MAIN PART The content of the activities and features of the
development of new types of educational institu-
tions- are the subject of society and thestate close
attention and care. In the information field of soci-
ety the sphere of education significantly intersects
with the economic sphere, and educational activi-
ty becomes the most important component of its
economic development. Since information literacy
and theoretical knowledge are characterized today
as a strategic resource of the country, the quality of
higher education becomes an important condition
and factor of development, which is reflected in a
number of aspects:
1. The paradigm “education=training” is re-
placed by the paradigm “education= professional
2. Knowledge becomes the basic social capital.
3. Education is internationalized in accordance
with the worldwide processes of globalization.
4. The process of using Internet technologies is
significantly activated in training.
5. The concept of lifelong learning becomes a
6. Distance learning is developing.
7. Innovative technologies lead teachers to indi-
vidualization of cognitive activity of students.
8. Preference is given to Dialogic technologies
of knowledge development on the basis of a high
level of their integration [Chekaleva N. V., 2009-
Determining the content of the updated educa-
tion environment, based on the concept of ration-
ality, which determines the content of government
and regulatory documents, it can be argued with
good reason that all these aspects reflect the spe-
cifics of training teachers in the conditions of mag-
istracy. So, the authors of the article define the sub-
ject of our research by the two last aspects, and the
object of the research is the studyof their functional
possibilities in relation to philological specialties.At
the new, more complicated stage of the develop-
ment of education, there is a pronounced tendency
to gradually shift priorities from collective forms of
organization of cognitive activity of bachelors to
personalized ones, from direct training to individ-
ual forms of communication, to purposeful search
of one’s own path for successful postgraduate for-
mation.In fact, the works of A. A. Verbitsky [Verbit-
sky A. A., 2019], A. A. Rean, N. V. Bordovskaya, S. I.
Rozum [Rean A. A., 2008], Jim Collins [Jim Collins,
2017], E. B. Popov [Popov E. B., 2003 – 156], which
formed the methodological basis of this article,
discuss the strategy of training specialists in new
conditions, the ways of professional improvement
of graduates of higher educational institutions.
The purpose of the article is to identify the
forms and methodological support of cognitive
activity of undergraduates, necessary for their pro-
fessional (in this case – pedagogical) formation.
Since to date, some experience in the conditions of
postgraduate educationhas been accumulated; in
addition to the above mentioned scientific sources,
the authors used observations and their own ex-
perience in conducting classroom / extracurricular
activities and management of scientific research of
It seems that the first step towards improving
the learning environment is associated with the
strengthening of the role and importance of the
functions of supervisors. Nowadays, the require-
ments to the supervisor’s pedagogical status and
scientific training have increased significantly: when
a scientific supervisor is appointed, the followings
aspects of his research productivity are taken into
account: the prospects of his research,if the pub-
lication of the research results is widegeographi-
cally, and how the topic of master’s works meets
his scientific profile. The supervisor is responsible
for the choice of a subject matter of master’s re-
search, its provision with the scientific device, to
the substantial value of the selected material, and
to the character of the performed observations and
experiments. The concepts of “school”, “followers”,
and “scientific result”become actual.
A specific example of this approach is the man-
agement of doctoral students, undergraduates,
applicants, carried out by our department. The
research interests are diverse and cover the most
urgent problems of Ethnic Psycholinguistics, Asso-
ciative Linguistics, the Theory of Intercultural Com-
munication, Linguistic Gender Study, Stylistics and
Culture of Russian Speech. The main directions of
pervisor in the training of master’s-oriented educational activities, and identification of didactic values
dialog forms used in the development of educational programs.