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(fall) out. I …… (walk)

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы

    Бұл бет үшін навигация:
  • (happen)
(fall) out.

  1. I …… (walk) along the street when I suddenly …… (feel) something hit me in the back. I ………. (no/know) what it was.

  2. We …….. (go) to London yesterday, but on the way we …… (hear) about a bomb scare in Oxford Street. So we ………. (drive) back home straight away.

  3. Something very strange ………. (happen) to me way home from work yesterday afternoon. I ………. (drive) along the bypass at the time. Suddenly I ………… (see) my mother in the seat beside me. But she died three years ago.

  4. When my mother saw me I ……… (play) with the mud.


1. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
I _____ an interesting book at the moment. I‟ll return it to the library when I‟ve finished

  1. read d) would read

  2. am reading e) had read

  3. shall read

2. George _____ to the dentist every month.

  1. is going d) has gone

  2. goes e) shall go

  3. will go

3. Where ______ the car?

  1. did you park d) you parked

  2. did you parked e) shall park

  3. parked you

4. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Present Simple or Present Continuous?
She (still/hesitate) whether to continue the experiments or not.

  1. Is hesitating d) Are hesitates

  2. Hesitates e) Will hesitates

  3. Hesitated

5. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Usually she (paint) pictures in the living-room.

  1. Paints d) Were paints

  2. Is painting e) Do paints

  3. Is paints

6. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Simple or Present Continuous?
What languages ... you (speak)?

  1. Was ... speaking; d) Were ... speaking

  2. Do ... speak e) Are ... speaking

  3. Is ... speaking

7. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Simple or Present Continuous?
My mother (do) a lot of work every day.

  1. Will Doing d) Does

  2. Is doing c) Are doing e) Is done

8. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Present Simple or Present Continuous?
... you (tell) a lie now?

  1. Are ... telling d) Did ... tell

  2. Do ... tell. e) Doing... tell

  3. Does ... tell

9. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Simple or Present Continuous? What ... they usually (have) for supper?

  1. Do ... having d) Does ... having

  2. Are ... having. e) Are ... have

  3. Do ... have

10. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Who ... (listen) to the radio now?

  1. Did listening d) Do listening

  2. Listens e) Is listening

  3. Are listening

11. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Simple or Present Continuous?
As a rule, she (wear) beautiful clothes.

  1. Wearing d) Was wears

  2. Is wearing e) Will wear

  3. Wears

12. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Simple or Present Continuous?
How ... you (feel) at that moment?

  1. Do ... feel d) Does ... feeling

  2. Are ... feeling e) Was ... feeling

  3. Do ... feeling

13. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Usually I (play) the violin but now I (play) the piano.

  1. Play; am playing d) Are playing/play

  2. Am playing/play e) Am playing/is play

  3. Is playing/play

14.Choose the right variant of the main verb.
At nine o‟clock yesterday morning we ______ for the bus.

    1. wait d) were waiting

    2. waiting e) is waiting

    3. was waiting

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

When I looked round the door, the baby ______ quietly.

    1. is sleeping d) were sleeping

    2. slept e) are sleeping

    3. was sleeping

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Elvis Prestley ____ in 1977.

    1. dies d) have died

    2. had died e) has died

    3. died

    1. When Peter opened the door, the children ___ round the fir tree:

    1. danced d) dance

    2. are dancing e) is dancing

    3. were dancing

    1. We ______ when we were at university.

    1. were meeting d) met

    2. have met e) has meeting

    3. have been meeting

    1. When Mark arrived, the Johnsons _______ dinner, but stopped in order to talk to him.

    1. were having d) was having

    2. had e) has been having

    3. had been having

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Past Simple or Past Continuous?

I (walk) home after the party yesterday.

    1. Walking d) Were walking

    2. Was walking e) Walked

    3. Was walked

21. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Past Simple or Past Continuous?
He (drive) along the highway.

  1. Do drove d) Drove

  2. Was driving e) Drive

  3. Was drove

22. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Past Simple or Past Continuous?
When I (arrive) my son (have) dinner.

  1. Arrived; was having d) Was arriving; has

  2. Was arriving; had e) Was arriving; have

  3. Were arriving; had

23. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Past Simple or Past Continuous?
Our team (fly) to London for football game last night.

  1. Did flying d) Flew

  2. Was flying e) Does flying

  3. Were flying

24. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Past Simple or Past Continuous? Mr. Grey (not/understand) what I (sing). a) Didn't understand; was singing

  1. Wasn't understanding; sang

  2. Weren't understanding; sang

  3. Wasn't understanding; sing

  4. Wasn't understanding; was sing

25. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Past Simple or Past Continuous?
While we (work) my dog (hurt) its leg.

  1. were working; hurt d) Worked; hurting

  2. worked; was hurting e) Work; hurting

  3. Working; was hurting

26. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Past Simple or Past Continuous?
Kelly (enjoy) the evening but I (want) to go home.

  1. Was enjoying; want d) Enjoying; wanted

  2. Enjoyed; was wanting e) Enjoy; want

  3. Was enjoying; wanted

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

Past Simple or Past Continuous?

    1. Do ... happening d) Did ... happen

    2. Was ... happening. e) Does ... happening

    3. Were ... happening

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Past Simple or Past Continuous?

He (sit) in the garden when Tom (come).

    1. Was sitting; came d) Were sat; was coming

    2. Sat; was coming e) Sat; was come

    3. Sat; coming

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Past Simple or Past Continuous?

When my mother (cook) the telephone (ring).

    1. Was cooking; was rang d) Was cooking; rang

    2. Cooked; was ringing e) Was cook; rang

    3. Were cooking; rang

    1. I saw John in the park. He _____ on the grass and _____ a book.

    1. were sitting, reading d) sitting, was reading

    2. sitting, reading e) was sitting, was reading

    3. was sitting, reading

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