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  1. Etimadi Far, Zahra, (1395), Physiology of Prokaryotes (Structure and Metabolism), Isfahan University, Isfahan University Press, Iran.

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  3. Bahader, Abbas, (1395), Microbology Chautz Volume 1, Khosravi Publishing House, Heydari Publishing House, Tehran, Iran.

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  5. Zarini, Gholamreza, (1397), Microbiology Barak Volume 1, Antarhat Khana Ziztosnosti, Tehran, Iran.

  6. Kermanshahi, Ruhaksari, (1389), Biology, Cellular and Molecular Structure of Bacteria, Volume I, Daneshgah Isfahan, Daneshgah Printing House, Isfahan, Iran.

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Mukhlis Hujatullah
Afghanistan, Zabul University

Nervous system is one of the controlling system of human body which controls body movements, metabolism any other things which are important to survive. As other systems nervous system consists cells and tissues. The single unit of nervous system is called neuron which is existed in whole body despite central nervous system. Neuron is the structural and functional unit of nervous system. Neuron has strong ability for Excitability. The special function of a neuron is impulse production, conduction, transportation of nerve impulse to muscular roots, glands and other neurons. Electro-chemical changes that occurs when a cell is excited is called action potential.

Almost in all cells inside or outside the body action potential is existed. In order to a nerve cell transmit impulse, a quick change from negative resting action potential to positive action potential and back to negative resting action potential is needed. The gap between neurons is called synapse. A chemical materials which is produced by presynaptic neuron is called neurotransmitter. This chemicals are taken by the receptors of postsynaptic neuron or other cells in the result excites or inhibits them. Electronic nerve impulses are very fast as a compare to chemical nerve impulses. In nervous system information are sent by process of action potential and it is its self a nerve impulse.
Nervous system: Nervous system is one of the controlling system of human body which controls body movements, metabolism any other things which are important to survive.
Neuron: The single unit of nervous system is called neuron which is existed in whole body despite central nervous system. Neuron is the structural and functional unit of nervous system.
Neurotransmitters: A chemical materials which is produced by presynaptic neuron is called neurotransmitter. This chemicals are taken by the receptors of postsynaptic neuron or other cells in the result excites or inhibits them.
Action Potential: Electrochemical changes that occur during cell stimulation are called action potentials.
Nerve Impulse: In nervous system information are sent by process of action potential and it is its self a nerve impulse.
Objectives of the Research:

  • To develop my talent in research, review of some essential information about Neurotransmitters, controlling of human body by production and transmission of nerve impulse.

  • Understanding the production and mechanism of action of nerve impulses.

  • Getting of new information about the production and transmission of neurotransmitters and nerve signals.

  • Preparing of new information related to the subject and understanding the subject easily. About how to the brain work, the first research could not be found in medicine and anatomy.

In fact the followers of philosophy before birth have different ideas about this. Of these Aristotle(633-680) over the years, both soul and feeling have been called intimately connected. At the beginning of the 6th century, a philosopher named Alcamen gave this opinion there are holes and channals in the brain. Later another physicist Democrates said, that there are atoms in these holes of this mag, and it causes frequent movements of macules and tissues. Transcriptional transmission phenomenon for the first time, it was presented by Renton Elliot and his colleagues in (630-811) years. They investigated sympathetic nervous system. And they discovered the release of chemicals between neurons.(8, P:415-424).
For the first time the nerve cell was described by various anatomists, Among them, the first scholars were Gabriel Gustav Valentin (1810_1863) and Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (1876_95)
(17). They provided preliminary information about the nerve cell. Valentin was the first scientist to describe the nucleus and nucleus of a nerve cell in 1836. Also, Gabriel Valemtin showed some parts of nerve cell like protoplasm, nucleus, nucleus and axon by drawing(10, P: 2).
Aziz Gul Himat, a student of Kandahar University, also wrote a monograph in 0666 AH under the title "Transmission of signals by nerve cells". In his monograph, he provided the following information on the subject: That the nervous system is called the system that controls all the activities of living organisms. Therefore, the neuron is an important part of the nervous system. The structure and function of the nervous system is considered a unit.
A neuron has a structure in which it has a special part for the transmission of a message and a special mechanism for message delivery, analysis and analysis. Nerve cells receive signals from the environment in the form of action potentials and transfer them from one part to another in the form of a signal. There is a connection between two neurons that plays an important role in signal transmission, a connection called a chemical synapse. A neurotransmitter is a type of chemical substance that plays an important role in signal transmission. The second type of connection, called an electrical connection, is a connection that rapidly transmits signals between two neurons. Most of the cells in the human body have chemical connections that signal The transfer is effective. Before a nerve cell sends a signal, the following steps occur(3, P: 60)

  1. Initially, the nerve cell is at peripheral resting potential, the inner part is negative relative to the outer part.

  2. When the cell is stimulated, an action potential is transmitted inside the cell as a signal, the potential screen changes from negative to positive.

