Греч. слово
рarallelos означает параллельный, оно уже использовалось в знаменитой школе
Пифагора, – образовано от слов para – рядом и allelоs – идущий. По-гречески gramma –
черта, линия, поэтому четырёхсторонняя фигура, с противоположных сторон ограниченная
параллельными линиями, называется параллелограммом.
Слово «линия» происходит от лат. слова linea, которое в свою очередь,
возможно, происходит от лат. cлова linum – лён, нить, шнур, верёвка, полотно. Выражение
«прямая линия» в своё время могло означать распрямлённый лён, который «трепали» в
процессе изготовления пряжи и получения волокна.
Фигура эллипс также имеет свою историю. Этот «сплюснутый» круг является одной
из трёх родственных геометрический фигур, изучением которых занимался
древнегреческий геометр Апполоний Пергский (3 век до н.э.). Эта фигура представляет
собой как бы два меньшие по площади круга, соединённые вместе, в результате чего каждая
«утратила» по сегменту и стала «неполной». По-гречески недостаток, изъян – elleipsis,
поэтому Апполоний назвал такой деформированный круг эллипсом.
Трапеция - происходит от латинского слова «трапезиум» -столик.От этого же слова
происходит наше слово
« трапеза», означающее стол.
Конус – это латинская форма греческого слова «конос», что означает сосновую
Корень – (квадратный или корень уравнения) пришло от арабов. Арабские ученые
представляли себе квадрат числа, вырастающий из корня – как растение, и потому называли
Призма – латинская форма греческого слова «присма» - опиленная (имелось в виду
опиленное бревно
Вот ещё пример математического слова: «цифра». Оно арабского происхождения. А
возникло это слово так. Индийские математики, придумавшие (в 4 в.) позиционную
десятичную нумерацию, поняли (в 9 в.), что нужен специальный знак для обозначения
отсутствия какого-нибудь разряда в записи числа. Такой знак они назвали «сунья», что
означает «пустой». Арабы перевели это слово на свой язык, и получилось слово «сифр». Из
арабского языка это слово перешло (в средние века) в европейские языки, превратившись в
«цифру». Итак, сначала слово «цифра» означало «нуль». Начиная с 15 в. этим словом стали
называть все числовые знаки (а для нуля появилось слово «зеро», которое вошло в
несколько европейских языков, например, в английский и французский). В русском языке
слово «цифра» превратилось в слово «шифр». В таком виде оно пришло в русский язык, но
уже с другим значением: условная азбука для секретного письма. Родство слов «цифра» и
«шифр» остаётся и в русском языке, ведь для шифров как раз удобно применять цифры.
В связи с ограниченностью во времени, я не могу рассказать об этимологии всех
исследованных мной математических терминов, поэтому ограничимся лишь несколькими
примерами из моей проделанной работы.
В ходе работы я обнаружила, что:
Математика - это феномен общемировой культуры, в ней отражена история развития
человеческой мысли. Разрушая математику, математическое образование, мы разрушаем
общечеловеческую культуру, уничтожаем историю человечества. Наука только тогда
достигает совершенства, когда она начинает пользоваться математикой" - утверждал
всемирно известный политик и философ Маркс.Никогда ещё математика не была настолько
всеобъемлющей и такой нужной людям наукой, как сегодня. О том, какой будет математика
завтра, говорить трудно. Она развивается сейчас так стремительно, так часто делаются в
ней новые открытия, что гадать о том, что будет, пожалуй, бесполезно. Одно можно сказать
наверняка: завтра математика станет ещё могущественнее, ещё важнее и нужнее людям,
чем сегодня.
Любите математику, ведь математика это язык, на котором написана книга природы!
Список литературы
1. Лопатников Л. И. Экономико-математический словарь: Словарь современной
экономической науки.
2. И.Я. Депман. История арифметики.
