Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция материалдары

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qazirgi zamangy bilim juiesi tendensialar innovasialar tehnologialar 2024

Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер: 
Шваб Клаус. Төртінші индустриялық революция.-Алматы, 2018. 
Исабаева С.Н. Студенттердің ақпараттық-технологиялық құзыреттілігін қалыптас 
-тырудың педагогикалық шарттары: Монография.-Алматы, 2021 
Сагалиева Ж.К. Цифровая дидактика в высшей школе=Жоғары мектептегі цифрлық 
дидактика: учеб. пособ. - Алматы, 2021 
Баймұхамедов М.Ф. Жасанды интеллект: қазіргі заманғы теория және тәжірибе=Аrrtificial 
intelligence: Modern Theory and Practice: оқу құралы /А.М.Баймұхамедова. - 
Алматы, 2020 
Samarina Anna Evgenyevna 
Smolensk State University, Smolensk, Russia 
Статья посвящена описанию возможностей использования графического 
калькулятора Desmos в межпредметном проекте по математике и культуре. Описаны 
некоторые инструменты Desmos для рисования геометрических фигур, методические 

рекомендации для учителя по организации работы. Приведены примеры результатов 
учебных работ студентов. 
Ключевые слова: 
межпредметные проекты, графический калькулятор, Desmos, 
рисование графиками, культура, математика

Мақала математика мен мәдениеттегі пәнаралық жобада Desmos 
графикалық калькуляторын қолдану мүмкіндіктерін сипаттауға арналған. Геометриялық 
фигураларды салуға арналған Кейбір Desmos құралдары, сондай-ақ жұмысты ұйымдастыру 
бойынша мұғалімге арналған нұсқаулықтар сипатталған. Студенттердің тәжірибелік 
жұмысының нәтижелеріне мысалдар келтірілген. 
Түйінді сөздер: 
пәнаралық жобалар, графикалық калькулятор, Desmos, графикалық 
сурет, мәдениет, математика. 
The use of interactive resources in teaching mathematics at school is becoming 
increasingly relevant in modern education. This is due to the fact that such services 
can not only help consolidate mathematical knowledge, as well as practical skills 
necessary for successful work in the modern information society, but also allow 
students to independently explore mathematical objects, apply the acquired 
knowledge in practice and track their progress. In addition, the use of such resources 
helps to attract students' attention to the lesson, making it more interesting and 
One of the most important practical skills that can be developed through 
interactive resources is the ability to work with information in different forms. The 
modern world places high demands on people to process and analyze large volumes 
of data, so students who learn to use interactive resources to work with data will be 
prepared to work in the modern information society. 
The Desmos graphing calculator is a powerful and convenient tool that can be 
used in a variety of cross-curricular projects at the intersection of mathematics and 
other subjects. The service provides many tools that can be used to create graphics, 
models, and animations. This allows teachers and students to consider mathematical 
concepts not only in a theoretical but also in a practical sense, which can make the 
study of mathematics more interesting and exciting, and show its beauty. 
Visualization effects contribute to a more solid assimilation of mathematical 
knowledge, and interactivity increases the degree of student involvement [1], [2]. 
One of the interesting and non-trivial ways to use the Desmos service is the 
implementation of educational assignments and interdisciplinary projects in 
mathematics, visual arts and culture. The point of the project is to create illustrations, 
images and even animations related to cultural and architectural monuments, using 
mathematical tools - graphs, equations and inequalities, built-in functions and 
independently created dependencies. This method of synthesizing different areas of 
activity - mathematics and fine arts and the culture of the native land - usually 
arouses keen interest among schoolchildren [3]. This form of work as a type of 
project at different levels of complexity can be offered to students of middle and high 
school age. 
Let's look at the Desmos calculator tools that can be used in such projects. 

A large set of standard mathematical functions and equations allows you to 
depict a variety of lines - straight lines, curves of the second and higher orders, 
sinusoids, etc. The use of explicitly specified restrictions on the domain of definition 
and the range of values makes it possible to use segments of graphs of different types. 
Strict and non-strict inequalities allow you to depict closed and shaded areas of 
different shapes. 
The Table component allows you to define a polyline (a group of points 
connected by segments); if necessary, you can use additional settings to move the 
nodes of the polyline, creating the desired contours. The Polygon tool, using a group 
of points specified by a table, allows you to construct a filled polygon. The ability to 
fine-tune the coordinates of points in Desmos allows you to create quite complex 
contours of geometric shapes. 
Knowledge about the coordinates of symmetrical points allows you to create 
symmetrical objects, the use of lists - groups of repeating shapes, ornaments. 
Additional features of Desmos include the following: 

the ability to add parameters to equations and functions, which allows you to 
“revive” created pictures, add moving objects, creating an animation effect; 

the ability to set your own colors using the rgb function, which allows you to 
touch on the issues of color coding in the RGB color model and connect this with the 
study of computer science; 

interactivity and speed of work - Desmos allows you to instantly change 
image parameters and observe changes in real time, which makes the work process 
more interactive and fun; 

accessible and free - Desmos is a free online service available to all users 
from any device with an Internet connection. 
The described capabilities of the Desmos calculator can be used to develop 
practical skills in mathematics and computer science, in independent educational and 
research work of students. Desmos enables students and teachers to use mathematical 
tools to create interactive visualizations and demonstrations that help students better 
understand and analyze complex concepts and ideas. 
The idea of “drawing” images using mathematical means seems quite 
interesting to us. In such cases, the tools of mathematics and information technology 
can become an educational and developmental tool. 
As part of the study of the history and culture of the native land, you can offer 
photographs and models of architectural monuments of your city as samples for 
implementation, which will allow you to connect together familiarity with the culture 
of your native land and knowledge from the field of mathematics and information 
technology. A similar educational task was proposed for completion by students of 
the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Smolensk State University in the direction 
of “Pedagogical Education”. 
In the example in Fig. 1, the contours of one of the architectural monuments of 
Smolensk - the Smolensk Church - are depicted using double inequalities. In the 
construction field there is a photo of the building for a sample. 


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