Абай қҰнанбаевтың Әлемі мен шығармашылығына жастардың КӨЗҚарасы

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. Thus, the anthropocentric direction in linguistics is a science that aims to recognize the
nation as a whole, which is achieved by showing the full role of language in human society. 
Anthropocentrism - considers language as a manifestation of conscious human activity, a tool 
for shaping the results of cognition, a comprehensive study of all aspects of human social 
activity, living environment. The purpose of the modern anthropological direction and the 
purpose of the Great Abai, who studied and understood the needs of his time, are relevant. 
Aphorisms are considered to be close to proverbs among literary genres. 
According to Е. Shaimerdenov, the aphorism is subjective, rich in historical and biographical 
background. While proverbs are common, aphorisms are closer to loneliness and reality. 
Therefore, Kazakh aphorisms should be considered as a deep scientific and artistic system that 
reveals the original nature of Kazakh philosophy, guides the knowledge of the theme and 
method [5; 7-11]. 
It is not intended to determine the difference between the rich, meaningful, sharp, 
artistically embroidered words of the richness of the folk language. Researchers distinguish 
Abay’s art of words: 
verse-word (poetry), prosaic speech (prose)
words of edification
Abai says: “To increase knowledge, a person needs two weapons: one is to communicate, 
and the other is to keep it strong”. Simple feedback and memory (memory). Without these two, 
science will not grow, it will move the mind. Therefore, the purpose of the project study is to 
hold these two weapons in hand, to use them effectively and correctly. Kulmat Umraliyev, who 
studied Abai’s aphorisms, grouped them according to thematic and semantic features: pedagogy, 
morality, aesthetics, literature, satirical words, psychology, ethics [6,3-32]. 
In the work “Kazakh aphorisms” by Yerbol Shaimerdenov, a researcher of the words of 
wisdom of the Kazakh people, three hundred and sixty-four aphorisms were taken as a 
manifestation of Abai’s wisdom, and it was given on the theme “Love all mankind as my 
brother”! If the aphorism is “closer to loneliness and reality”, then Abai’s aphorisms can be 
divided into other more specific groups: 
Human,. Being human. Parent, child. Mind, science and education. Country, people. Word 
art. Labor, demand. Good and evil. Behavior, courage, strength. Life. Age. Time. The world is 
empty without love. Nature: Earth and Sky, and others. 

«Абай Құнанбаевтың әлемі мен шығармашылығына жастардың көзқарасы» атты республикалық ғылыми онлайн-конференция 
Alikhan Bokeikhanov, an Alash activist, was the first to comment on Abai’s work and 
social activity. After Abai's death, he published an extended autobiography in Russian in the 
“Semipalatinskii listok” newspaper. Since then, the legacy of the great Abai has been studied 
and will continue to be studied [7, 4]. 
In this regard, researchers consider aphorisms “the result of didactic poetry.” “Aphorisms 
are the most concise and very compact means of depicting life experiences. In the system of 
aphorisms, more emphasis is placed on thought than on image, and more emphasis is placed on 
comparison than on description, on thinking rather than on expression. Second, the great Abai 
sought mechanisms for “being human” for the people. He believed in the future of “self-
conscious, tongue-tied” youth who understood and understood themselves! The core of Abai’s 
work is to be a man! G., who philosophically studied this idea of Abai. It is worth mentioning 
the research of Anar Salkynbay, who studied the works of names, the meaning and significance 
of words in Abay’s poetry in a cultural direction. [8]. 
At present, Abay’s translations have a special historical and social significance. After all, 
first of all, the Kazakh public for the first time got acquainted with such great figures of world 
literature as Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Saltykov through Abai. Today, Abai’s heritage has 
become an integral part of the treasures of world culture, and his name is one of the greatest 
poets of modern times. There is a well-established notion of “my Pushkin” among the Russian 
people and those who appreciate and promote Russian culture in the world. We are confident 
that “Abai recognized by mankind” will become a mascot called “My Abai”. 
http://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs. On the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abay 
Kunanbayevich. Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 30, 2019 № 
Esimov G. Hakim Abai.-Almaty, 1994, pp. 31-32. 
Auezov M. Abay Kunanbayev.- Almaty, 1976, 96 p. 
Kashgari M. Diwani dictionary-it-turk.-Almaty: Hunt, 1997, vol. 590.p. 
Shaimerdenov E. Kazakh aphorisms.- Astana: Folio-2012, page 9. 
Umiraliev K. Abay's aphorism.- Almaty: Kazakhstan, 1993. - 128 p. 
Ismagulov Zh. Abai: poetic reading (Reality of life - through the eyes of a poet). - 
Almaty: Science, 1994. - 280 p. 
Salkynbay A. Linguopoetics of Abai's words.- Almaty: Kazakh University- 2015-242 p. 
Abay Kunanbayev. Complete collection of works in two volumes. - Almaty: Writer. - 2004 
Abai and modernity: new aspects of life and literary heritage / Ed. Z.Akhmetov (ed.) 
Etc.-Almaty: Science, 1994. -336 p. 
Auezov M. It is necessary to know Abai at a reasonable age. - Almaty: Sanat, 1997. - 417 

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