Әдебиеттер тізімі
1. http://www.walsnet.org/
2. WALS. Lesson and learning study as teacher research. International Conference 2013 in Gothenburg,
Sweden. September 6-9, 2013.
3. Қазақ тілінің түсіндірме сөздігі / Жалпы редакциясын басқарған Т. Жанұзақов. – Алматы: Дайк-
Пресс, 2008. 968-б.
4. Т. Чичибу (Жапония), Л. Ду Тоит (Оңтүстік Африка), А. Тулепбаева (Қазақстан Республикасы).
Lesson Study бойынша мұғалімдерге арналған нұсқаулық. Ағылшын тілінен аударылған / Астана:
«Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептері» ДББҰ Педагогикалық шеберлік орталығы, 2013. 70-б.
Golovintseva v. v.
Nazarbaev Intellectual Schools Pavlodar
Мақалада оқу қоғамдастығының анықтамасы мен түрлері, олардың оқушыларға, ұстаздарға, оқу
бағдарламасына, мектеп үшін, қоғам мен ата-аналар үшін тигізер септігі туралы мәселелері қамтылған.
Сонымен қатар мақалада ынтымақтастық арқылы оқыту, семинарлар мен пікірсайыс топтары, эксперимент
арқылы оқыту, мәселелерді шешу арқылы оқыту, демонстрация, түрлі пәндердің мәнмағынасы бойынша жазы-
лым мен айтылым, үнемі кері байланыс, метатанымдық әрекет, өзін-өзі бағалау сияқты белсенді оқыту стра-
тегиялары сипатталған.
Данная статья освещает такие вопросы как определение и типы учебных сообществ, преимущества учебных
сообществ для учащихся, учителей, учебной программы, для школы, общества и родителей. Данная статья так-
же описывает стратегии активного обучения, такие как обучение через сотрудничество, дискуссионные группы
и семинары, обучение через эксперимент, обучение через решение проблем, демонстрацию, письмо и говорение в
контексте разных предметов, постоянная рефлексия, метакогнитивная деятельность, самооценивание.
The article deals with such questions as the definition and types of learning communities, the advantages of learning
communities in the interdisciplinary context, goals of learning communities for students, curriculum, for school, community
and parents. This article also describes strategies for building active learning in the classroom, such as collaborative and
cooperative learning, discussion groups and seminars, experiential learning, problem-based learning, demonstrations,
writing and speaking across-the-curriculum, ongoing reflection, metacognitive activities, self-evaluation.
The essence of modern education is in students’ studying and investigating sciences on their own.
Participation in scientific research during their study at school may make this process more interesting,
lively and apprehensible because they will deal not only with some theoretic questions and problems or
some cases from the past, but with the actual questions of science and practice, which must be solved. All
this opens up great possibilities for students’ creative activity and besides gives a chance to get precious
experience of practical salvation of difficult problems.
To cope with all these issues students should be taught such subjects as Academic Literacy, Rhetoric,
Academic Writing, etc. I suggest that the course of Academic Writing should be closely connected with
the disciplinary content as students need to see that language skills develop within meaningful contexts.
Furthermore we can offer our students interdisciplinary learning communities, which are very effective for
students’ academic literacy development.
What are learning communities?
Learning communities are classes that are linked or clustered during an academic term, often around
an interdisciplinary theme, and enroll a common cohort of students. A variety of approaches are used to
build these learning communities, with all intended to restructure the students time, credit, and learning
experiences to build community among students, between students and their teachers. [1]
There are three general types of learning community structures:
1) Student Cohorts/Integrative Seminar
Learning communities can be structured as programs in which a small cohort of students enrolls in
larger classes that faculty do not coordinate. In this instance, intellectual connections and community-
building often take place in an additional integrative seminar.
2) Linked Courses/Course Clusters
Learning communities may involve two or more classes linked thematically or by content which a cohort
of students takes together. In this instance, the teachers do plan the program collaboratively.
3) Coordinated Study
Learning communities may involve coursework that faculty members team teach. The course work is
embedded in an integrated program of study. [1]
How are they taught?