  3. An action potential results in calcium entering the synaptic terminal across the axon.

  4. Synaptic tubules release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.

  5. Neurotransmitters bind to postsynaptic receptors, and transmit action potentials to the second neuron.

Also in the synaptic cleft there is an enzyme that helps in the breakdown and inactivation of the neurotransmitter, called Esterase.
A study entitled Neural impulse was also conducted by Lenin D. Ochoa-delapaz in 310 and published through Research Gate. At present, it is better known that the nervous system is made up of neurons and glial cells (which means brain in Latin). There is one glial cell for every ten neurons and it makes up half of the nervous system.
Glial cells provide nutrition to neurons, remove excess substances and defend against microbes. Glial cells form a kind of scaffolding for neurons. Single neurons are located in tissues called nerves which form nerve bundles and are surrounded by connective tissue. Optical waves are transmitted from one part of the network to another part and are absorbed in all parts of the body in the central and peripheral nervous system. Especially as glial cells, neurons must perform metabolic functions, participate in the exchange of substances, neurons have the same genes, They have the same biochemical mechanisms and the same organelles as other cells. However, the fact that neurons have the ability to transmit signals distinguishes them from other cells. The ability of neurons to process information depends on their cell membrane. A nerve impulse is generated from a series of action potentials. In order to understand the transmission of the neuronal signal, it is necessary to know the electrical stimulation or action potential of the neuron. Action potential is the relationship between the polarization and depolarization of the inside and outside of a nerve cell and has the following types(10, P: 2).
Action potential at rest: At this time, the membrane potential is 70 mv-. Sodium and potassium channels are ready to transport ions. Similarly, an action potential has the following four stages: First: Threshold potential: Positive ions enter the negatively charged cell and change the polarity of the cell. The cell charge increases from 70 mv- to 50 mv-. When the cell body becomes sufficiently positive, sodium channels in the axon are open and an action potential can be transmitted(9, P: 5).
Second Depolarization; (the cell becomes less polarized) the membrane potential becomes smaller and the ions begin to rapidly equalize the concentration gradient. Proteins called voltage gated sodium channels are activated near the cell body of the axon and allow positively charged sodium ions to enter the axon and depolarize the surrounding axon. This is how action potentials are generated and transmitted(3, P: 6).
Third Repolarization: Brings the cell back to its resting potential. Sodium channels close and prevent positive charges from entering the cell. At the same time, potassium channels open and there is more sodium inside the cell. When these channels open, potassium ions go in and sodium ions are released. The potassium channels remain open a little more to completely flood the sodium ions and the cell returns to its normal state of negative potential(9, P: 5).
Fourth: Hyperpolarization The cell is more negative than normal, as the action potential is released from the potassium channels and remains open for a shorter period of time. In order for all the positive ions to leave the cell, this means that the cell becomes temporarily more negative and then the sodium-potassium pump sets its resting potential(9, P: 6).
The nerve impulse is derived from the action potential, which travels along the axon to reach the synaptic terminal. In this situation, the nervous system produces chemicals called neurotransmitters. which is produced by the pre-synaptic neuron And it acts on post-synaptic neurons that have specific receptors. As a result, depolarization occurs and if it reaches the threshold, it transmits a nerve impulse
This study, which was conducted under the title (Neurotransmitters and Nerve impulse) in the year 2022, is collecting from more defferent modran Biological and medical books and some important and essential articles. To a great extent, I have tried to gather precise and accurate information related to neurotransmitters, nerve signals and their transmission mechanisms and explain them in a few words.
You know better that the structure of human existence describes the creation and greatness of Allah Almighty. The more we study and research about it, the stronger our belief in Allah is. Human existence is made up of eleven systems. One of them is the nervous system. The nervous system is responsible for controlling the entire body's systems, so it is called the most important system. The nervous system, like other systems, consists of tissues and cells. The functional unit of the nervous system is called a neuron. Neurons are distributed throughout the body and transmit messages and information from the external and internal environment to the central nervous system.
Similarly, it receives the response from the central nervous system and transfers it to the functioning organs, which are muscles and glands. As neurons transmit information to the nervous system and alert us to danger, it is important to understand how this information is transmitted. In this article, we will learn And what are the factors that cause problems in sending the message what is a neurotransmitter? How is neural competition transmitted? What kind of chemicals play What is the effect of different an important role in expressing what kind of emotions and feelings? drugs on the transmission of nerve impulses?
The aim of the study is to find accurate and updated information about the transmission of Also, the purpose of this research is to show one's skills and to work in the nerve impulses. research field, to collect information, to analyze and to become familiar with the art of translation. First, I started studying popular medical books and articles after getting a general understanding The need for research was to get accurate information about the mechanism of of the subject. Inshallah, this article will attract the attention of the readers to a action of the nervous system. large extent and will increase their investment in information.
At In this article, neurotransmitter, nerve agent and their mechanism of action are discussed. the end, the results of the research are written, which will be interesting to the readers and they
will increase their knowledge about the transfer of nerve fluid.
The human brain is made up of approximately 83 billion cells. These billions of cells commu- nicate with each other through chemical messages at synapses. These chemical messages between cells are special chemical molecules called neurotransmitters and the process of transmission is called neurotransmission.
Neurotransmitters are the language of communication between the nervous system. Neuro- transmitters play an important role in brain function. If there is an obstacle in the functions of neurotransmitters, it causes brain disorders. Therefore, the detailed study and identification of these materials is difficult. Neurotransmitters are found in very low concentrations in the nervous system and are found in combination with other minerals, so it is difficult to identify them. Identifying neurotransmitters is still a difficult task and research is ongoing. Identification and study of neurotransmitters is essential for studying brain and diagnosing neurological diseases.
There are more than 011 neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are generally classified as Purines,
Neuropeptides, Monoamines and Gas transmitters(4, P: 13- 18).

