Большевистская власть на юге Казахстана в 1917-1928-е годы

Alibek Seidekhan Nurmakhan

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Сейдехан нурмаханулы большевистская власть на юге Казахстана в

Alibek Seidekhan Nurmakhanovich


07.00.02 – National History (history of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Dissertation for the scientific degree of historical science doctor

Changes in our country after independence and sovereignty were got require understanding of passing historical way, estimation of those changes having taken place during Soviet Power. One of the complicated periods in the history of the country were the years followed after October revolution in 1917, when on the Kazakh territory new unprecedented before transformations in all spheres of life on idea- organizational bases of Bolshevist programs and motto began. Consequently, today objectively rethinking, new re–estimation and far, wide disclosure of publications, estimation from the position of contemporary views in complicated and difficult time of the beginning stages of Bolshevist power, revolution changes were necessary.

Research object is issues of Soviet history in south oblasts of Kazakhstan ( Syr - Darinskaya, Semirechinskaya, presently – there oblasts South Kazakhstan, Kzylorda, Zhambyl) in the first decade of the Bolshevist regime.
Research methods are based on the use of all technology of historical analysis and research. Exactly: problem – chronological, comparative - historical, retrospective, historical and systematic.
New documents and materials have taken from 12 archival depository composed source basis of the research.
Research aim is a complex studying from the position of contemporary views and ideology of national independence of historical events of 1917 -1928 in south oblasts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Taking into consideration set of goals in the dissertation the following concrete tasks are solved:

  • to rethink the general and the special in historical processes of the first decade of revolutionary transformations (1917-1928) in the south of Kazakhstan without denying available researches critically and attentively analyzing works from the position of contemporary views and approaches;

  • to develop objective conditions and subjective factors of the Soviet power establishment in Syr – Darinskaya and Semirechenskaya oblasts of Turkestanskoe general - gubernatorstvo of the Russian empire, meanwhile study political, social and economical internally - religious situation in the pointed oblast, to elicit the general and the special in the progress of revolutionary transformation on these territories, to show the role and significance of participation of active workers of Syn - Darinskaya and Semirechenskaya oblasts in organization of Soviet power institution, realization of Bolshevist policy establishment; to study complex set of issues of cultural constructions in considering historical period, to define the main tendencies and results of education development, specialists training for the soviet economic.

Scientific novelty of the dissertation concluded in that on the basis of the new documents and critical analysis of available publications for the first time attempt in the tideway of historical events, difficult and controversial interrelation of authority and population , local and central institutions in realizing policy of Bolshevist in the krai made in national historiography.
- The given is issued from the conceptual situation that the first decade of Bolshevist regime of power is the period of creation of structure bases and transformations arms of this power to the totalitarian system.
- Therefore significance disclosure and aims of revolutionary bolshevism in the conditions of south oblasts of Kazakhstan are based on the set of new documentary sources, critically reconsider the formed stereotypes about triumphant progress of the Soviet power. In the dissertation the given aspect of historical processes was studied as the period when south territories of Kazakhstan were part of Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic ( TASSR), as conditions of Bolshevist regime formation on the territory of Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic ( ASSR) as a whole.
- Striving to overcome the formed stereotypes during many decades of notion about progressive consequences for national suburbs of Octyabrskaya revolution and Soviet power the dissertator paid special attention to studying of problem themes and questions, which were either in the competence of central historical and party institutions and beyond studying of social scientists in republics or clearly interpreted in plane of dominating Marxism-Leninism thinking.
- The important moment of scientific novelty in the dissertation is generalizing data and characteristics of composition of Soviet and party bodies, nomenclative workers of local bodies of authority and administration.
- The essential point of novelty in the given research is studying and estimation of poorly considered before aspects of historical events, especially solutions while nationally-territorial separation in Middle Asia was conducted, connected with controversy of opinions and views on the territory of compact living of Turkestanski ethnos, discussion at separation of all Turkistan properties, finance and enterprises.

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