Азақстан республикасының ТҰҢҒыш президенті ретроспективтік библиографиялық көрсеткіш I том "Қазақ энциклопедиясы" Алматы, 2010

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137. Central Asia and the Caspian: Open for Growth /Theodore J.Kim.– London: 

Euromoney Publications PLC, 1999.– Xi,161 [24] p.: ill., map. 

About N.Nazarbayev.– P. 1, 31. 

138. Central Asia and the fi nancial crisis: After the boom //The Economist.– London, 

2008.– Nov. 1–7.– Vol. 389 (N8604).– P. 36. 

In mid – October President Nursultan Nazarbayev announced a series of measures to deal 

with fi nancial crisis. 

139. Central Asia Leaders Call for Afghan Peace //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 1997.– 

Jul. 31– Aug. 6 (N75).– P. 1. 

The leaders of the former Soviet Central Asian states of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and 

Uzbekistan laid plans for a conference on peace in Afganistan and pledged to strengthen 

economic ties. 

140. Central Asia Meets the Middle East /ed. by David Menashri.– London: Frank Cass, 

2002.– 240 p. 

About N.Nazarbayev.– P.11, 57, 88,131,137,138,140, 214, 235, 236 n. 

141. Central Asia: Summits link security, economics, but not all regional interests will be 

served //Oil Watch.– Almaty, 2000.– Nov. 1–15 (N59).– P. 6. 


Nazarbayev N.A. took part in two summit meetings in Central Asia. Nazarbayev and Putin 

signed a declaration on a common position for dividing the Caspian. 

142. Chancel Simon. Bolashak, the Furure of Kazakhstan Lies in Their Hands /S.Chancel 

//L’essential des relations internationales.– Paris, 2010.– Jan. – Feb. (N29).– P.134. 

President Nazarbayev decided in 1993 to accelerate the integration of Kazakh students into 

the EU Erasmus exchange programme by creating a special scholarship for the best students in 

the country who wanted to study abroad. 

143. Chancel Simon. President Nazarbayev’s Great Eurasian Challenge /S.Chancel 

//L’essential des relations internationales.– Paris, 2010.– Jan.– Feb.(N29).– P.52–54, phot. 

144. Chang Sung Jin. Koreans Will Develop Zhambyl: companies /S.J.Chang //Oil & Gas 

of Kazakhstan.– Almaty, 2005.– N3.– P. 52. 

During the last year meeting of the President of the South Korea No Mu Khen in Astana with 

the President of Kazakstan Nursultan Nazarbayev an agreement was reached on the participation 

of Korean companies in Kazakhstan projects, including investing the country’s economy. 

145. Chebotarev Andrey. The New Turns in the Government’s Personnel Policy 

/A.Chebotarev //Petroleum.– Almaty, 2003.– Jun.(N3).– P. 8, 9. 

On January 16, 2003 Nazarbayev Nursultan held a meeting with the members of the 


146. Cherdanseva Julia. Clouds Gather Over Kazakstan’s Leading Bank /J.Cherdanseva 

//The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 1997.– Aug. 21–27 (N78).– P. 5. 

Having received unlimited power from the president Nursultan Nazarbayev in 1995, NBK 

became a giant, which could easily control 200 commercial banks, operating in the country’s 

fi nancial markets. 

147. Cherdanseva Julia. Strategy Control Agency Named Responsible for State Budget 

/J.Cherdanseva //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 1997.– Oct. 16–22 (N86).– P. 2. 

President Nursultan Nazarbayev met with foreign experts and representatives of the State 

agency for Strategy Planning, where they discussed the country’s development strategy for 

1998 to 2030. 

148. Cherdantseva Julia. Country Believes in Higher Credit Rating /J.Cherdantseva //The 

Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 1997.– Oct. 9–15.– P.4. 

According to some international fi nancial analysts, under President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s 

leadership, Kazakhstan’s economy has stabilized after a period of hyperinfl ation following the 

break up of the Soviet Union. 

149. Cherr Oleg. Time for Russians to Make a Decision /O.Cherr //The Almaty Herald.–

Almaty, 1996.– Jun. 13–19 (N16).– P.7. 

150. Chevron’s deal in Kazakhstan : The state and government provided their support to 

the joint venture //Oil Watch.– Almaty, 2000.– Sept. 15–30 (N56).– P. 2. 

According to Kazakh TV, US Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson met with Kazakhstan 

President Nursultan Nazarbayev and Prime Minister Kassymzhomart Tokayev and discussed 

prospects for cooperation in energy sector. 