Ideally, learning communities foster learning to learn as a social act. Students involved in learning
communities will bring the confidence and social energy fostered by membership in the community into
the classroom. Faculty members will find incorporating that sense of membership into their teaching much
more productive than working to keep hyper-bonded students apart through individual assignments,
activities, and grading practices. Learning communities should also involve reading and critical discourse
about the issues of a diverse society, leading to actual participation in the larger community.
Strategies for building active learning in the classroom include:
Service learning is the growing use in college courses of a combination of community service and
opportunities for reflection on the learning that occurs through that service. Service opportunities are
carefully selected to align with the learning goals of the course or learning community experience.
Collaborative and cooperative learning provide teams of students the opportunity to learn actively,
through shared discovery of knowledge. Collaborative learning allows students to create new knowledge
together, while students involved in cooperative learning search together for pre-set «right» answers to
problems or questions.
Discussion groups and seminars are generally used in learning communities throughout a term as
opportunities for teachers and students to integrate concepts introduced in their learning community
Experiential learning is any of a variety of approaches for allowing students opportunities outside the
classroom to enact the concepts learned through in-class discussions, reading, writing, or other activities.
Experiential learning includes activities such as service learning, study abroad, community service, and
internships and are intentionally linked to the academic goals of a course or cluster of courses.
Labs and field trips offer additional methods for allowing students to enact the intellectual concepts
learned in class. Labs can be used as the arena for conversations about implications of concepts learned in
linked course/s. Field trips are less complex, costly, and difficult to integrate than other experiential learning
experiences, while still providing some up close exposure to intellectual concepts in action.
Problem-based learning allows students to work through real or simulated issues related to the
learning goals of a course to strengthen their ability to collect and analyze data about those issues, propose
alternatives, and arrive at solutions. Problem-based learning underscores the trans-disciplinary nature of
most problems and is often employed in conjunction with group learning.
Demonstrations are delivered by students, peer or primary instructors, or guest presenters to bring
to life concepts learned in the course or learning community. Ideally, as with problem-based learning,
demonstrations highlight the trans-disciplinary action or thinking inherent in most situations.
Writing and speaking across-the-curriculum are fundamental components of most learning communities
because these interdisciplinary experiences allow instructors to demonstrate the critical nature of
communication skills across courses and situations outside the academic experience.
Ongoing reflection is an essential component of most successful learning communities because these
experiences allow the time, space, instruction, and encouragement students often need to examine what
they have learned, how they have learned it, and how that learning might be applied in other situations.
Reflective learners who are consciously able to draw on past experiences are more efficient, confident, and
effective learners.
Metacognitive activities combine the thoughtful self-evaluation of reflective learning with active
learning approaches, such as service learning, study abroad, or internships. Metacognition allows students
to examine what they have learned and to draw inferences about that learning’s applications elsewhere.
Metacognitive activities are experiential opportunities to bring students to this adaptive mode of thinking.
Self-evaluation places the onus for determining levels of success or failure in a particular activity on
the student engagement in that activity. Self-evaluation activities can be as simple as a one-minute paper
that asks, «what worked, what didn’t, what next» to a multi-term student-created electronic portfolio that
houses academic work selected by the student for its demonstration of learning over time.
Summing up all mentioned above we can mark out the following purposes of learning communities
Goals for Students
• Improve retention
• Increase student learning and achievement
• Increase time on task both in and out of class
• Promote active learning and teamwork skills
• Develop student leadership
• Increase the success rate for under-represented students
• Increase entry and completion in certain majors
Goals for Teachers
• Increase experimentation within curriculum
• Broaden pedagogical repertoire of faculty
• Increase faculty engagement with one another
• Promote deeper interaction among faculty and students
• Promote interaction between junior and senior faculty
• Promote stronger relationships among faculty and student affairs staff
Goals for Curriculum
• Increase coherence of general education program
• Make curriculum more interdisciplinary
• Infuse skills such as writing and speaking across the curriculum
• Create more engaging entry points to certain majors
• Create coherent linkages for students in a minor
Goals for School
• Enhance the quality of secondary education
• Foster a climate of innovation
• Increase the sense of community within the institution
• Promote meaningful collaboration between faculty and staff, faculty and administration
• Promote a culture of assessment, of learning about student learning
Goals for Community
• Increase connection between the academy and the community by building learning communities
with service or civic learning components
Goals for Parents
• Enroll their son or daughter in an institution that promotes student success, active learning and
intellectual engagement. [2]
Learning communities have been increasingly incorporated into U.S. higher education over the last 15
years, but we consider it possible to use learning communities as a part of integrated program functioning
in NIS. The program presupposes learning languages through the content. In real life, language is a means
of communication and sharing information and it cannot be viewed separately from other spheres of life as
culture, art, science, etc. Integrated program in NIS aims at teaching students how to act in real life where
they should be able to combine different knowledge and skills, and it means that at school students should
be taught several subjects in combination.
