«Абай Құнанбаевтың әлемі мен шығармашылығына жастардың көзқарасы» атты республикалық ғылыми онлайн-конференция
the shape, size or feeling. This again may be complying with the purpose of creating vibrant
Abai’s poetry achieves its high value because of the very special and unique
nature of strategies adopted by him. The most important strategy in his poetry is the
"representation" of a separate reality from the conventional world. As image-creating elements,
lexical patterns in Abai’s poem create a series of contexts or immediate situations which are
conventional to the code. His poem makes both novel and wide use of lexical resources in order
to enrich the imaginary potential of the text.
Sources of the poetic dictionary can be very diverse, poets borrow new words from the
language of philosophy, science, from everyday speech. Among other features characteristic of
poetic language is the use of a large number of proper names, poeticisms, and neologisms. Some
poets prefer to contrast different types of vocabulary, for example, philosophical and household
vocabulary is found in the same environment or, on the contrary, try to stay within a limited
vocabulary. In any case, the choice of the right words always remains for the poet one of the
"We cannot understand the aesthetic effect of poetry without recognizing what kind of
discourse it is, and the nature of its deviance from normal language" (Widdowson, 1984:149).
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