Jafarova Sh. The typological signs of Azerbaijan and Russian tale
Jafarova A. J. Bayati In The Ordubad Folklore Environment..........
Zhumatayeva A.
National сharacter in the stories Nesipbek
Ibraeva A.D. The history of creation S.Asylbekuly.......................
Kadirkhanova S.S. A few words are at research of epos of "Shor
batur " (on the basis of Kazakh, karakalpak and Nogai
Kamarova N. S. Viable songs of maktymkuly ...............................
Mambetov Zh.The lyrics of Murat Shaymaran.............................
Mammadova Sh. Women images in pre-revolution Azerbaijani
Orda G., Kospagarova
А. Modern artistic originality of truth and
fiction feature story D.Doszhana...................................................
Sarbasov B.S. «The place names in the epic «Kozy Korpesh –
Bayan Sulu»...................................................................................
Soltanbaeva T.S. Mythical images and fairy-tale characters in the
modern Kazakh prose.....................................................................
Khamzin M. B.Maytanov and kazakh literary criticism...................
Huzhahmetov S.A. The transformation of the images in the novel
M. Mullakaeva "Nene"......................................................................
Berdalieva T.K.,
Қaybaldieva B.M., Kuanyshbaeva S.S. IT-
technologies The information and educational SPACE...................
Zhumakaeva B.D. Development of informative activity of pupils
at wave lyrical work (for example M.Makataeva verses)..................
Kadyrkulov K.Sh. , Sadikova R.K.-
Actual problems of teaching
methods of voice
Kaibaldiyeva B.M., Mezgilbayeva Z.M., Kuanyshbayeva Sh.S.
Formation of business communication skills on teachingof
professional oriented English..........................................................
Koudrjavtseva E.L., Zhanpeissova N.M. Prospects of networling
cooperation in international multicultural educational field...............
Parmankulova D.R. Efficiency of usage of innovative
technologies in learning foreign language.........................................
Saparbayeva K.ZH., Minbayeva A.P. Extracurricular work
culture of speech in children's literature...........................................
Togzhanova L.
К. On working with economic terms in the context
of teaching russian language in not language high school..................
D. The importance of the dictionary in the field
of journalism.............................................................................
Serdali B. K.
PR-media as one of the press-service methods..
Zhumakaeva B.D., Amangaliyeva Z.T. Translation of «The story
of Keesh»by Jack London in the Kazakh language............................
Ongarbaeva A.T. Transfer features clichéd formulas under
Seidenova S.D., Konyrbekova T.O. Translation of elements of the
expressivity in the literary text........................................................
Interviews K.Twmenbay..................................
Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрлігі Білім және ғылым саласындағы бақылау комитетінің 2012 жылғы 10 шілдедегі №1082 бұйрығы негізінде Абай атындағы
ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысының «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы ғылыми жұмыстардың негізгі нәтижелерін жариялайтын басылымдар тізбесіне енгізілген.
На основании приказа №1082 от 10 июля 2012 года Комитетом по контролю в сфере образования и науки республики Казахстан Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Филологические
науки» внесен в перечень изданий для публикации основных результатов научной деятельности.
On the basis of the order 1082, July 10, 2012 by the comittee of supervision of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of Education and Science Abai Kazakh Pedagogical University Vestnik
issue “Philological sciences” is included into the list of publications of the man scientific activity.
Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая, серия «Филологические науки», № 2(56), 2016 г.
УДК 81.373.87
Abbasov Abbas - candidate of philological sciences, Baku State University, dilchilik2001@gmail.com
Structural features of the dictionary article which is one of the important theoretical problems of lexicography are
investigated in this article. The principles of the head words and entries are studied; controversial issues in the direction
of lexicography theory are clarified in dictionaries of various types. Putting “head words” in different ways in separate
dictionaries is drawn to the focus and causes that evoke such condition are tried to be clarified. The main composition
and communication unit of the dictionary which is one of the specific genres of the information-data literature is a
vocabulary article. Communication between the reader and dictionary goes on a Meta language. The vocabulary article
is of universal character according to its composition, semantics, syntaxes, style and structure. Regardless of the type of
dictionary, the vocabulary article has certain common features.
Key words: lexicography, dictionary, dictionary article, head word, lexicographic sign, vocabulary note.
