Summary Nurlanova V.S. – Candidate of pedagogical sciences, acting associate professor
Kazakh state women’s pedagogical university, еmail:, Almaty,Kazakhstan)
The valu of self - devolopment to the formation of legal culture of personaliti The article deals with the problems of the influence of self-development on the formation of legal culture of
personality. And also addresses issues as the necessity of providing a favorable condition for the formation of legal
culture and self-development, self-identity by comparing themselves with others, knowledge of the path and direction of
self-education, spiritual purity satisfaction in there, tightening the requirement imposed himself etc.
Keywords: Culture, self-knowledge, personality, legal culture.
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», №4 (52), 2016 г. 272