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Interrogative sentence from Direct into Indirect Speech Бұйрықты сӛйлем және сұраулы сӛйлемде тӛл сӛздің тӛлеу сӛзге ӛзгеруі

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы

Changing Imperative sentences and

Interrogative sentence from Direct into Indirect Speech Бұйрықты сӛйлем және сұраулы сӛйлемде тӛл сӛздің тӛлеу сӛзге ӛзгеруі

Imperative sentence

Interrogative sentence

General questions

Special questions

She said to him,
Come at five o‟clock”. → She told
to him to come at five o‟clock.
I said to her, “Please, bring me a glass of
water”. → I asked her
to bring me a glass of water.
He said to me, “Don‟t go there”. → He told me not to go there.

Do you want to see the new film”? Ainur asked.
→ Ainur asked if I wanted to see the new film.

He asked me, “Why have you come so late?‟
→ He asked me why I had come so late.

► Егер тӛл сӛз бҧйрықты білдіріп, to say етістігімен келсе, тӛлеу сӛзде to tell, to order етістігіне ауысады. Егер тӛл сӛз ӛтінішті білдірсе, to say етістігі to ask етістігіне ӛзгереді.
Шақпен қиысу ережесі қолданылмайтын жағдай
Егер тӛлеу сӛз сӛзде жалпы факт, болған оқиға туралы хабар айтылса:

  1. The teacher told us (that) there are four seasons in a year.

  2. He said London is the capital of the Great Britain.

  3. The sun sets in the west” the teacher said. – The teacher said

the sun sets in the west.
► Егер алғашқы етістік осы шақ немесе келер шақта тҧрса a) The singer says, “I enjoy cycling”. The singer says that she enjoys cycling.
Тӛл сӛздің тӛлеу сӛзге айналуында сілтеу есімдіктерінің шағы мен орнының ӛзгеру ережесі.

Direct Speech

Reported Speech



the day before, the previous day

He said, “I saw her yesterday”. He said he had seen her the day before.


that day, the same day

He said, “I am seeing her today”.
He said she was seeing her that day.

now, at the moment

then, at that moment

“I‟m shopping at the moment” said Asel.
Asel said she was shopping at that moment.


the next/following day

“I am going shopping tomorrow” said Asel.
Asel said she was going shopping the next / following day.

last week

the week before, the previous week

He said, “I saw her last week”. He said he had seen her the week before.

next week

the week after, the
following week

“I am going shopping next week” said Asel.
Asel said she was going shopping the week after, (the following



He said, “I can translate this article.”
He said that he could translate that article.



She said “I like these dresses”
She said that she liked those dresses



He said, “I saw her two days ago”.
He said he had seen her two days before.



“I usually shop here” said Asel.
Asel said she usually shopped there.


1. Put the words “say” or “tell” where necessary and fill the sentences.

  1. Ann ______ goodbye to me and left.

  2. _________ us about your holiday. Did you have a nice time? 3. Don‟t just stand there! __________ something!

  1. I wonder where Sue is. She ______ he would be here at 8 o‟clock.

  2. Jack _____ me that he was fed up with his job.

  3. The doctor _______ that I should rest for at least a week.

  4. Don‟t ______ anybody what I ________ . It‟s a secret just between us.

  5. “Did she ____ you what happened?‟ “No, she didn‟t

_________ anything to me.”

  1. George couldn‟t help me. He ______ me to ask Kate. 10. George couldn‟t help me. He ______ to ask Kate.

2. Translate the following sentences into indirect speech

  1. “You can‟t park here.” The police officer told Jack ________ .

  2. “I‟ll see you in the morning, Helen” Peter told Helen _________ . 3. “I‟m taking the 5.30 train tomorrow evening.” Janet said _______ . 4. “I left my umbrella here two days ago.” Susan said that ________

  1. “I liked this hotel very much.” Diana told me _______ .

  2. “I think it‟s going to rain tonight.” William said ______ .

  3. “What time does the film start, Peter?” I asked Peter ________


  1. “Are you enjoying your flight?” The flight attendant asked me _____ .

  2. “Have you ever been to Japan, Paul?” Sue asked Paul _________ . 10. “How does the photocopier work?” I asked the salesman _________

  1. “When will I know the results of the examination?” Maria asked the examiner _______ .

  2. “Are you taking much money with you to France?” My bank manager wanted to know ________ .

  3. “I‟m really tired.” _______ Polly said that ____________ .

  4. “I‟ve been swimming.” Michelle said ______ . 15. “I won‟t be at the next meeting.” Robert ____________ .

3. Translate the following sentences into indirect speech What time does the text boat leave?

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