фоносемантической природы определенный части топонимической и
географической лексики казахского языка.
Результаты исследования можно использовать при дальнейшей разработке
общих и частных проблем теории фоносемантики, ономастики, топонимики,
теории номинации и т.д. Результаты диссертационной работы также могут быть
применены в практике преподавания вузовских дисциплин по фоносемантике,
ономастике, общему языкознанию, топонимике, лингвистической типологии и
лексикографической практики.
Научные положения, выдвигаемые к защите:
- в лексическом фонде казахских топонимов и географических терминов
звукоизобразительные единицы имеют реликтовые характеристики идеофонов
и имитативов;
- односложные идеофоны и имитативы, возникшие в эпоху появления
языка, сохранились в качестве корней – основ в лексикализованных и
грамматикализованных производных словах современных языков;
- названия положительного рельефа имеют фоносемантическую природу,
основанную на символизме губных звуков - фонем;
- звукоподражательные топонимы имеют в корневой основе идеофон или
сама основа – корень является звуковым подражанием естественным звукам,
шумам и т.д. издаваемым объектами фоносемантической номинации;
- звукосимволические гидронимы содержат в своем звуковом составе
идеофоны (идеофонемы), символизирующие на основе синестезии и
синестемии тактильные, сенсорные, акустические характеристики текущей
воды (реки) на фоносемантическом уровне.
Структура диссертации. Диссертация состоит из введения, двух основных
разделов, заключительной части и списка использованной литературы.
Апробация работы: Содержание и результаты исследования отражены в
шести докладах на международных и республиканских научных конференциях
и в четырех научных статьях.
Dissertation submitted for the scholarly degree of
“Candidate of Philological Sciences”
Speciality: 10.02.02 - the Kazakh language
Makulbek Azamat Bolatbekuly
Phonosemantics description of the Kazakh toponyms
The topicality of the research is determined by a possibility to describe the
ancient group of the Kazakh toponymical words based on the phonosemantic
historical nature and origin having some common aspects with theories of primary
forms of Language in general. At the same time the research of anthroponomical
paradigm, problems of Language in connection with a man and his consciousness
take place in the dissertation.
Orographical appellatives of the Kazakh language were kept in their composition
relict ideophones (imitative, phoneme types, phonosemantic models) in the sound
symbolic forms expressing positive meaning of relief on the basis of labial vowels
and consonants as well as labialized sounds.
In Kazakh sound imitating toponyms root stems and morphemes have relict
etymologically expressing or obscured ideophones (or phoneme types,
phonosemantic models), which provides sound imitating of “sounding” geographic
In Kazakh sound symbolic hydronyms root stems have phonosemantic nature
expressing intermodal associations, related with nominating hydrographic objects, to
their symbolic forms.
The object of the research is a group of the Kazakh hydronyms, oronyms and
hydrographical and orographical appellatives of phonosemantic origin.
The aim of the research is to study the phonosemantic nature and the main
features of a certain group of the Kazakh hydronyms and hydrographical and
orographical appellatives. In accordance with the main aim it was necessary to solve
following problems:
- study of issues on formation and development of the Kazakh toponymic system
in a new aspect i.e. definition of phonosemantic structure;
-to define different aspects of glottogenetics through the phonosemantic
investigation of ancient Kazakh geographical terms;
-to represent phonosemantics description of some Kazakh hydrographical
-to describe phonosemantic nature of some Kazakh orographical terms;
-to define phonosemantic features of onomatopoetic toponyms in the Kazakh
-etymological aspects of Kazakh toponymic system are defined in the context of
the phonosemantic theory;
-sound symbolic nature of Kazakh hydronyms were etymological investigated;
-etymological essence of some Kazakh oronymes is interpreted on the
phonosemantic basis.
Methods of the research. In the dissertation descriptive, comparative and other
methods are used. The phonosemantic method is the main scientific method of
dissertation created by Voronin S.V.
The scientific novelty and the results of research. The Kazakh toponyms and
geographical terms were investigated for the first time in the work and the following
results were taken:
-onomapoetic and sound symbolic characteristics of Kazakh toponyms and
geographic terms have been defined in accordance with requirements of
phonosemantic study an on the basis of its methods;
-onomatopoetic and soundsymbolic features of some Kazakh toponyms and
geographical terms were defined and had a description;
-ideaphone and imitative features of the Kazakh toponyms and geographical
terms were described;
-attempts to review the role and characteristics of glottogenetics have been made
in aspect of phonosemantic theory or origin of the language;
-some differential peculiarities of onomatopoetic and soundsymbolic words were
described and defined using the Kazakh toponymic and geographical language
-during on the research method of investigation were concretely specified;
-opportunities of phonosemantic reconstruction have been revealed as one of the
effective methods of etimological defenitions in the toponymic aspect.
The theoretical and practical meaning of the research consists in usage of
phonosemantic methods in investigating historical sound nature of a certain group of
the Kazakh toponyms and geographical words. The results of research can be used in
case of further creation of general and concrete problems of phonosemantics,
onomastics, toponomy and the nomination theory. At the same time they can be used
in practice of reading such high school courses as phonosemantics, onomastics,
general linguistics, toponymics, linguistic typology and lexicographical practice.
The main theoretical statements to be defended are:
-in the vocabulary of Kazakh toponyms and geographical terms there some
onomatopoetic units with relic peculiarities of ideaphones and imitative;
-monosyllable ideaphones and imitative formed in a period of language origin
one can find as roots and stems in Lexicalized and grammaticalized derivatives in
modern languages;
-names of positive reliefs have a phonosemantic nature based on the
soundsymbolism of labial sounds - phonemes;
-onomatopoetic toponyms their roots and stems are based on imitation of natural
sounds produced by object of phonosemantic nomination;
-soundsymbolic hydronyms, their sound construction contain ideaphones
symboling features of running warter on the phonosemantic level through fenomenon
of cynestesy and synestemy.
The work contains of introduction, two parts with summaries, conclusion and list
of bibliography.
Approval of the work: Content and results of the research are represented in six
reports at international and republican scientific conferences and in four scientific
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