Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция материалдары

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qazirgi zamangy bilim juiesi tendensialar innovasialar tehnologialar 2024

Fig.1. Smolensk Church using the Desmos calculator (work of a SmolSU student). 
In the example in Fig. 2, polygonal contours of the monument to the heroes of the 
Great Patriotic War - the Mound of Immortality in Smolensk were constructed using 
polygons and tables. A photo of the monument is shown in the construction field. 
Fig.2. Mound of Immortality in Smolensk using Desmos. Work of a SmolSU student. 
In the example in Fig. 3, the RGB function is used to set color shades when 
depicting a monument in the town of Pochinok, Smolensk region 
Fig.3. A memorial sign in honor of the feat of the crew of N.F. Gastello in the town of 
Pochinok, Smolensk region, using Desmos. Work of a SmolSU student. 

To work on such tasks, you can formulate some methodological 
recommendations for the teacher. 
It is necessary to provide training in basic skills and the Desmos service, 
familiarization with the Desmos interface and the basics of working with function 
graphs, tables and polygons, and methods for defining closed areas. 
Introduce parametric equations and their graphs, methods of controlling 
parameters and their influence on the results of constructions. 
Offer several educational tasks, including drawing with functions and 
polygons, using the acquired knowledge with increasing levels of difficulty. 
When depicting objects using samples (photos and pictures), it is important 
to draw students’ attention to the basic geometric shapes that make up the objects, 
teach them to distinguish their shapes and boundaries, and select appropriate 
mathematical tools - equations, inequalities, functions for their depiction. 
When choosing pictures to display in Desmos, consider the age of your 
students and their math background. Students in grades 7-8 can use equations of 
linear functions, inverse proportionality, modulus, in grades 8-9 they can use 
polynomials of degree 2 and higher, in grades 10-11 trigonometric, logarithmic and 
more complex functions. Based on this, pictures can be depicted using segments and 
broken lines, 2nd order curves, sinusoids and circles, and more complex lines. 
Students may want to work with pre-made projects first to learn their 
structure and gain additional experience with drawing functions and polygons. 
The images you create can also be brought to life using sliders and animations. 
The choice of subject matter for images can be made taking into account the 
goals of the project - not only mathematical, but also educational. For example, when 
studying the culture of your native land, you can suggest drawing sights of your city; 
monuments dedicated to heroes - natives of the city and region; national patterns and 
ornaments on objects of decorative and applied art. 
Topics related to the exploits of fellow countrymen and monuments to the 
heroes of the Great Patriotic War can contribute to moral and patriotic education. 
The next stage in the use of mathematical tools for drawing may be the use of 
Desmos geometric tools, which support a variety of geometric transformations - 
translations, rotation, homothety and others [4]. In addition, such image tasks can be 
included in learning activities on the Teacher Desmos platform and offered to 
students as independent or homework [5]. 
Thus, the Desmos graphing calculator can be successfully used in cross-curricular 
projects in mathematics and culture. Such projects can contribute to the study of the history, 
culture and art of their native land. Such work can be considered as a component of 
educational work at school and as an element of patriotic education. 

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