Бағалаудың нәтижесі: Бұл бағалауда топ мүшелері жылдам әрі дұрыс жауап береді.
Қалыптастырушы бағалаудың тәсілдері көп. Бірақ барлығын тиімді деп айта алмаймыз.
Жұмысымыздың басты мақсаты қалыптастырушы бағалаудың тиімді жолын табу. Оқушылар
күнделікті бағаланбайды, осыған орай көпшілікте білім сапасы төмендейді деген ой
қалыптасып жатыр. Оқушылардың көбі баға үшін оқиды деген тұжырым өкінішке орай рас.
Біздің ойымызша, критериалды бағалау арқылы біз баға үшін оқу деген тұжырымды
жоя аламыз. Оқушылар күнделікті бағаланбайтының білсе де, мұғалім алдында жауап беруге
дайындалады. Сабақ барысында өздігінен жұмыс жасауға, топпен жұмыс істеуге
дағдыланады. Сыныптастарының пікірін тыңдап, өз көзқарастарын білдіре алады.
Қалыптастырушы бағалауды қолдану арқылы мұғалім мен білім алушы арасындағы кері
байланыс жүзеге асады. Осының нәтижесінде білім алушы өзін бақылап, өзінің әрекет-
тәсілдерін таңдайды, нәтижелерін өзі бағалайды, оны мұғалім жалғастырады. Осылайша бала
мақсат қоя білу, күтілетін нәтижені жоспарлау, оны бағалау тәжірибесін жинақтау арқылы
өзінің түйінді құзіреттіліктерін қалыптастырады. Кері байланыстың қай түрі болмасын, нені
жақсы орындағанын белгілеп отыруы, қателіктер болған жағдайда мұғалім оқушының
жұмысын жақсартуға байланысты нақты ұсыныстар беруі керек. Тоқсан ауыз сөздің
тобықтай бір түйіні демекші, критериалды оқыту – білімді ұрпақ тудыру, ал білімді ұрпақ –
елдің ертеңі болмақ.
Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер:
1 Көкіжанова Г.К. Оқушылардың оқу жетістіктерін бағалау білім сапасын басқарудағы негізгі критерий.
–Алматы, 2009.
2 Мұғалімге арналған нұсқаулық. Үшінші деңгей. – Астана: «Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептері» ДББҰ
Педагогикалық шеберлік орталығы
ӘОЖ 37.013:821.723.139
Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті
Нұр-Сұлтан, Қазақстан
Аннотация:мақалада пәндік-тілдік кіріктірілген оқыту оқытудың табысты
әдістерінің біріекендігі, оқуды бірден екі пәнді біріктіруге мүмкіндік беретіндігі, олардың
бірі шет тілі болып табылатындығы қарастырылады. Әрбір тарихи дәуірде педагогикалық
жүйе елеулі өзгерістерді бастан кешуде. Әлемдік тәжірибе экономиканың өсуімен елдің
білім беру жүйесі әрбір он жыл сайын орташа есеппен реформаларға ұшырайтынын
куәландырады. Бұл ретте қоғам дамуының барлық кезеңдерінде білім алушыларды сапалы
даярлауға ерекше назар аудару керек, ол жаңа стратегиялар мен педагогикалық
технологияларды талап етеді. Қазіргі таңда жалпы орта білім берудің мақсаттары
өзгерді, интеграцияланған білім беру жүйесі арқылы пәндерді оқытуда жаңа оқу
жоспарлары мен жаңа тәсілдер әзірленуде, ал білім беруді жаңарту оқытудың дәстүрлі
емес әдістері мен формаларын пайдалануды талап етеді. Сондықтан да жаңаша білім беру
технологиялары пайда болып жатыр және осындай технологиялардың бірі CLIL (Content
and Language Integrated Learning) деп аталатын пәндік-тілдік кіріктірілген оқыту болып
Тірек сөздер:Пәндік-тілдік кіріктірілген оқыту,шет тілі, әдіс, пәндер, оқушылар.
Today the Republic of Kazakhstan is carrying out large-scale measures to modernize the
education system, including secondary education. One of the main objectives of the state program
of education and science of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019 is to update
the content of secondary education, which requires the development and implementation of
programs for the development of the education system, providing a step-by-step transition to a
competence-oriented model of education. One such program is the «road map for the development
of trilingual education». Resolution of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 31
December 2013 №1559on approving the state program of education development of the Republic
of Kazakhstan for 2015-2020 years, one of the main directions of which is development of teaching
aids for integrated teaching subject and language. It is a question of integrated studying of subjects
«Informatics», «Physics», «Chemistry», «Biology»and Englishlanguage.