3. Учебники школьного курса
3/5 - СЕКЦИЯ
УДК 371
A.T. Khamitzhanova
Suleyman Demirel University
Multilingualism as a part of the life in stable development and globalization are widely
spread and found as the main factor of development. This paper about the curriculum of
multilingual education that practiced in Kazakhstan. Schools are classified and their curriculum
are generally described.
Көптілділік ө қарқынды даму және глоболизацияның негізгі көрсеткіші. Бұл
мақалада Қазақстан Республикасында көп тілді білім беру жүйесін қарсатырып және оның
білім беру саясатын сипаттамасы талқыланады.
Key words: multilingual education, curriculum, education, trinity of language.
Entirely people speak in order to communicate with other society and it makes a need to
learn other languages. Till the end of last century speakers of several languages are perceived as
lower class. However, knowing several languages is becoming more popular even in governmental
level. Multilingual schools are opening all over the world. There are several main causes of
popularization of multilingualism. One of them is globalization that closely related to the linguistic
situation in our country, Republic of Kazakhstan.
As the president of said every Kazakhstani people must speak in three languages: Kazakh
as a state language and Russian as a language of international communication; and in order to
successful integration into global economics people also should learn English as a global
This aim can be achieved by the integration those languages into social life of the
community. And the government started to implement learning three languages from educational
system. Now we can see the development of multilingual education in Kazakhstan. But we should
take into consideration the fact of multi ethnic Kazakhstani society where minority groups are
strongly supported by the government.
From the ancient times there are lots of nationalities living in the territory of Kazakhstan.
Nowadays there are more than 130 nationalities are living in Kazakhstan, most of them big
diasporas such as Russian, Uzbek, Tatar, Uygur,
etc. as in any multiethnic community there are
lots of minority languages.
From the period oа the USSR there have been huge amount of multilingual schools which
contained education in two or three language, till 1999 bilingual and multilingual education are
subsumed under the term bilingual education. However, UNESCO adopted the term ‘multilingual
education’ in 1999 in the General Conference Resolution 12 to refer to the use of at least three
languages, the mother tongue, a regional or national language and an international language in
education. Also in this conference the rights of minority and indigenous language have been
framed in international agreements for minority and indigenous groups include the following:
_schooling in their languages, if so desired;
_access to the language of the larger community and to that of national education systems;
_inter-cultural education that promotes positive attitudes to minority and indigenous
languages and the cultures they express;
_access to international languages.
The educational rights that have been formulated in international agreements for migrant
workers and members of their families provide:
_that the integration of their children should be facilitated by teaching the language in use
in the school system;
_that opportunities should be created for teaching children their own language and culture.
Kazakhstan as a member of UNESCO also observes rights of minority. There are
multilingual, bilingual and international schools for minority group.
There are two types of minority schools fully in minority language, and partly which works
as Kazakh state schools.
There is a program of language development 2007-2010 where the development and
standardization of national language and keep other ethnos’ languages are the main aim of the
program. Learning Kazakh as a national language in order to keep national identity and give
traditional education for the new generation for developing sense of national identity and
belonging to one unique society and at the same time to be tolerant to other nations and groups are
the main goal of this program. Also learning current lingua franca as the main tool of develop
technology and science.
Now trilingual education with three medium languages is practiced. There are several
types of school that practice multilingual education:
International Schools such as “Almaty International School” and “Miras
International Schools, Almaty”;
Kazakh-Turkish High Schools
Specialized schools for gifted youngsters with trilingual education by “
Scientific and Practical Center Daryn”
Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools
Let’s first start from International Schools. In this paper “Almaty International School” is
described. The main difference between other schools from the list below is curriculum in general.
Majority of student of the school come from other countries and instruction are in English,
language classes are offered in Russian, French and Spain. For Kazakhstani citizens Kazakh
language instruction are required. The curriculum is similar
to that of U.S. public and private
Curriculum of Kazakh-Turkish High schools are also unique the main case of that is
instruction in four languages. Whole science subjects are taught in English, social subjects are
taught in Kazakh, Turkish and Russian languages are taught as language courses. In general the
curriculum is similar to Kazakhstani educational system.
