Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия « Фил ол оги ч ески е науки», № 2 (32), 2010 г. intuitive expectations of their partner. V.A.Kan Kalik and N.D.Nikandrov defined the
communicative competence as an integral part of human existence which is presented in all human
activities. They emphasize that the problem is that not all people see how can be achieved certain
communicative acts of communication. They must have certain skills and abilities. Accordingly the
process of learning should be pre-defined objective of the formation of communicative
competence, personality and therefore must be determined by the methods and means of
formation.The problem of communicative competence allocates in the work of teachers
N.V.Gordovsakaya, L.M. Mitin, E.V.Prozorov, A.K.Mikhalskaya. The analysis of this work shows
that communicative competence considered in relation to characteristics of the interaction of
people, knowledge and skills as a personality and behavior, manifested in relationships with
people, the communicative ability in connection. Thus communicative competence is the aim and
result of the process professional training, mastery of knowledge in a particular area and the ability
to exchange in collaboration to ensure that the subject of effective communication. All the
explanations about the communicative components have been given in generally[4.4].
Now we have to think the meaning of communicative competence of the senior students at
school so it is actual in modern educational system of Kazakhstan. In the work of Asadchyh V.U,
“the process of forming communicative competence is considered that subjects of educational
process are aimed at mastering the ability to analyze learners communicative situations to goal
setting and planning communication activities to apply interpersonal and collective interaction
perform an objective assessment of their own communicative activities and situations of
communicative interaction intellectual and personal reflection”! 4.32].
The structure of the process of forming communicative competence school students
presented motivation, trust, operationally controlling and regulating components in ways close
relationship. The indicators of communicative competence of senior students at school are:
mastering the skills of analysis, communicative situation, the methods of goal setting and planning
of communicative activities; possession of different types of speech activities (listening, speaking,
reading, writing), use the full expressive means of verbal expression, the skills of interpersonal and
inter-collective interaction, skills correctly interpret received ora! and written information (primary
and secondary), capacity for objective assessment of their own communication activities and
situations of communicative interaction through intellectual and personal reflection.