The idea of applying the principle of content and language integrated learning arose as a result
of increasing the requirements for the level of qualification in the limited time allotted for the study
of a foreign language. This approach allows you to teach two subjects. In addition, there can be a
title in or out of any language. The integrated teaching methodology, like all didactics, is currently
experiencing a difficult phase. The objectives of general secondary education have changed, new
curricula and new approaches to teaching subjects through an integrated education system are being
developed, and the renewal of education requires the use of non-traditional methods and forms of
education. Therefore, there are new educational technologies is content language integrated learning
The term Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) was adopted in 1994 (Marash,
Maljers & Hartiala, 2001) within the European context to describe and further design good practice
as achieved in different types of school environment where teaching and learning take place in an
additional language. CLIL is a dual-focused educational approach in which an additional language
is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language. That is, in the teaching and
learning process, there is a focus not only on content, but also on language [1, 32 p].
The positive effect of the introduction of CLIL technologies in European educational systems
is confirmed by numerous studies. According to Eurydice, a research organization established by
the European Commission in 1986 to study European education policy and education, CLIL is part
of the education system of most European Union countries and in the process of its use, the
effectiveness of language learning has increased significantly [2, 124 p].
According to D.Wolff, during the discussion of the problems of European education, in the
last decade the CLIL methodology has been one of the priorities [3, 12p]. The main reason for the
attention of this issue is that the European Commission recommends that every citizen of the
European Union (EU) speak two languages other than their native language.
Firstly, the term refers to the process in which academic subjects or parts of them are taught in
a foreign language. To achieve the ultimate goals of the educational process, two goals are set: the
study of the subject and the simultaneous study of a foreign language. David Marsh has been
conducting his research for several years, developed a methodology of educational language
integration by 2001 and described it as follows: CLIL considers the study of a foreign language as a
means of teaching other discipline. The technique forms the student’s need for learning, and this, in
turn, will allow him to rethink and develop his abilities, including in his native language. The
modern methodology of education gives the following definition: it is a didactic technique that
allows to form linguistic and communicative competence in a heterogeneous language in an
educational context, which is the formation and development of students general knowledge and
skills. On the basis of this technique, planning training sessions, it is necessary to consider the
following mandatory components 4C: content, communication, cognition, culture [4, 31 p].
First of all we will discuss the content stage. The teacher should stimulate the process of
acquiring new knowledge and skills in the studied discipline.
In communication stage teacher should encourage children to make full use of the studied
means of a foreign language to obtain new knowledge, skills.
Cognition is a thinking. The teacher seeks to maximize the development of students’ thinking
for a better understanding of the language and subject being studied. Achieving this goal-task for
the development of analytical and critical thinking, comparison, forecasting, main, etc.
Culture – knowledge of cultural studies. Understanding the characteristics, similarities and
differences of modern world cultures will help students quickly adapt to the cultural space,
understand their native culture and strive for its preservation and development [5, 83 p].
CLIL can be seen as an educational approach, which supports linguistic diversity, and a
powerful tool that can have a strong impact on language learning in the future.
CLIL is an innovative approach to learning, a dynamic and motivating force with holistic
features. It constitutes an attempt to overcome the restraints of traditional school curricula, i.e. the
teaching of individual subjects, and represents a shift towards curricular integration.
CLIL may be implemented in a variety of ways and in very different situations as it
encompasses many different forms of teaching. CLIL can refer to the whole year instruction of one
or more subjects – such as biology, history or maths – or the teaching of a module on a specific
topic, or as part of a regular course (e.g. the French Revolution or air pollution).
CLIL aims to create an improvement in the second language competence and development of
knowledge and skills in the other non-language areas. In order for this to occur, it is necessary to
create adequate conditions both from the point of view of organisation and teaching. When CLIL is
introduced, some rearrangement of content, language or timing may be necessary [6, 78 p].
Researchers encourage experimentation with different content subjects, methodological
approaches and with learners of different ages. The implementation of CLIL also varies according
to the different school systems.
Types of schools: Due to its practical nature and flexibility, CLIL can be incorporated in
different types of schools: both state and private. The diversity of approaches can be observed
through a variety of modalities. With regard to the age of learners, experiences range from
kindergarten to secondary level of education. CLIL can be used for certain time periods, as tasks
within the overall school curriculum and educational framework or implemented as optional
subjects in secondary schools. Subjects, modules and projects can all be taught through CLIL.
CLIL may be beneficial for all parties involved in implementation: schools, teachers, learners,
and parents.
Advantages for the school:
- CLIL implementation within the school curriculum will raise the profile of foreign language
learning throughout the school. It can also support the school’s development and make it more
responsive to local needs.
- Moreover, invaluable experiences have been gleaned in subjects with a vocational
orientation such as nursing, health care, home economics, woodwork and metalwork.
CLIL is not related to one specific methodology. However, CLIL requires active methods, co-
operative classroom management, and emphasis on all types of communication (linguistic, visual
and kinaesthetic). Taking into account the experiences of CLIL in different countries, some
common methodological features can be found that appear to be linked to learning achievements.