By the new dimension in languages from 2007 Ministry of Culture offered trilingual
education where Kazakh, Russian and English were as a medium of instruction. For this program
more than 30 state schools are chosen. There are pilot groups where some subjects are taught in
English, it is varied depends on the school; the main course are in L1 depending on the schools
Kazakh or Russian and some subjects are in L2. In order to clarify let’s give example of #8
gymnasium where medium of instruction is Russian. There is only Geography is taught in English,
Kazakh language and literature and History of Kazakhstan in Kazakh language.
In Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools trilingual education is practiced by their own system.
Subjects are taught in three languages: Kazakh language: History of Kazakhstan, Geography,
Introduction to Law, Kazakhstan in the Modern World. Russian language: History of the World,
Informatics(1-10), Physical Education, English language: Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology,
Physics, Economics, Informatics (11-12), Global perspectives and researches.
“Scientific subjects are taught in English in order to give students opportunity to participate
in world range competitions. That is why we want to make students learn those subjects in English
and try to develop Kazakh language by learning humanitarian subjects such as law which is very
important for young generation as a builders of new developed Kazakhstan” said one of the
teachers of Daryn schools. In conclusion the objective of multilingual curriculum of all schools is
shown by the word of one teacher.
All these schools have one core curriculum given by Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan.
However every school built unique system and show best results of education by their graduators.
It might be the result of multilingual education that the main similarity of these schools.
N. Nazarbayev “Kazakhstan in a new world”
General Conference Resolution 12.: Implementation of a Language Policy for the World Based
on Multilingualism (1999). UNESCO.
Қазақстан Республикасында тілдерді дамыту мен қолданудың 2011 - 2020 жылдарға
арналған мемлекеттік бағдарламасы (pp15-18)
Web site of Quality International Schools
Trilingual Education in Nis , http://nis.edu.kz/ru/programs/trilingualism/
УДК 81ʼ0
Дана Мамбеталина
Университет имени Сулеймана Демиреля
Including Intercultural dimension (ICC) in language learning has become an integrals part
of modern language teaching approaches. As we live in so much globalized and multicultural
world it is essential to prepare learners for intercultural communication with people from different
cultures. This in turn needs adaptation and re-orientation of English teaching methods and
practices, especially for countries where English is taught as the foreign of second language
(EFL/ESL). Thus, the main objective of ELT should now focus on the development of learners’
intercultural communicative competence rather than only on linguistic competence. This paper
reports and analyzes different ICC models and aims developing a model for adaptation and
preparation of supplementary intercultural activities for an intermediate ELT course based on the
major ICC frameworks.
Key words: Intercultural communicative competence, ICC models, model for adaptation and
Внедрение межкультурного измерения в процесс преподавания и изучения
иностранных языков стало интегральной частью современных подходов и методов
преподавания языков. Поскольку мы живем в таком глобализированном и
мультикультурном мире, подготовка учащихся к межкультурной коммуникации с людьми
из разных культур является очень важным аспектом языкового образования. Это, в свою
очередь, требует адаптации и переориентации методов преподавания, особенно для стран,
где английский язык преподается как второй иностранный язык (EFL / ESL). Таким
образом, основной целью обучения английскому языку теперь является развитие
проанализированы различные модели межкультурной коммуникации, а также целью
данной работы является выявить основные принципы МК и на их основе разработать
модель для адаптирования и подготовки дополнительных межкультурных материалов для
промежуточного уровня.
Ключевые слова: межкультурная коммуникативная компетенция, модели
межкультурной коммуникации, модель для адаптирования и подготовки дополнительных
межкультурных материалов
In recent years the concept of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) has become
popular in the field of foreign language teaching and learning. It is recognized as key component
and emphasizes the inseparableness of language and culture. This change led to the transformation
of the language teaching and learning nature to a great extent. The objective of language learning
is no longer limited to the acquisition of communicative competence [1] in a foreign language,
which according to the Council of Europe refers to a person’s ability to act in a foreign language
in linguistically, sociolinguistically and pragmatically appropriate ways [2]. So now it is
commonly accepted that English is the language for intercultural communication and only
linguistic competence is not enough for successful communication with people from different
cultural background.
