 ж. 63