Атты халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференцияның материалдары 26 қазан 2019 ж

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A Кекилбаев (1)

Adil Jumaturdu,
Institute of Ethnic Literature
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Beijing China,
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor,
Oral transmission of the folklore is the earliest and most vigorous form through-
out the Kirghiz
 traditional culture. As nomads, the Kirghiz had no written language 
until early 20
century. However, they excelled in oral composition, which they 
artistically employed in their traditional poetry and epic songs. They have kept their 
great epic Manas 
orally for about a thousand years.
Although the epic Manas 
exists primarily in the three other counties of Atushi, Aktoo, Uluu-chat in Kizilsuu 
Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture and in the counties as Tekes, Mongol-kürö in the 
northern part of Tianshan Mountains, as well as in the other parts of Xinjiang, which 
is still keeping its oral disseminate form today, especially among the Kirghiz people 
living in Akchi county
. For Kirghiz oral epic tradition today, it is undoubtedly a 
16 Kirghiz is also known as Kyrgyz today. In this paper I just use the former for Kirghiz people 
live in China and the latter for the people live in Kyrgyzstan. 
17 Manas , the monumental epic, is the most treasured heritage of Kirghiz (Kyrguz) people, and 
which can be found across the central Asia, where it is widely known throughout Kirghiz area in 
Kyrgyzstan, Kazakstan, Afghanistan and Tajikstan, and in Xinjiang China. Today there are more than 
a hundred versions of the epic Manas recorded from various epic singers in Kyrgyzstan and China. 
Its longest version, consisting of half a million (500553 ) poetic lines, was written down from one of 
the master-manaschi Saiakbay Karalaev (1894-1971) in Kyrgyzstan. It is twenty times longer than 
the Homeric epics Iliad (15693) and Odyssey (12110) taken together. 
18 In summer of 1995, with the support of UNESCO, the Kyrgyz celebrated the 1000
ry of the epic. The new government of independent Kyrgyzstan used this grand occasion to introduce 
Kyrgyz history and culture to the world community. Leaders, dignitaries, and scholars from all over 
the world were invited to the Manas celebration, which lasted for fi ve days.
19 Akchi county is located in the southwestern part of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang. It is a 
small county where the Kirghiz people are hold a dominant population for about 90% out of 45,000, 
and the county is situated in the mountains at an altitude of over 2,000 meters. People there nave 
practiced animal husbandry, supplemented by little agriculture, and the county is a remote region 
without normal transportation until late 90ties in last century. As a result, it has had little contact with 
modern civilization, and the traditional Kirghiz folk culture has survived well. 

typical and classical one. We found manaschis
in deferent parts of Kizil-Suu Kir-
ghiz autonomous prefecture and in the other parts of Xinjiang since the middle of 
the last century
, but the Akchi county is the typical area for transmission and dis-
semination of Kirghiz oral epic. My report is only limited on that area and just delve 
into the manaschis in Akchi.
With the thorough fi eldwork carried out resent years in this special area, Akchi 
county, we found tens of epic singers (manaschi) in different ages actively per-
forming the epic in the masses at present. But, as a matter of fact, their artistic oral 
creative talent and epic performing level are different. 93 years old Jusup Mamay

undoubtedly, is the greatest and world famous epic performer, manaschi, nowadays. 
The epic Manas’s variant written down from him is as long as 232,600 poetic lines 
and include the story of eight generations of hero Manas’s family (Jumaturdu & 
Yisak 2002: 163-173). For the others, we can divide them into some groups depend-
ing on their performance of the great epic. 
Akchi County is located northeast mountain area of Kizilsuu Kirghiz Autono-
mous Prefecture and share the boundary with Atbashi dristrict Narin prefecture of 
Kyrghystan. The population of the county is as much as 45 thousands, and about 
90% are Kirghiz. For its special geographical environment, it has become one of the 
main areas where the Kirghiz epic Manas is under dissemination. 
According to the materials collected in the fi eld work carry out by myself in 
resent years
, there are all together 48 manaschis (Jumaturdu 2006: 203-216) ap-
peared in Akchi County in the 20
century. We can get some interesting results 
through statistical analyses for this group of manaschis according to their different 
appearances. But before carrying out our analyses, it is better to introduce some rep-
resentative famous manaschis appeared in Akchi county in previous century.
The fi rst one, Jusupakun Apay, was born in the end of 19
century in Karachi 
town Akchi village, but we have not yet get the exact document when he dead. 
His father use to be the Bi(head of a tribe ) of Sategul tribe Qerik clan of Kirghiz, 
and this tribe branch is the biggest of the area. Because of this, he had the condi-
tion and opportunity travelling around some cities, such as Kashgar in Xinjiang 
and even to Narun and Atbashi in Kyrghyzstan. He learned the epic from differ-
ent manaschis in different area. For example, he used to stay with great manaschi 
Tenibek Japiy(Musaev,1985: 121) in Narun Kygyzstan for a few years for learn-
ing Manas when he was young, and the later used to be a very famous, legendary 
20 Manaschi: The professional bard of epic Manas. Originally, they were known as jomokchu , 
which is from the Kirghiz jomok ,traditional epic or heroic tale. In Kirghiz fairy tale is called dzö-

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