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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

Ключевые слова: эпоним, термин, личные имена, когниция, культура.
Түйіндеме: Эпонимдер – белгілі-бір адамның немесе жер-судың жалқы атауынан шыққан 
сөздер ретінде ғылымға немесе тарихқа елеулі үлес қосқан адамдар туралы білімнің маңызды көзі 
болып табылады. Қазіргі заманғы лингвистиканың адам факторын зерттеуге бағытталған 
тенденциясы эпонимдік терминдерді когнитивтік және лингвомәдени көзқарас тұрғысынан зерттеуге 
жол ашып отыр. Мақалада эпонимдердің әлемнің тілдік бейнесімен жақынырақ таныcуда маңызды 
рөл атқаратын тілдік ескерткіштер ретінде өзектілігі анықталады. 
Тірек сөздер: эпоним, термин, жалқы есімдер, когниция, мәдениет. 
In onomastics, it is customary to consider and study from different points of view the process 
of transformation of a common word or its base into a class of proper names. However, in 
linguistics, there is also a directly opposite procedure - this is the appeal of an onym and its 
deonymization. This process is a change in the status of a proper name when it becomes a subclass 
of common nouns. Often this process occurs in scientific and technical discourse, when a proper 
name at once passes into the category of common nouns without changing its morphological form. 
This one-time transformation is associated with extralinguistic cultural and historical factors. 
The tradition of giving something a proper name originated in ancient times and has survived 
to this day, as evidenced by the names of many mythological heroes, captured in historical
astronomical, geographical, medical, chemical, biological and other names: Athens - in honor of the 
ancient Greek goddess Athena, Aegean Sea - in memory of the hero of the epic, etc. In Ancient 
Greece, a god, hero or person whose name was assigned to any object was called Eponym (Greek 
Eponymos – epi 'after' and onoma 'name'), i.e., the person on whose behalf the name of the area, 
natural object, term, etc [1, 83]. At the end of the 19
, beginning of the 20
century, the lexical 
unit "eponym" as a general scientific term falls into the same lexical series with the terms 
"pseudonym", "synonym", etc. In modern science, the meaning of the word "eponym" as "a person 
who gave a name to an object or process, a proper name (onym) which has become a common 
noun”, is considered obsolete. 
Eponyms being linguistic signs are subjected, like other linguistic units, to classification and 
systematization according to principles accepted in linguistics based on conceptual characteristics. 
Eponymous terms can be classified according to several criteria, and one of them is subject matter: 
For example, seasons, weather and natural phenomena: “Fahrenheit” (a unit of temperature 
measurement. Named after the German scientist Gabriel Fahrenheit, who proposed a scale for 
measuring temperature in 1724), “March” (In the Romans, the first month of the year was dedicated 
to the god of war, Mars), “May” (The name of this month goes back to the Latin “Maius”. Maya is 
the nymph who raised the son of Zeus. The Romans identified this nymph as the patroness of the 
fertile land), “June” (The name of this month goes back to one from the characters of Roman 