Input on subjects becomes more concrete and visual in CLIL. In many experiences teachers
and students emphasise the importance of visual and multimedia support to overcome problems
caused by special languages. Moreover, new meanings and notions are built through interaction and
dialogic structures, which help conceptual entrenchment. In primary school, it is very important to
give children opportunities to promote holistic ways of learning and to learn from practical, hands-
on experiences.
a) Students appreciate the chance to use the foreign language for authentic communication
and to be allowed to focus on meaning and interaction rather than on structures and mistakes.
b) Code switching is a natural communication strategy, and teachers should allow it,
particularly in the first stages of CLIL. That does notmean that teachers should use translation to
solve every difficulty and misunderstanding. Other communication strategies should be used, such
as reformulation, simplification and exemplification, leading to translation only as a last resort.
c) Structural and lexical features of special languages should be analysed by CLIL teachers, in
co-operation with language teachers. This way, difficulties related to technical aspects of the L2
(Level 2) can be anticipated and dealt with.
d) In any school where CLIL is implemented, even for short units, formal language teaching
should be planned, taking into account the type of competence students have already acquired or are
acquiring in CLIL. It should be stressed that the language teacher is mainly responsible for
grammatical and lexical accuracy [6, 81 p].
In CLIL there is a strong link between linguistic skills and subject specific skills. In some
subjects and for some learners it is important to develop the skill to read and write general and
technical texts from the very beginning. In other subjects, listening comprehension is crucial,
because learners are involved in activities that require a good understanding of instructions:
physical education, design technology, and chemistry are good examples.
Wherever possible, the progression from L2oral comprehension to speaking, to reading and
writing should be followed. In primary school, most of the time in CLIL will be devoted to oral
interactive work.
In secondary school, reading comprehension is a main skill to acquire using different
strategies (in-depth reading, for example). After the age of 10-12, learners often find it easier to
refer to written material as well as to the teacher’s oral input. However, reading comprehension of a
subject text can be very difficult and time-consuming for a learner who has partial competence in
the foreign language and limited knowledge of the topic. For learners, reading could be a skill still
to be fully developed in the mother tongue.
In determining the main nature of the CLIL methodological approach in each country of
Europe, five main aspects are identified, which include the cultural, social and linguistic
environment and are aimed at solving the following subject and educational problems [7]:
1. Cultural aspect
-the study and understanding of the culture of other countries;
- the development of intercultural communication skills;
- the study of the characteristics of neighboring countries, regions and national minorities;
- a broad understanding of cultural relations.
2. The social aspect
- the willingness to integrate;
- the possibility of passing the exam for a certificate of international standard;
- improving the level of education in the school program.
3. Language aspect-increasing the General level of language competence;
- development of communication skills;
- deep understanding of a foreign language, both native and foreign language;
- development of interest in a foreign language, both native and foreign languages.;
4. Subject aspect
-the possibility of comprehensive study of the subject;
- access to special subject terminology through a foreign language;
- preparation for further training or work.
5. Aspect of training
-possibility of application of various training strategies;
- use of various ways and forms of work of a class;
- increase of motivation of trained.
Each of the five aspects is implemented depending on the age of the students, the
sociolinguistic environment and the degree of proficiency in CLIL.
Using the new educational approach (CLIL technology) not only revitalizes and diversifies
the educational process, but also opens up great opportunities for expanding the educational
frameworks, and undoubtedly, bears a huge motivational potential.
CLIL allows students to broaden their general horizons and helps to expand language
knowledge. The student passes through a fairly large amount of language material (reading and
listening to thematic texts, participating in discussion). Also,the CLIL assumes the need for the
development of mental students’ abilities, their learning to use foreign funds language to gain
knowledge on subjects and further professional growths.
1 Marash, D., Maljers, A. & Hartiala, A-K. (2001). Profiling European CLIL Classrooms, Jyvaskyla:
University of Jyvaskyla.
2 Novotná J. Teacher training for CLIL – Competences of a CLIL teacher. – In: M. Hejný and J. Novotná
(Eds.) / Novotná J., Hadj-Moussová Z., Hofmannová M. // Proceedings of SEMT 01. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v
Praze, Pedagogická fakulta. – 2001. – P. 122-126.
3 Wolff, D. Bilingualer Sachfachunterricht in Europa [Electronic resource] : Versuch eines systematischen
Uberblicks (Content and Language Integrated Learning in Europe. An attempt at a systematic overview) / D. Wolff. —
Mode of access: http://anglistik.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_ upload/dep_anglist /ARAL _2011 _CLIL _article.pdf
4 Marsh, D. Content and Language Integrated Learning: The European Dimension – Actions, Trends and
Foresight Potential / D. Marsh. – OUP, 2002. – 204 p.
5 Coyle, Do, Hood, Philip, Marsh, David. CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning. – Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. - 2010. - 173 р.
6 Maria Pavesi, Daniela Bertocchi, Marie Hofmannová, Monika Kazianka. -Teaching through a foreign
language. – 102 p.
ӘОЖ 371.121 (5к)
Ш.Уәлиханов атындағы Көкшетау мемлекеттік университеті
Көкшетау, Қазақстан
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