Әож 371. 486 Қолжазба құқында Түсіпбаева Меруерт балғабайқызы

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Object of the research: pedagogical thoughts in the heritage of poets-zhyrau
Purpose of the research: Scientific-theoretical substantiation of ideas of aesthetic education in a heritage of poets-zhyrau and definition of an opportunity of use of their educational potential in an expert.
Methodological and theoretical base of the research is philosophical and psychological-pedagogical concepts; statements of dialectics of correlation of general, special and individual, discussing general human and national in its unity and interconnection; axiological approach, admitting a person as the highest value and self-aim of common development; cultural approach, considering Kazakh national folklore as an important source and means of soul succession of generations.
Results of the research:

  1. revealed the essence of aesthetic education by means of literature in pedagogical theory and practice and its historical character;

  2. determined preconditions and genesis of formation of thoughts of aesthetic education in creative works of poet-zhyrau of XVIII-XIX centuries;

  3. analyzed thoughts of aesthetic education on creativity of poet-zhyrau of XVIII-XIX centuries form the literature-pedagogical position;

  4. determined the possibilities of using thoughts of aesthetic education in creativity of poet-zhyrau of XVIII-XIX centuries in the modern teaching and learning process.

In the process of conducting the research there have been prepared:

  • specialized seminar for school and university teachers “The use of pedagogical thoughts of aesthetic education in heritage of poet- zhyrau of XVIII-XIX centuries in educational process”;

  • specialized course for learners “Thoughts of aesthetic education in heritage of poet- zhyrau of XVIII-XIX centuries”;

  • monograph “Poet- zhyrau of XVIII-XIX centuries and their thoughts of aesthetic education (Kazakh language)”.

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