Each dictionary is prepared to serve for a specific purpose. For example, in addition to the registration of
area terms, the first bilingual dictionary covers the purposes of giving information about the translation and
terminology of the other language. The use of the dictionary in translation process is of more importance and
increases its efficiency. For the compiling of monolingual as well as multilingual terminological dictionaries,
primarily, the principles of their preparation are developed. It is necessary to clarify the structure of the
vocabulary article and determine its components in this process. It is important to prepare determination
principles of the terminological dictionary type and work on the structure of the vocabulary article.
There are “universal dictionary” and “universal structure of entries” concepts in the lexicography theory.
Units are always described in each dictionary. These units are called “entries”, “bold words” and “head
words” in English and “stichwort” in German. The terminological variability is derived from the selection
of naming motivation on different criteria. It is known that each described or explained unit of speech is
given with the capital letter. And on the motivation basis it is «
заглавное слово» in Russian and its loan
(calque) translation - a lexicography term -
“baş söz” in Azerbaijani. In a similar manner each word in a
bold type is called a “bold word” term in the dictionary. The motivartion is on the basis of the word’s
colour. There are a lot of words and expressions in the Azerbaijani language formed by means of the loan
translation. But this variant has gained its usage neither in Azerbaijani nor in Russian. Described units in the
dictionary are listed by separating from each other with certain signes. In this regard, they create a consistent
description of the items listed. The terms of (“vocabulary article”) «
словарная статья» in Russian and
again by the loan translation “entries” in Azerbaijani were formed according to motivation, on the basis of a
normative function of the dictionary and paragraphs separation. As usual, in the lexicographical terminology
of the Azerbaijani language the term “entries” is used. It is necessary to take into account that the term
“head word” doesn’t exactly express the concept; because in this lexicographical position not only the
words, but other linguistic units might be used. For example, morphemes, word combinations, proverbs and
sayings, etc.
The arrangement of entries in an alphabetical order organizes the glossary of the dictionary. Saying the
glossary, we mostly mean the left side of the dictionary. The glossary formation of different dictionaries is a
particularly studied issue. When lexicography concretely deals with lexical units, the glossary problem is
called the theory of compressing and minimizing of vocabulary.
All given information about entries is assembled on the right side of the dictionary. The information on
the right side of the dictionary may be of different volumes depending on the dictionary type of caurse. For
example, in dictionaries of frequency the information consists of figures only. There is a figure “1” before all
words with one frequency. The volume of information given on the right side is more and enough
comprehensive especially in academic explanatory dictionaries.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың Хабаршысы, «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы, № 2 (56), 2016 ж.
The term of “entries” and its opposite “vocabulary article” are more frequently used type in lexicographic
researches. Besides that the term of “head word” usage at the same point is noted. As mentioned above,
different definitions were given to the “head word” concept which is always standing on the left side of the
dictionary. “Head word “ is a vocabulary element which is explained in the entry, printed with special
distinctive type and established in accordance with the principles of each dictionary [3, c.32]. In our opinion
the definition of the source has been studied in O.S. Akhmanova’s dictionary. In D.Rozental’s and M.
Telenkova’s dictionaries head word has been taken into account as an explained word in the dictionary
article [2, c.104].
H.Hasanov’s definition runs as follows: “Head word is a word or expression, description or explanation,
writing or translation of which are given in the dictionary in an alphabetical order” [5, c.153]. In the
definition, most likely, the word “for” is not included after “give a translation” as a result of a technical
defect. The same time, if we take into account that dictionaries are not compiled according to the alphabet
only, it is natural that head words have been left aside from this definition in ideographic and other types of
dictionaries. There is no description and explanation or very limited in listed dictionaries referred to
monolingual dictionaries either. Then “head word”s could remain outside of D. Rozental and M. Telenkova’s
definition in such a listed type of dictionaries. In our opinion, we can give such a definition to the “head
word” concept: “Head word”- is a unit of glossary arranged in accordance with the rules set up in the
dictionary, different from other words by italics and described or explained.
Lets look at the possible cases of italics distinctions of the head word. Of course these possible situations
will cover the determination of the main scope of the different forms adopted in different dictionaries. It
should be noted that, to the extent possible, it needs to consider it expedient to give priority to the association
of selected samples from the dictionary with lexicography; because, in this case either the opportunity arrises
for the description of the certain problem on the sample or explanations of certain concepts of different
sources have taken place in lexicography.