151. Chigirov Timur. Contemporary Issues of Financing, Development and Conversion of 

the Defence Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan /T.Chigirov //Kazakhstan and Contemporary 

World = Казахстан и современный мир.– Almaty, 2003.– N3 (6).– P. 87, 92. 

The rapidly developing global changes in the system of international relations determined 

the necessity to work out the doctrine of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was approved by 

the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in February of 2000.

152. China increases stake in Kazakh energy assets /UPI //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 

2009.– Apr. 30– May 6 (N18).– P.5. 

153. China resets terms of engagement in Central Asia /Asia Times //The Almaty Herald.– 

Almaty, 2010.– Jan. 5–13.– P. 6. 

154. China supports Kazakhstan’s entrance in the WTO //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 

2004.– May 20–26 (N20).– P.4. 

China will actively support Kazakhstan’s accession th the World Trade Organization. A 

joint statement by the two states, inked May 17, by the heads of state Nursultan Nazarbayev and 

Hu Jintao says that, Hinhua agency reports. 

155. China to develop Karazhanbas together with Kazakhstan //Oil & Gas of Kazakhstan.– 

Almaty, 2007.– N1.– P. 68. 

About the visit of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to China. 

156. China Wants More Kazakhstan Oil //Petroleum.– Almaty, 2003.– Jun.(N3).– P. 26. 

About the visit of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev to China in December 2000. 

157. China, Kazakhstan unveil landmark gas pipeline //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 

2009.– Dec. 17–23 (N51).– P.5, phot. 

The leaders of Kazakhstan and China jointly unveiled Saturday the Kazakh section of 

natural gas pipeline that will tap into Central Asia’s vast energy riches and loosen Russia’s 

infl uence over the region. 

158. Chinese leader Hu Jintao visits Astana //The Times of Central Asia.– Bishkek, 2003.– 

Jun. 5.– Vol.5 (N23).– P. 3. 

On June 3, Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev held talks with President Hu Jintao in 

his residence in Astana. 

159. Chronicle of Events in Kazakhstan: December – February, 2004 //Kazakhstan and 

Contemporary World = Казахстан и современный мир.– Almaty, 2004.– N1 (8) 2004.– P. 117–


On the 5th of December 2004 the President of RK N.Nazarbayev signed the Law of the 

Republic of Kazakhstan “ About Republican Budget for 2004.” 

160. Chronicle of Events in Kazakhstan: December – February, 2005 //Kazakhstan and 

Contemporary World = Казахстан  и  современный  мир.– Almaty, 2005.– N1 (12) 2005.– 


On the 18th of February 2005 N.Nazarbayev addressed a Message to the people of Kazakhstan 

“Kazakhstan on the way of accelerated economic, social and political modernization” at the 

joint session of Chambers of Parliament. 


161. Chronicle of Events in Kazakhstan: September– November, 2004 //Kazakhstan 

and Contemporary World = Казахстан и современный мир.– Almaty, 2004.– N4 (11).– P. 


On the 14th of September 2004 N.Nazarbayev held a meeting with President of Ukraine, 

chairman of the Council of Heads of CIS states L. Kuchma, who arrived in Astana for 

participation in CIS summit. 

162. Chronicle of Events in Kazakhstan: September – November 2003 //Kazakhstan and 

Contemporary World = Казахстан  и  современный  мир.– Almaty, 2003.– N4 (7) 2003.– P. 


On the 7th of September 2003 N.Nazarbayev took part in golf tournament in the golf club 

of the capital which was dedicated to the Constitution’s Day of he Republic of Kazakhstan and 

the opening of nine playfi elds. 

163. Chronicle of Events in Kazakhstan: July–August, 2003 //Kazakhstan and Contemporary 

World = Казахстан и современный мир.– Almaty, 2003.– N3 (6). – P. 115–123. 

On the 2nd of July 2003 the President of RK N.Nazarbayev signed a law “On ratifi cation 

of the Agreement on the legal status of the Collective Securuty Organization”. 

164. Chronicle of Events in Kazakhstan: March–May, 2004 //Kazakhstan and Contemporary 

World = Казахстан и современный мир.– Almaty, 2004.– N2 (9).– P. 129–142. 

On the 16th of April 2004 N.Nazarbayev signed the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

“On regulation of trade activity”. 

165. CIS customs union to be transformed into Eurasian economic union //Oil Watch.– 

Almaty, 2000.– Oct. 16–31(N58).– P.5. 

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev took part at the planned meeting  of  the  prime  

ministers of the Customs Union member countries (Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan 

and Tajikistan) in Astana. 

166. CIS presidents to draw up fi ve–year regional security plan //The Almaty Herald.– 

Almaty, 2000.– Oct. 12–19 (N242).– P. 2. 

