Summary Nurshaikhova Zh.A. - Doctor, Professor in the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Almaty,
Kildyushova I.V. - Senior Teacher in the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan,
Modelling of the verbal sentence for language training In the annotated article the authors proposed the use of modeling of the Russian sentence to facilitate the initial
learning of Russian as a Foreign Language. In pragmatic aspect the article views two-part verb (bicomponent) sentences. As
adherents of the verb-centering, the authors see the verbal junction as the center of the sentence, which acts as an
element of the control over the verbal sentence as a whole. That means that if there is a verb in the sentence, it is always
the center of said sentence. The authors demonstrate the correct use of the verb-centered position of Lucien Tesnière,
but at the same time do not deny a somewhat dominant position of the subject, which is demonstrated in a special way
in stemms.