Images. App. goo.gl

There are different types of neurotransmitters, which each of has an important role. Their names are as follows: Acetylcholine, Dopamine (DA), Glutamate (GLU), Serotonin, Glycine, LAsPartate, Norepinephrine and Epinephrine, Gama-Amino butyric Acid (GABA), Histamine,

Neuromodolator. ( 9, P:3-6 ), (9, P: 6). The Nerve Impulse
The result of an electrical current is exactly the same as an electrical current produced in muscle tissue. A neuron can transmit a signal when it is in a state of polarization, which means
that sodium ions are more on the outside of the cell and potassium ions and other negative ions are more on the inside of the cell. A neuron cell has positive charges on the outside and negative charges on the inside.
A substance such as a neurotransmitter must make the cell membrane more permeable so that
+Na ions can enter the cell. This action causes depolarization. It means that sodium ions are more on the surface of the cell and potassium ions and other negative ions are more on the inside of the cell. A neuron cell has positive charges on the outside and negative charges on the inside. A substance such as a neurotransmitter must make the cell membrane more permeable so that +Na ions can enter the cell. This action causes depolarization or depolarization, which is a change in the currents of the cell membrane. Now there is a negative charge on the outside of the cell and a positive charge on the inside. As soon as depolarization occurs, the neuronal membrane becomes more permeable to K+ ions. which is released outside the cell.
The restoration of positive charges outside and negative charges inside is called repolarization. The term action potential is also called the sequence between depolarization and repolarization. In the end, the sodium and potassium pumps return +Na ions to the outer part of the cell and K+ ions to the inner part. At this time, the neuron is ready to transmit another signal and respond to another stimulus. The transmission of electrical impulses is very fast, the presence of the covering Myelin Sheet allows even more speed for the transmission of nerve impulses, because only the nodes of Ranvier are depolarized and this is called salutary conduction. Most of our neurons are capable of transmitting nerve signals at meters per second. Suppose a man has a height of 3 feet or 3 meters, if he presses his big toe, At this time, the sensory fluid reaches the brain in less than a second. (passing through only a few synapses along the way). You can imagine how quickly all parts of the body are connected to the brain and why it is one of the most important regulatory systems. At the synapses, the electrical neuronal fluid is converted into a chemical fluid that is related to the release of neurotransmitters. However, diffusion around a synapse is very slow, and synapses are very small, so neuronal competition does not affect the speed of transmission(3, P: 10).

Images. App. goo.gl

We know that the nervous system is a controlling system of all parts of living organisms. Neuron is the functional and structural unit of this system. The nervous system is made up of nerve tissue and the nervous tissue is made up of nerve cells that differ in shape and function from other Neurons have the ability to receive and transmit impulses. A neuron consists of cells in the body. special structures that include the neuron, the nucleus, and the cell body.

A neuron receives nerve impulses through the afferents and transmits them to the neighboring cell through the axon. A neuron is only capable of transmitting a signal in one direction. The point of connection between one neuron and another neuron or between a neuron and a muscle cell is called a synapse. Synapse has its own special parts, which include presynaptic area, post synaptic area and synaptic cleft. A neuron cell in a normal condition has more negative potassium ions inside, so the charge inside the cell is negative, and there are more positive sodium ions in the outer environment of the cell, which is why the charge inside the cell is positive When a neuron is
stimulated, sodium ions enter the cell and potassium ions are released from the cell through its special channels, which is called depolarization. And in this case, a neuron is stimulated to transmit a nerve signal. At this time, a special neurotransmitter is released from the presynaptic area And the post-synaptic neuron is taken by special membrane receptors and it stimulates another neuron until it reaches the target area or the central nervous system. When a nerve cell transmits a signal, it returns to its normal state, sodium ions are released and potassium ions come out of the cell, which makes the charge of the cell negative and the cell is ready to transmit another signal.
Remember that all these activities happen in a very short time, in ten thousandths of a second. When the cell is in a normal state, this state is called resting potential. When it becomes depolarized, i.e. the internal and external charges change, this state is called depolarization, and when it returns to its normal state, it is called repolarization. The change of charge from the membrane of a neuron cell is called action potential. Neurotransmitters are small molecular chemical compounds that are released by the pre-synaptic neuron in the synapse to stimulate the cell's inhibition. Movement, expression of emotions, mood swings, emotions and other related actions occur in a living organism with the release of different types of these molecules. There are some drugs that act on the existence of these neurotransmitters, while others prevent the release of neurotransmitters. So, for this reason, more attention should be paid and avoid taking medicine on your own.

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