Moreover, considering the importance of ICC in language teaching and learning
appropriate teaching materials which include cross-cultural elements should be taken into account
as well. As textbooks or course books are considered to be the main resources of foreign language
learning it becomes essential to select teaching materials that reflect different cultures and one’s
own. In order to develop intercultural communicative model of language teaching we first of all
should consider the selection and use of appropriate teaching materials.
Language and culture
Culture is very complex concept to define. Culture is a way of life and it is the context
within which we exist, think, feel and relate to other people. Liddicoat, Papademetre, Scarino and
Kohler [3] define culture as “a complex system of concepts, attitudes, values, beliefs, conventions,
behaviors, practices, rituals and lifestyles of the people who make up a cultural group, as well as
the artifacts they produce and the institutions they create” /p.45/.
Language and culture have a strong relationship: they are inextricably linked.
Recently, culture has become an increasingly important component of English language teaching.
Damon [4] defines culture as “the fifth dimension” of language teaching in addition to other four
language skills.
Intercultural Competence and language learning
Intercultural competence is one of the recent approaches to language learning.
According to this approach linguistic or grammatical competence is no longer the only aim of
language teaching and learning. Even though idea of connecting culture and language is not
completely new, the need for linking culture and language is topical and actual as never: people
travel as they never did before, study abroad, work in foreign companies, meet people from around
the world, make families, friends and so on and so forth. And Intercultural competence is designed
to guide learners/speakers toward becoming successful participants in a linguistically and
culturally diverse society.
Thus, it is important to prepare learners/students to be engaged and involved in a
global community by discovering appropriate ways to interact with people from other cultures [5].
Interculturally competent speakers of a FL possess particular skills, attitudes and knowledge about
a culture along with communicative competence in that language.
If language skills and intercultural competency become linked in a language
classroom, students become optimally prepared for participation in a global, multicultural world.
Intercultural Communicative Competence / Models of ICC
Defining intercultural competence is a complex task. At the heart of intercultural
competence is the preparation of individuals to interact appropriately and effectively with those
from other cultural backgrounds.
The work is mainly based on Byram’s [6] Multidimensional Model of Intercultural
Competence, according to which in order to gain ICC learner should develop several “savoirs” or
attitudes and values, knowledge, skills of interpreting and relating, skills of discovery and
interaction and critical cultural awareness.
According to Byram, when persons from different languages and/or countries interact
socially they bring to the situation their knowledge about their own country and of the others’.
Success of such interaction depends on attitudes which people posses when they establish and
maintain human relationships. At the same time, this two aspects, knowledge and attitude, are
influenced by skills of interpretation, discovery, establishing interaction between cultures. Finally,
all these factors should be integrated in development of the learners’ critical cultural awareness of
all the cultures involved [6]. Byram presents these factors as “savoirs” to be acquired or developed
by the learner:
Figure 1. Byram’s Multidimensional Model of Intercultural Competence,
Byram, M. (1997).
Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence. Bristol, PA: Multilingual Matters Ltd;
Another intercultural model is Bennett’s [7] Developmental Model of Intercultural
Sensitivity (DMIS) which explains how people tend to think and feel about cultural differences and
experience them.
Six stages of this model’s describe how a person sees, thinks about and interprets
things, events, and differences from an intercultural perspective. Also this model considers things
which people do not see or do not want to see
The first three DMIS dimensions are conceptualized as ethnocentric which means
that one’s own culture in some way is regarded and experienced as central. The second three DMIS
orientations are defined as more ethnorelative, meaning that one’s own culture is experienced in
the context of other cultures.
In general, the model presents the internal evolution from “ethnocentrism” to
“ethnorelativism” within the context of intercultural interactions. Bennett posits that in order to
successfully navigate intercultural situations, a person’s worldview must shift from avoiding
cultural difference to seeking cultural difference [8].
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