Әож 371. 486 Қолжазба құқында Түсіпбаева Меруерт балғабайқызы

Actuality of the research

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Actuality of the research. In the modern world the necessary conditions of formation of harmonic developed personality are wealth of his inside soul culture, intellectual freedom, high moral potential, good aesthetic taste, tolerance in interpersonal, international and social communication. Development of these qualities can’t be without creating effective system of education as effectiveness of education, formation of necessary motivation much depends on organization of learning activity of learners. The main aims of system of education nowadays are formation of soul sphere of personality of learners, education of his moral and aesthetic qualities taking into account general human, concrete-historical and national issues.
One of universal tendencies in development of personality, providing her development in accordance with social and psychological-physiological development of a human-being under influence of art and a variety of aesthetic objects of reality, is aesthetic education. Aesthetic education develops taste, skill of noticing the beauty and ugliness; it is important because it connects with many areas of education: moral education, which develops a child a feeling of love and pride; with labor education, which helps a child treat respectfully to the labour of people, see the beauty of done .
The bases of aesthetic culture are put in junior ages, acquiring full value during further self-education and self-development of personality, bringing to the consciousness of himself as a participant and subject of aesthetic activity. In this way there is actualization of search of new approaches for organization of education at school, particularly, realization of brining-up function of education. By this the main meaning is joining learners in the richest traditions of world and our country culture, constant using in the system of aesthetic education of potential of works of folklore. To our mind, using of folklore allows to solve the problem of learning and education to some extend.
Problems of aesthetic education are enough worked out in pedagogy and psychology. So, there are works, devoted to general issues of aesthetic education, working out its notion – terminological apparatus, determination of essence and aims, psychological aspects of aesthetic education.
The conducted analysis of literature has showed that the problems of aesthetic education are found in researches of many educators. However, educational potential of works of poet-zhyrau of XVIII-XIX centuries in aesthetic education of learners hasn’t studied well enough. Inadequate studying of possibilities of using educational potential of works of poet-zhyrau of XVIII-XIX centuries taking into account modern realities has determined the choice of the theme of the research.

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