Цель и задачи дисциплины: Цель освоения учебной дисциплины

Тема 6 Negotiations. (Know what you want.) (10 часов)

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ФТД.2 Углубленное изучение иностранного языка

Тема 6 Negotiations. (Know what you want.) (10 часов)
Примерные задания.
What considerations are important in preparing to negotiate? In pairs, suggest as many as you can.
Listen to the recording in which a Management Communication Consultant, Diana Ferry, talks about preparing for a negotiation. Mark the seven points below in the order in which she mentions them.

  • Identify your minimum requirements

  • Prepare your opening statement

  • Decide what concessions you could make

  • Know your own strengths and weaknesses

  • Know your role as part of team

  • Prepare your negotiating position – know your aims and objectives

  • Prepare any figures, any calculations and any support materials you may need

Тема 7 Negotiations. (Getting what you want. Not getting what you want.)
Примерные задания. (8 часов)
A year ago an advertising consultancy, SAR Services, agreed to design and run a twelve-week magazine advertising campaign for KPack Inc., using specialist journal.
KPack is not happy with the campaign. The first advertisements were a month late, missing two important trade fairs. The advertisements did not appear in two key industry journals. Now KPack is refusing to pay the whole fee for the campaign. Construct part of the dialogue.

4. Контроль достижения целей курса
Текущий контроль:
устный опрос;
микроконтрольные работы;
контрольные работы;
письменные домашние задания;
ролевые игры;
устные творческие задания;
подготовка презентаций;
подготовка групповых и индивидуальных проектов.
Промежуточный контроль знаний по дисциплине:
модульный тест,
в комбинированной форме:
в форме собеседования;
в форме тестирования (в том числе компьютерного);
в форме защиты проекта.

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