Диплом жұмысы 5В011900- «Шетел тілі: екі шет тілі»

Structure of the research work

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Structure of the research work. The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.
1.1 General understanding of grammar and teaching grammar

Methodology for working with an active grammatical minimum. Before we first mention the grammatical minimum, let's look at what a method is, or the method of teaching and learning tools.

The method is derived from the Greek word "methodos". The concept of method means ways to achieve certain truths.
And the method of teaching means that cognition is related to the activity of learning and can be considered as a lexical connection, their movement.
The teaching method is part of the main didactic component. Because the learning process its purpose, content and methods are the unity of forms of organization. Teaching aids include: educational books, visual aids, and technical means.
a) educational books – a collection of textbooks, dictionaries, reports.
B) visual aids – tables, drawings, drawings, maps.
B) technical means – sound tape, TV channel, video tape, etc.
Well, working with a grammar minmum means that since we teach a foreign language, we cannot speak and write without learning the grammar of a foreign language. Because without knowing grammar, neither in spoken language nor in written language, we cannot understand each other. For example, a word, along with a lexical meaning, also gives a grammatical meaning through the generalization of the same lexical meaning. While a word is individualized from another word through its lexical meaning, it approaches other words through its grammatical meaning and adapts to form a group. For example, a tree.
1) lexical meaning: "tree" - plant
2) grammatical meaning "desk" - tool, noun, common noun
The grammatical structure of a language refers to the composition of a sentence, a combination of forms and systems of a word with each other. There are two branches of grammar: morphology and syntax.
Morphology is a teaching that expresses a word as a morpheme, through its forms, word personalities. Thanks to this, the concepts of grammatical form and grammatical category are born. The function of word transformation is defined and grouped into Word classes. The content of teaching grammar depends on the goals and objectives of teaching a foreign language. Since learning is subject to a specific goal, each feature is limited to a certain amount of time, it is necessary to select the grammatical material in a limited way. To develop the grammatical skills necessary for mastering a word in a foreign language, you need to perform some exercises.
The level of grammar, vocabulary and phonetics that students should master in the language is not higher than the level of grammar. It is impossible to learn a foreign language practically without mastering the structure of a word in a particular language.
Until now, you can hear the opinion of some teachers as follows. "My students know grammar, but they make mistakes, they make mistakes."
This opinion comes from a misunderstanding of the basics of grammar and its role in teaching a foreign language. Grammar cannot be distinguished from speech, and it is impossible to know various forms of speech without grammar. Grammar vocabulary and sound composition form the basis of Soylu.
Grammar plays an organizing role. A word consisting of Sounds has a uniform form in its meaning, for example: "I gave you the book", which is the morphological part of grammar these word forms are combined into a word, speech, subject, and are given in syntactic schemes that deserve this meaning: "I gave you the book" the person who said the first sentence takes on a grammatical duty (N. N. Zimnyaya). In the cat layers there are stereotypes that together give the rules of this essence of words. A system of stereotypes gives individual and unfamiliar rules of grammar in the native language of each person. When learning a foreign language, it is necessary to use grammatical forms using this inductive system.
When learning a foreign language, it is necessary to know the grammatical constructions of both the native language and the foreign language, to check their differences.
1. native language is the first language in communication, the native language begins to learn from childhood, adapting to the environment foreign language is the second tool, it begins to learn at school, after the native language is quite formed. A foreign language is not a means of life for a child, so it is important to understand why it is necessary to learn it
2.the child learns his native language in a specific language environment, learns it quickly and effortlessly, and forms its patterns. And a foreign language is learned at school in a foreign language environment. There is no basic basis for learning the laws of language here. Therefore, when learning the grammar of a foreign language, it is necessary to rely on the theory of this language, and it is necessary to combine the theory with the practice of speech and assimilate its forms into consciousness. This principle plays a big role in learning grammar. This is reflected in the generalizing essence of grammar. Here, grammar immediately gives more uniform forms of words. using words correctly (for example, various conjunctions) will help you learn the language.
For example, the string" S " is Present Undefinite in all 3rd English. there are verbs. Each language has its own grammatical laws, it is not difficult to distinguish them, memorize them. Because a person has a desire to store in memory. He is more inclined to preserve generalizations than to separate ones.
According to Reznik, it shows the predominance of grammar over vocabulary. He wrote Suvorov's "pulya-Dura"," bayk – Molodets "from it" vocabulary – stupid, grammar-Molodets " [4, 45 p.]. In the framework of each method, the relationship between theory and practice is considered as the basis of all methods of studying grammar. It is impossible to learn grammar without its facts, which only makes a theory practical, and, on the contrary, it is impossible to learn a foreign language if only practice does not rely on its grammatical regularity. The process of working with the active grammatical minimum, first the primary grammatical Asset, first the reproductive and then the receptive cases, the first of these two values plays a central role in teaching at school.

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