‘’ DICTIONARY COMPARTMENT – a group of words of the same root collected in a separate entry.
ENTRY- an article that explains and comments head word in the dictionary.
DICTIONARY CONTENT- the aggregation of all the words used in any dictionary. The main dictionary
fond holds an important place in the dictionary content ‘’ [3, c.153].
In the “explanatory dictionary of linguistic terms” the compilers have given head words in capital letters
with the italics purposes. To separate head words from others a sign of dash is used. The sign of dash
performs the function of the demarcation line which separates the head word from an explanation. It is not
used in some dictionaries. It should be noted that the sign of dash is an idiographic sign taken from
dictionaries compiled in Russian. It is known that instead of Russian words “
есть” (“is”), or “являться”
(“is”) the sign of dash is used. In this case dash perfoms the function of a predicate in the sentence. But in the
Azerbaijani language materials the information coming after the sign of dash is always written with capital
letter. For example, “Lexicographic words are “autosemantic” words belonging to the main parts of speech.
Lexicographic signs – are the conventional redundancies which are noted in entries and reflect their
lexsical, grammatical and stylistic characters. Grammatical lexicographic sign – is a lexicographic sign
reflecting grammatical character of the word in the dictionary: conj. (conjunction), pron. (pronoun), part.
(particle), adv. (adverb) and card. num. (cardinal numerals). Stylistic-lexicographic sign - means
lexicographic sign that reflects stylistic character of an entry: anc. (ancient word), col.(colloqual), hum.
(humour), book. (bookish). Special lexicographic sign – lexicographic sign reflecting the reference of the
head word to any field of science or life: mar. (marine), opt.(optics), ec.(economy), m.(mining) [3, c.150].
In given examples, information coming after the head word is not molded as an entire sentence. There is
no predicate. Despite this an addressee completes it up to a sentence. A dot after incomplete information is
an associate indicator of the incomplete explanation. As it was mentioned above head word is an integral
component addressed to the compiler in the dictionary communication. In above mentioned dictionary the
author gives an answer to the question of “what is lexicographic sign?”. If the question in the act of the
author’s speech is repeated then, conventional redundancies are answers which were noted in “lexicographic
sign entries reflect its lexical, grammatical and stylistic characters” and there is a need of using this
construction. The violation of an agreement according to the quantity arises from the dictionary specification
in this construction. With the purpose of not repeating the head word and as well as expanding the volume of
the dictionary article, the main component is noted being differed, and its explanation is formed in a certain
syntantical structure, in a special case, in a predicative form which is imagined in the dictionary
Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая, серия «Филологические науки», № 2(56), 2016 г.
In cases when the sign of dash is not used to separate head word, a common sequencing is kept in writing.
And the head word and its explanation are separated from each other by gaps or the intervals.
The head word with a capital letter and a point after it are also used. In this case the capital letter and
blacken perform the function of italics. The point notifies the separation of words. For example, “dictionary.
1. Eng. Vacabluary, Fr. Vacabulaire, Gem. Wortschatz, Sp. Vocabulario. Collection of words of the given
language, of territorial and social dialects; is that part of the common vacabulary of the language, which
distinguishes the language of a particular writer, literary direction and etc.; compare. Active vocabulary,
passive vocabulare” [1, c. 420].
A number of moments, connected with head words attract attention in Akhmanova’s dictionary. For
example, in the example given above, a point was put after the head word, and Arabic number “1” was used
after it. Then a compatible word is written with small, sidewise and italicized shortening words. Vocabulary
information beginning with a figure “2” is given after the first explanation in the paragraph.
“2. (*lexicon). Eng. Dictionary, word-book; Fr. Dictionnaire; Ger. Worterbuch; Sp. Diccionario. A book,
containing a systematic description of the dictionary (in the 1
sense): Academic dictionary, Accentuation
dictionary, Dictionary of Idioms, Dictionary of foreign words, Historical dictionary, Multilingual dictionary,
Normative dictionary, Orthographical dictionary, Pronouncing dictionary , Branchy dictionary, Polytechnical
dictionary, Dictionary of synonyms, Reference dictionary, Terminological dictionary, Narrow branchy
dictionary, Dictionary of the writer’s language. Bilingual dictionary… Dialectological dictionary…
Differential dictionary… Ideological dictionary… Monolingual dictionary… Paremiological
dictionary… Foreign dictionary… Explanatory dictionary… Philological dictionary… Phraseological
dictionary… Frequency dictionary… School dictionary… Encyclopaedic dictionary… Etymological
dictionary… [1, c. 421].