mythology - the goddess Juno), “July” (The ancient Romans named the second month of summer in 
honor of Julius Caesar), “August” (In Latin, this was the name of the sixth month of the year, and 
initially this word was used by the ancient Romans to name the first emperor Octavian, who for his 
deeds received the title of Augustus, literally - "exalted by the gods") [2]. Eponyms endow those 
who created or invented something with the power of the name and the idea that survives them. 
They also highlight people who have characterized entire styles, eras or studies, playing the role of 
linguistic monuments, forcing interested people to delve into the history and culture of the era that 
originated those eponyms. They do not only play the role of a tool of spreading the culture as a soft 
power but also remembered as pride and representatives of the certain era for the next generations.
Proper names, despite the already established tradition of their study, remain one of the 
problem areas of onomasiological research. In the study of proper names that function as part of 
complex names, one aspect become fundamentally important. It can be described as motivational. A 
motive or motivation, being part of a cognitive approach to the analysis of linguistic phenomena, 
presupposes an explanation of how a particular name appeared in a language, which motivates the 
choice of a particular linguistic sign to name a certain subject. This entails consideration of both 
extralinguistic factors (cultural, social, psychological and others) and intra-linguistic (semantic 
transfers, semantic changes, etc.).
Eponymous terms as part of the language contribute to a deeper understanding of a person and 
his culture, which is especially important for linguists. The study of cultural characteristics by 
analyzing linguistic facts is a valuable, practical and theoretical material for expanding the existing 
knowledge about the reality around us. 
At the end of the 20th century, it turned out that in the science of man there is no place for the 
main thing that created man and his intellect - culture. The fact that at this time the Man was placed 
in the center of the universe and the center of language contributed to the formation of cultural 
linguistics and the transfer of research emphasis to such culturally "charged" objects as international 
eponymous terms. 
Guillaumin defines culture as "a set of characteristics that are typical of people, groups, 
societies (...), which can be recognized by the habits, feelings and the material world of objects, 
both utilitarian and aesthetic." As Guillaumin continues, anthropologists extend this definition to 
"the set of ways of thinking, institutions, and material objects that define a society." From an 
anthropological point of view, culture includes language and way of life, the organization of family 
ties and techniques such as tools, food and clothing, ways of thinking and feeling, taboos and 
obligations, courtesy and entertainment, as well as the forms taken by mental illness or marginality, 
etc." [3, 161]. Culture is not a closed system, especially in our time, when the administrative and 
political boundaries of many countries are becoming more and more blurred every day, thanks to 
globalization and the need for teaching foreign languages to build successful international 
communication. In turn, intercultural encounters have led, among other things, to exchange of 
From a modern point of view, linguistics has long ceased to be only a science of language - 
language, being woven into all types of human activity and reflecting the world as a person 
speaking in this language sees it, cannot be understood and explained outside of connection with a 
person. Philosophical anthropology is the science of the essence and essential structure of man, of 
his basic relations: to nature, society, other people, himself, about his origin, about the social and 
metaphysical foundations of his existence, about the main categories and laws of his being. 
Nowadays, the idea that the nature of language can be understood only on the basis of a person and 
his world as a whole is increasingly common. 
At present, the main feature of the linguo-cognitive and culturological direction in science is 
the shift of emphasis in scientific research from object to object, that is, to human subjectivity, 
formed by the work of consciousness, which orients the subject to comprehend the meaning of 
cultural phenomena, to its content. Behind such analyzed linguistic units as eponymous terms, there 
is primarily a human personality. 
Eponyms are cognitive and cultural phenomenon because of the following factors [4, 21]: 

1. There are the toponyms as Virginia and America. The word America is named after Italian 
Map maker, Amerigo Vespucci. While Virginia was named for Queen Elizabeth I of England, who 
was known as the Virgin Queen. The proper name in the structure of the eponym term makes it the 
keeper of culture and history, "so that the past continues in the future, so that we are not allowed to 
become impoverished with the great riches of the past." They arose long before the appearance of 
writing and reflect the formation of ethnic groups, their common and distinctive features, the history 
of interaction and mutual influence of peoples in different historical epochs. This kind of linguistic 
monuments provide important information about the ethnogenesis of people, their socio-economic, 
cultural and political life in different historical periods. 
2. Eponyms as cognitive linguistic units include proper names that are important for a 
particular country or even humanity. For example, Aristotelianism, Platonism, Confucianism and 
others. “-ism” is a suffix in many English words, originally derived from the Ancient Greek suffix -
ισμός (-ismós), and reaching English through the Latin -ismus, and the French -isme. It means 
"taking side with" or "imitation of", they usually came after names of remarkable people with their 
wide-spread ideology, making it an eponym, and are contested and historically changeable 
concepts, noting that isms are used as names of doctrines and movements. It can be seen as an 
attempt to create a perspective for a global intellectual history that combines a long history of ideas 
with a transnational and global perspective. 
3. Eponyms are special lexemes used in special professional vocabulary. As we discussed 
above, frames are a collection of words that can be used in various special fields. Thus, eponyms 
are frame words that can be used in areas such as medicine, physics, politics, economics, chemistry, 
linguistics, and others: “Daltonism” (Feature of knowledge, named after John Dalton, who first 
described one of the types of color blindness based on his own feelings in 1794), “nicotine” 
(Derived from the French, further from own Nicot, named Jean Nicot - the French ambassador to 
the Portuguese court, who in 1560 was the first to deliver tobacco to France). Inventors, founders 
and scientists are often people of the same name, inspiring eponymous terms that are used to 
describe their inventions, products or discoveries. The reason for this is the goal of perpetuating the 
names of the discoverers in the history of a particular sphere. 
Thus, the use of eponyms becomes one of the methods for creating special linguistic 
neologisms and, consequently, linguistic enrichment. They bring color and in some way trace 
scientific traditions and culture to history. The cultural specificity of eponyms is a way of 
preserving the cultural heritage of a society. Since ancient times, people have been revered or 
despised for their actions, and their names have been used as an emblem or symbol of a particular 
event, behavior, object, etc. 
The structure of a language determines the way native speakers of the language in question 
see the world, or, in a slightly weaker version, is that structure does not define the worldview, but is 
still extremely influential. In the predisposition of native speakers to adopt a certain worldview, and 
when there is no linguistic sign for that particular worldview, the process becomes more 
complicated as it borrows both the worldview and the words to express it. To concretize, viewed 
from either an everyday or scientific point of view, eponyms are a class of "words that express a 

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