167. CIS: current situation //Oil Watch.– Almaty, 2000.– Jul. 15–31 (N52).– P.11. 

About Russia’s growing infl uence throughout the former Soviet Union. Kazakh president 

Nazarbayev N.A. realizes with one – third of his country’s population being Russian, he must 

always maintain a friendly line with Moscow. 

168. CIS: Heads of state order overhaul of commonwealth /Radio Free Europe //The 

Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2006.– Nov. 30– Dec. 6 (N48).– P. 1., phot. 

169. Clinton, Nazarbayev Joint News Conference Held in the White House /USIA 

//Kazakhstan.– Almaty, 1994.– Mar. 2 (N9).– P. 1,3. 

171. CNPC buys state-owned state in CNPC – Aktobemunaigaz //The Times of Central 

Asia.– Bishkek, 2003.– Jun. 11.– Vol. 5 (N24).– P.12. 

171. Collett-White Mike. Kazakh markets leaders urge clear economic policy /M. Collett-

White //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 1999.– Mar. 25–31(N161).– P. 4. 


172. Collett-White Mike. Kazakh President Says Investments are Safe /M. Collett-White 

//The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 1998.– Jun. 11–17.– P. 1. 

173. “Comprehensive” book on Kazakhstan released /The Hindu //The Almaty Herald.– 

Almaty, 2009.– Aug. 13–19 (N33).– P. 2. 

The book, “Contemporary Kazakhstan : The Way Ahead” has been dedicated to the visit of 

Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev to India. 

174. Contempory Kazakhs: cultural and social perspectives /ed. by Ingvar Svanberg.– 

Richmond: Curzon, 1999.– XI, 152 p.: ill. 

About N.Nazarbayev. – P. 8, 15, 75, 97, 98.

175. Council of Investors as a Mirror of Mastery of Diplomacy //Oil & Gas in Kazakhstan: 

An Analytical Journal.– Almaty, 2005.– N1.– P. 40, 41, 42, phot. 

On December 10, the latest 12th session of the Council of Foreign Investors at the President 

of Kazakhstan was held. Having opened the session, Nazarbayev N.A. informed the investors 

that in 2004 Kazakhstan retained the high rates of growth of GDP and industrial production. 

176. Country Celebrates Sovereignty, Dreaming Cloudless Future //The Almaty Herald.– 

Almaty, 1997.– Dec. 18–24 (N95).– P. 1. 

President Nazarbayev sent his greeting to the residents of Kazakhstan with the Independence 

Day, which was the year marked by the capital move. 

177. Coxshall Andrew. Kazakhstan’s Transperency Initiative: Curing the “Oil Curse”: 

President Nazarbayev sets the objectives /A.Coxshall //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 

2005.– Aug. 26 (N31).– P. 5. 

178. Criss Ann. Yeltsin Says Caspian Consensus Must be Goal /A.Criss //The Almaty 

Herald.– Almaty, 1996.– May 2–9.– N10.– P.3. 

179. “Critical Decade” presented in Singapore //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2003.– 

Nov.13–19 (N46).– P.3. 

On November 8 presentation of Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s book 

“Critical Decade” in the English language published by Singapore Technologies Engineering 

in London has taken place in the capital hotel Shangri-La. 

180. Cutler Robert M. Four–way street in Kazakhstan /M.Cutler Robert //The Almaty 

Herald.– Almaty, 2009.– Sept. 24–30 (N39) (707).– P. 3. 

The presidents of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan ended their meeting 

in Kazakhstan’s resort city of Kenderly last weekend with its purpose and consequences as clear 

as distant fi gures in an early autumn mist. 

181. Dagurova Nina. Violinist Bisengaliev Almaty Concert /N.Dagurova //The Almaty 

Herald.– Almaty, 1997.– Jan. 30– Feb. 5.– P.10. 

The president Mr. Nazarbayev himself intended to attend the concert, prevented by last 

minute duties, did manage to have a basket of fl owers presented to Mr. Bisengaliev. 

182. Dave Bhavna. Kazakh Struggle to Revive Their ‘ Language of Foklore’ /B.Dave 

//Transition.– Prague, 1996.– Nov. 29.– Vol. 2 (N24).– P. 24, 25. 


Nazarbayev recently announced his wish that written Kazak begin using the Latin script

although more than 80 percent of the existing literary heritage in the language is in Cyrillic. 

183. DCR Assigns “BB’ Rating to Kazakhstan’s Foreign Currency Obligations //The 

Almaty Herald.– Almaty,1997.– Sept. 11–17 (N81).– P.5. 