If we compare given materials after head words in two paragraphs, we can obviously see that different
meanings are dealt about. In this case the translation of the word dictionary in other languages finds its
reflection in distinctive terms. So, Arabic figures were used to show head words in unlike meanings. Such
kind of arrangement of word-terms coincides with the arrangement of homonyms in the dictionary.
The terms given as head words in O.S. Akhmanova’s dictionary are translated into English, French,
German, and Spanish as well. This is, in its turn, an obvious example of the dictionary, which functions both
as a foreign dictionary, and explanatory one. Actually, this is a multilingual, explanatory and terminological
dictionary. In that dictionary, the sign of point manifests itself directly in two cases after the head words. The
first case has got the goal to separate homonymic meanings. The separation by the sign of point emerges in
the second case during the references to another head word given as a dictionary unit. And this confirms the
existence of different term variants.
The dominant term is explained in the dictionary. When the term has got different variants, one of them
is selected as a dominant term due to its viability.
A number of information is included into entries. There can be a dominant term, term’s variant, row and
dublet among that information. The compiling of terminological dictionaries goes on different levels. The
viability is often observed in terms of the terminological dictionaries compiled for the first time. This is a
naming of the same notion by different terms in the language. The term can’t have its synonym. But in any
scientific text the term might have its substitution and dublet of course. And these, in their terms, may form
variability in the terms.
The dominant term is always shown first in entries. Term’s domination carries out a subjective character;
i.e. term domination depends on the compiler’s subjective opinion. The frequency of the term usage or
processing option can be regarded as a domination indicator in authors’ text books and scientific literatures.
Dominant and variants are included into entries as a collection. The principle of a certain sequence is
preferable, if a term translation into other languages is considered in terminological dictionaries. For
example O.S. Akhmanova had accepted the translation in English, French, German and Spanish sequence
after the head word. There is no translation problem in explanatory dictionaries of Azerbaijani linguistic
terms. This is an absolute explanatory dictionary. If one or more components of terms are loan-words, then
their explanation might be given.
But full reflection of mentioned information in the entries makes certain difficulties. On the one hand, if
it is connected with the expanding of text volume in entries, with the data collection for each variant on the
other hand. In our opinion, it will be enough if etymological information is given for a more used option in
comparison with dominant or other options.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың Хабаршысы, «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы, № 2 (56), 2016 ж.
Some researchers consider it right to give an explanation of two variants of the notion in entries: initial
and contemporary options. In explanatory terminological dictionaries old or archaic terms and corresponding
definitions are used depending on dictionary aim of course. Sometimes it is possible to be satisfied with the
note about the obsolescence of the term.
Compiling of bilingual dictionary is rather simpler on the basis of known word, i.e. terminological corps
of the original language; because, in such case, there is no need for terms selection. To achieve maximum
data collection (main terms, its etymology, definition, option, dublet, archaic term, derived, wrong options
and etc.) in the entries of such dictionaries is important to set a special terminological base relating to the
It is possible to compile monolingual or an explanatory terminological dictionary after compiling of
bilingual dictionary, i.e. on the basis of words existing there.
1 Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of Linguistic Terms. - Moscow: The Soviet Encyclopaedia, 1966 - 606 pp.
2 Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Directory-Dictionary of Linguistic Terms. – Moscow: Prosvesheniye,
1976 - 543pp.
3 Adilov M.I., Verdiyeva Z.N. Aghayeva F.M. Explanatory Linguistic Terms. - Baku: Maarif, 1989 -
4 Sadigova S. Terminology of the Azerbaijani Language”. Baku: Elm, 2011, 380 pp.
5 Hassanov H.A. “Theoretical Basis of the Azerbaijani Lexicography”. Baku: SU publish, 1999, 336 pp.
6 Morkovkin V.V. “Educational lexicography as a Linguistic and Methodological Discipline// Actual
Problems of the Educational Lexicography”. Moscow: The Russian Language, 1977, pp. 28-37.
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