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Adylbekova E.T., Kaldanov B.B. Using elements of gamification in blended learning in ISPRING LEARN // Republican scientific journal "Bulletin of General Science and Education" .- Shymkent, 2021. - No. 3 (4/5). -B.69-74.

  • Adylbekova E.T., Sarsenbieva N. F., Myrzakhmetova B. Sh. Digitalization of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan // World of Pedagogy and Psychology, International Scientific and Practical Journal, No. 01 (54), Nizhny Novgorod, 2021, p. 33.-38.

  • Adylbekova E.T., Odamanova G.P., Sultan S.O. Gamification in higher education // RTK "Actual problems of historiography and informatics of the history of the Fatherland" dedicated to the memory of the Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, Professor Kadyrzhan Kabidenuly Abuev. - Kokshetau, 2022. S. 413-419.

    Articles [1-6] meet the requirements of clause 3 of the competitive documentation for the supervisor.

    The main publications of the research group related to the topic of the project, patents, copyright certificates and other titles of protection:
    1. Sarsenbiva N.F., Myrzakhmetova B.Sh. “The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process. "The world that T. Aibergenov wanted", part 2. OKMPI, Shymkent, 2016
    2. Sarsenbiva N.F., Myrzakhmetova B.Sh., Adilbekova E.T. Increasing the effectiveness of training with the help of information and communication technologies. International popular science magazine "Science and Life of Kazakhstan". No. 2, - S. 278-282. - Shymkent, 2018.
    3. Sarsenbiva N.F., Kurmanbaeva Z.I. "Forming the readiness of future computer science teachers to use digital educational resources." International popular science magazine "Science and Life of Kazakhstan". No. 5/2 - Shymkent, 2019.
    4. Sarsenbiva N.F., Myrzakhmetova B.Sh. Adylbekova E.T. The objectives of the development of education are inextricably linked with the process of digitalization. International scientific and practical journal "The World of Pedagogy and Psychology" No. 01 (54) 01/31/2021. Nizhny Novgorod.
    5. Sarsenbiva N.F., Altaev E.B. - Effective use of digital resources in the training of future teachers. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Priority directions for the development of science and education", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence. - Shymkent, 2021.
    6. N.F. Sarsenbieva, K.M. Kulzhataeva, Topical issues of the use of new technologies in modern education, “Art and education in the modern political and cultural space”, Shymkent, OKMPU, November 2018
    7. N.F. Sarsenbieva, K.M. Kulzhataeva, Features of the intellectual platform, which is a collection of electronic educational resources, International scientific and practical conference "Education of the XXI century: innovations, state and development prospects", A. Bukeikhanov, Semipalatinsk, 27 -October 28, 2022
    8. Balganova M.S., Abdrashova E.T., The importance of using new information technologies in education, Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Spiritual revival - the basis of a brighter future", Shymkent, Regional Social and Innovation University, Part II, 2018 . etc.
    9. Balganova M.S., Beiseev S.A., Botaeva N.A., Khodzhaniyazova G.M. Benefits of using multimedia applications, International scientific journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan", Almaty, No. 12, 2019.
    10. Balganova M.S., Tursynbaev A.Z., Khodzhaniyazova G.M., Shaukhan S.N. The study of software tools for designing information systems, "Bulletin" of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, series "Physical and Mathematical Sciences", No. 4 (72), Almaty, 2020.
    11. Abdimanapova G.M., Tastanbekova G.B. The use of digital educational resources in elementary school. Auezov readings-20: The legacy of Mukhtar Auezov is a national treasure ”Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of M.O. Auezov - Shymkent: M. Auezov at the address. OKU, 2022, volumes 3-6, pp. 23-27.
    12. Beishen E.M., Baizharikova M.A., Beksultanov Zh.T., Kuralbaeva A.N., Turekhanova G.I., Shrymbay D.A. DESIGN, DEPLOYMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A LOCAL COMPUTER NETWORK (LAN) // Internauka: electron. scientific magazine 2022. No. 15(238). URL: https://internauka.org/journal/science/internauka/238 (accessed 11/11/2022).

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