Диплом жұмысы 5В011900- «Шетел тілі: екі шет тілі»

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People use language to communicate with each other ,communication with the help of language. And when studying foreign language teaching, it is impossible not to touch grammar as a science that deals with the study of languages. After all,grammar considers the norm of the language, that is, the use of the language tool used in speech, its rules, the order of use, stylistic tools in the language in terms of sound, morphological, syntactic, etc.

The development of linguistics is considered closely related to political and economic changes in the British Isles. After all, the grammar of the English language, or rather the grammar of the Latin language, the principles of correct writing and reading, occupies the "first place" in the field of medieval education. In general, the division of the history of the English language into three stages has become a tradition in the history of English education. Information about this is given in all textbooks on the history of the English language. In particular, the works of I. R. Galperin, I. A. Rastorgueva, I. A. Arnold, N. F. Blake, V. D. Arakin, R. S. Reznik, T. S. Sorokina considered the patterns of formation and development of the history of the English language in different directions.
As for the specifics of the formation of grammar of English Linguistics: the first stage – Old English – is called the period of the Old English language or Anglo-Saxon and covers the period between the V-XII centuries BC. These are the oldest tribes that settled in Britain, the anglers and Saxons, in the III-V centuries BC."in connection with the conquest of the British Isles. They not only conquered the country, but also forcibly introduced their own language. Although no written language was formed during this period, Viiig. there is information about the presence of ancient inscriptions and monuments. The second period-Middle English – the middle period-covers the period from the XII to the XV centuries BC. This period is associated with many grammatical, semantic changes, abbreviations, and patterns in the English language.
Many factors influenced the development of the history of the English language. Especially the Scandinavian occupation, which lasted until the XI century, radically changed not only the history of the English language, but also its language. The third stage-Modern English-a new stage. This period is divided into two parts: Early Modern English, i.e. the initial New period, and Late Modern English – the subsequent new period. The real period of development of the basic English language begins with the publishing work of the XV-XVI centuries. In these centuries, the first dictionaries of "difficult words" were published: "Grammar models" is the first English Latin dictionary of the XV century.
The difference between the three main periods was shown by Henry suit in 1873 as "the Old English period has a very large number of suffixes and suffixes in the language, the Middle English period is the centralization of inflections, and the new English period is the period of disappearance of inflections." In the XI-XII centuries, Latin, French, and English languages were used in parallel in England. This was influenced by the political situation in the country. The influence of French and Latin languages around the 1400s is still preserved and has been formed in English vocabulary, pronunciation patterns and syntax.
When studying a foreign language in general and determining its specifics, it is necessary to take into account the following when understanding grammatical material and interpreting it:
a) the grammatical phenomenon to be explained, its specifics, and its character;
B) what is the meaning of this phenomenon, in what form of word action is used;
B) age characteristics of students. Taking into account these circumstances, the current method of explaining grammatical phenomena to students uses three ways: 1) lexical Path, 2) inductive path, and 3) deductive path.
Grammatical phenomena are used in the forms of reproductive and receptive words, so students and students should be able to recognize and understand them on the one hand, and use them in their speech on the other. In this regard, in the lower classes, many grammatical phenomena must be interpreted lexically. The lexical interpretation of a grammatical phenomenon means: the teacher gives a sample sentence instead of a rule. Then the creation of the same form, without saying anything about its use, explains the meaning of the sample sentence.
Therefore, this string is called a lexical string (different names: interpretation of grammar by structures, model, word model). After a sentence is given that goes instead of a rule and its meaning is explained, the first stage of fixing this grammatical phenomenon begins. In the process of teaching a foreign language, it is impossible not to pay attention to psychology, because it is a reflection of the mental laws of reality in the human consciousness, the mental actions of the senses of the spiritual soul of a person. In the modern education system, along with the methods and techniques that have long been used, the theories of learning are adapted to meet the new demand in the problems of psychological organization of learning.
The tradition of grouping words into certain grammatical groups, differentiating them, and systematizing them has been developing and developing since ancient times in terms of Synchrony. Knowing the features of the words included in the vocabulary of each language, the nature of the grammatical structure, and grouping them into a certain system is the most important problem of morphology.
In linguistics, there are different views and judgments about the nature of Word classes. According to one of them, Word classes are considered lexical and grammatical categories of words. according to skincludes, word classes are considered formal and grammatical categories of words, and by third-purely grammatical groups of words.
The division of Word classes through the word transformation system is combined with grammatical categories. For example, in many languages, including Russian and Kazakh, the singular-plural category and the participle category are used as nouns and their synonyms. In English and Kazakh, the categories of grammatical tense, Rai, jaw, and verb are considered as grammatical categories that are characteristic of verbs and characterize them.
One of them is the morphological feature of the language. Since the morphology of the English language was formed in ancient Greek and Latin languages, there are many Greek Latin signs: Affixes and suffixes. In our thesis, the analysis of word-forming suffixes and suffixes in English was carried out. Morphological classification of languages representatives of Indo-European and Semitic languages of the XIX century V. Humboldt, A. Schleicher, F. F. Fortunatov, E. Sepir, J.It began with the works of scientists Greenberg, R. Jacobson, N. Ya.Marr, etc. Among the grammatical terms obtained using Greek-Latin prefixes in English, the most common productive prefixes are:
Greek-based prefixes: an -, anti,- cata, - auto -, eu -, hetero -, hype -, hypo -, macro -, meta, micro -, para -, poly -, pseudo -, syn-etc.for example: ablative-ablative, antonym-antonym, category-Category, autonym-autonum, hypertesis-hypertesis, macrophoneme-macrophonema, polysemy - polysemy, pseudonym-pseudonym, etc.
Latin-based prefixes: ab-, ad-, com-, de-, inter-, mono-, sub -, trans -, etc.for example: abbreviation-abbreviation, communication-communication, interference-interference, transcript-transcript, etc.
There are not many productive affixes found in English grammatical terms: -IA-yes (aphemia-aphemia), -ASIS-ASIS (hypostasis - hypostasis), -ism-ISM ( behaviorism - behaviorism), etc.these affixes are based on the Greek language.
Also in English grammar: de - (L)- delabilialization; en-(Gr) – enantiosemic; ill - (L)- illeism; ir-(L / Gr) - irregular;
Irrelevant; mal- (F)- malapropism; non- (L)- non-semantic; OSS- (L)- occlusive; supra- (L)- supradialectal; un-(L)- unemotional prefixes are unproductive in English .
In addition, in English, word classes are mainly considered stable, irregular: as a rule, nouns, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, and adjectives are considered stable. In our research work, we focused on the features of nouns and verbs.
In conclusion, the grammar of the English language is still considered a phenomenon that requires serious study.

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