184. Dekov Dimitr. About the Ways of Development of Bulgaria – Kazakhstan Cooperation 

up to the Level of Strategic Partnership /D.Dekov //Kazakhstan and Contemporary World.– 

Almaty, 2004.– N1 (8).– P. 45, 49. 

Nazarbayev N.A. visited Republic of Bulgaria in 1999. 

185. Derbissali Absattar Hadji. Inter-Religious Dialogue – Guarantee of Peace /A.H. 

Derbissali //Kazakhstan and Contemporary World = Казахстан и современный мир.– Almaty, 

2003.– N3 (6).– P. 49, 54, 57. 

Due to reasonable policy of President Nursultan Nazarbayev Kazakhstan has joined the 

world community as a peaceful state. 

186. Dialogue of Kazakhstan and US Presidents /TASS-KazTAG //Kazakhstan.– Almaty, 

1994.– Dec. 14(N50).– P.1. 

187. Dissent at Kashagan : International Consortium Debates Development Strategy 

//Petroleum.– Almaty, 2003.– Oct. (N5).– P. 28. 

Nazarbayev Nursultan took part at International consortium debates (dissent at 


188. Diuk Nadia. New Nations Rising: the fall of the Soviets and the challenge of 

independence /N.Diuk, A.Karatnycky.– New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993.– 

292 p. 

About N.Nazarbayev – P. 11, 38, 175, 176, 180, 192, 193, 195,  200, 201, 260, 261, 263. 

189. Doctors Infect 55 Children with HIV in Kazakhstan /Pravda //The Almaty Herald.– 

Almaty, 2006.– Sept. 21–27 (N38).– P. 2. 

Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of Kazakhstan, Nurlan Abdirov, said that Kazakh 

President Nursultan Nazarbayev took the investigation of the incident under his personal 


190. Dolzhikova Oxana. 14 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: 

results and perspectives /O.Dolzhikova //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2005.– Dec.15– 21 

(N50).– P.1. 

On December 16,1991 the Constitutional Law” On state independence of the Republic of 

Kazakhstan” was signed by the President Nursultan A. Nazarbayev. 

191. Douglas Kennedy. “ Our expectation of strong future results for our diversifi ed 

operations is directly linked to the enormous potential and high expectations for Kazakhstan as 

a whole” /K.Douglas //Petroleum.– Almaty, 2003.– Oct. (N5).– P. 142. 

192. Dyachenko Sergey. The Development of Parliamentarianism in Kazakhstan as a Key 

Institution in the Democratization Process in the Country /S.Dyachenko //Central Asia’s Affairs: 

Quarterly Analytical Review.– Almaty, 2006.– N3.– P. 30, 35. 


In May 2005, President Nazarbayev signed the decree On Measures to Further Use of the 

Potential of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

193. EAPC international conference “ Regional Security Challenges in Central Asia” = 

Материалы  международной  конференции  Совета  Евро-атлантического  партнерства 

“Вызовы региональной безопасности в Центральной Европе”: Almaty. June 2003 /Center 

for Foreign Policy and Analysis.– Almaty: Daik Press, 2003.– 198 p. 

About N.Nazarbayev.– P. 2, 5,6, 24, 25, 28, 29, 75, 76. 

194. East–Kazakhstan Oblast Akim Receives An Award From President: In brief /Kazinform 

15/12/2005 //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2005.– Dec. 22–28 (N51).– P. 2. 

195. EBRD FORUM: Unlocking potential through open markets and open minds //The 

Times of Central Asia.– Bishkek, 2003.– May 8.–– Vol. 5 (N18).– P.4. 

196. Economic Ties Are of Priority Importance: This is seem from N.Nazarbayev’s visit to 

Japan //Kazakhstan.– Almaty, 1994.– Apr.13 (N15).– P.1. 

197. Economics against geopolitics : next stage in search for balance in the Souith of CIS? 

//Oil Watch.– Almaty, 2000.– Dec. 1–15 (N61).– P. 13,14. 

The summit talks of the heads of the CIS states were marked by a series of meetings of the 

new Russian president and the presidents of post-Soviet countries, President of the Republic of 

Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev took part in the meetings and summit taks. 

198. Eni says it’s satisfi ed with Kazakhstan, Italian president urges //The Almaty Herald.– 

Almaty, 2003.– Feb. 6–12 (N6).– P.1. 

The chief executive of Italian oil and gas group Eni Spa met Tuesday with Kazakhstan President 

Nursultan Nazarbayev and pronounced himself “very satisfi ed” with Eni’s dealings with the country. 

199. Equipment for Gas Compressor Stations //Oil & Gas of Kazakhstan.– Almaty, 2005.– 

N3.– P. 79. 

A presentation of investment project was held on May 10 in the course of the visit of 

Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev to West Kazakhstan’s oblast. 

200. Esenova Saulesh. The Outfl ow of Minorities from the Post-Soviet State: The Case of 

Kazakhstan /S.Esenova //Nationalities Papers.– New York, 1996.– Vol. 24(N4).– P. 692, 694. 

201. EU to strengthen relations with Kazakhstan: EC Commissioner /Asia Pulse //The 

Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2006.– Oct. 19– Nov.1 (N42–43).– P. 2. 

202. Extracts from the President’s Speech at the January 25th Meeting //The Republic: 

Business review weekly.– Almaty, 2002.– Feb. 1 (N4).– P. 5. 

203. Extracts From The Speech of N.Nazarbayev Made at the World Kazakhs Kurultai 

//Kazakhstan.– Almaty, 1992.– Oct. 7 (N14).– P. 3., phot. 

204. Fergus Michael. Kazakhstan: Coming of Age /M.Fergus, J.Janar; Photographic Credits: 

Sergei Bondarenko, V.Budnevic, etc.– London: Stacey Іnternatіonal, 2003.– 256 p.: ill. 

About N.Nazarbayev.– P. 9, 12, 14, 17, 144–147, 150, 151, 154. 


205. Finance in brief: President Nazarbyev signed 2005 republican budget //The Kazakhstan 

Monitor.– Almaty, 2004.– Dec. 3 (N113).– P. 3. 

206. Flink Alexander. The big discussion /A.Flink //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– 

Almaty,2004.– Dec. 15 (N48).– P. 2. 

At a meeting with parliamentarians from the parliamentary faction Otan President Nursultan 

Nazarbayev discussed contents of three decrees concerning implementation of the country’s 

political modernization at the party’s extraordinary congress. 

207. Flink Alexander. The President suggest that political modernization should be 

implemented step by step. /A.Flink //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2004.– Dec. 10 

(N47).– P. 2. 

208. Flynn Erica. Kazakhstan’s Constitutional Council die to rule on NGO-

related legislation /E.Flynn //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2005.– Aug. 18–24 

(N33).– P. 1. 

Nazarbayev signed a third law adopted by parliament on June 29 that places restrictions 

on political parties, religious organizations, NGOs and mass media outlets in cooperating with 

foreign entities or governments. 

209. Fominskiһ Olga. To restrain the infl ation?: Nazarbayev gave a number of orders 

to FSA, ARFC, and NB /O.Fominskin //The Kazakhstan Monitor.– Almaty, 2007.– Apr. 27 

(N19).– P. 1., phot. 

210. Foreign Policy = Внешняя политика //Ayna.– Almaty, 1999.– N1.– P. 38, 39, 40 ,42, 

43., phot. 

The realization of foreign political objectives is necessary to provide for national 

security is one of the long-term priorities of Kazakhstan in the framework of the country’s 

development strategy “Kazakhstan–2030” stated by President Nazarbaev in September 


211. Fortcoming jubilee of capital has great political signifi cance for the whole country– 

N.Nazarbayev /Kazakhstan Today //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2008.– Mar. 27 – Apr. 2 

(N13).– P. 1. 

212. Four Presidents met in Yalta //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 2003.– Sept. 25 – Oct. 1 

(N39).– P. 6. 

The meeting of Nursultan Nazarbayev (Kazakhstan), Vladimir Putin (Russia), Aleksander 

Lukashenko (Byelorussia) and Leonid Kuchma (the Ukraine) has started in the residence Zarya 

in Yalta. 

213. “Four T” – motto of Kazakhstani chair in the OSCE //The Almaty Herald.– Almaty, 

2010.– Jan. 21–28 (N3).– P.1. 

214. Friedman Dimitri. A Model of Inter-ethnic Coexistence /D.Friedman //L’essential des 

relations internationales.– Paris, 2010.– Jan.– Feb. (N29).– P. 88, 90, 91., phot. 

On July 6, 2009 some 100 international religious leaders met at the invitation of the 

President of Kazakhstan in Norman Foster’s celebrated ‘pyramid of peace’ for the third World 

Conference of Religious for Peace. 


215. Friedman Dimitri. Astana, a Surprising New Capital /D.Friedman //L’essential des 

relations internationales.– Paris, 2010.– Jan.– Feb.(N29).– P. 124. 

On the orders of President Nazarbayev a new capital Astana was replaced the former 

capital Almaty. 

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