First steps in this direction have already been made and are being made at the moment, such as studying
language through content when at the lessons of English students learn how to create a website and their
portfolio, they study works of art and different artists, they talk about sport and hobbies and make a survey
of NIS teachers’ hobbies.
xzThe next step to learning communities is writing projects on different popular themes closely connected
with everyday life. A team of my students are going to make a research on successful people from different
spheres and different countries and create an algorithm of how to reach success in business, in science, in
sport and in life in general. Certainly, we need support of other subjects’ teachers in this work and we are
working with the teachers of history.
In the context of learning communities team teaching is viewed not only as teaching any subject in two
languages, but also teaching several subjects in different languages in one lesson. It should be admitted that,
on the current stage it is only the idea which is getting the shape of a project for further development of the
integrated program and the teachers of Pavlodar NIS are enthusiastically working in this direction.
1. Aigner, S., Flora, C. & Hernandez, J. (1999). The premise and promise of citizenship and civil society
for renewing democracies and empowering sustainable communities. Edinburgh, UK: International
Association of Community Development.
2. Calderwood, P. E. (2000). Learning community: Finding common ground in difference. New-York:
Teachers College, Columbia University.
Гульманов Н. К., Марчук Н. А
Назарбаев Интеллектуальная школа химико-биологического направления
г. Караганда
Біздің зерттеулеріміз оң сандарды дәрежеге шығару амалына негізделген көрсеткіштік деп аталатын прогрес-
сияны анықтауға және оның негізгі қасиеттерін дәлелдеуге арналған. Біз аталған прогрессияның жалпы мүшесінің
формуласын, сипаттамалық қасиетін қорытып шығардық, арифметикалық және геометриялық прогрессиялар-
мен байланысын анықтадық. Қарастырып отырған прогрессияны біз сандық тізбектерді терең оқытатын фа-
культатив сабақтарында зерттеуді жоспарлап отырмыз.
Наше исследование посвящено определению нового вида прогрессии, которая получила название показательной,
основанной на операции возведения в степень положительных чисел, и изучению ее основных свойств. Нами были
выведены: формула общего члена прогрессии; характеристическое свойство прогрессии; установлены связи с ариф-
метической и геометрической прогрессиями. Показательную прогрессию мы планируем изучать на факульта-
тивных занятиях, для организации исследовательской деятельности учащихся и углубленного изучения числовых
Our study focuses on the definition of a new type of progressions that gets its name because of raising to positive numbers
power operation and on study its basic properties. We have designed a formula for the general term of the progression,
progression characteristic property, established with an arithmetic progression and a geometric progression. We plan to study
in tutorials this kind of progression, because it is the time when numerical sequence can be investigated deeply.
Не существует сколько-нибудь достоверных
тестов на одаренность, кроме тех, которые
проявляются в результате активного уча-
стия хотя бы в самой маленькой поисковой
исследовательской работе.
А. Н. Колмогоров
Учитель в современном мире должен не только обладать совокупностью фундаментальных зна-
ний, но прежде всего, находиться в постоянном творческом и исследовательском поиске. Возникает
необходимость выйти за рамки сложившихся традиционных подходов, работать в режиме, побуж-
дающем к поиску новой информации, самостоятельной продуктивной деятельности, направленной
на развитие критического и творческого мышления, исследовательских навыков как учителя, так и
Исследовательский подход дает новые возможности для решения этой задачи, поскольку характе-
ризуется высокой степенью самостоятельности, формирует умения работы с информацией, помога-
ет выстроить структуру своей деятельности, учит анализировать, обобщать и делать выводы. Данная
статья посвящена определению нового вида прогрессии, которая получила название показательной,
основанной на операции возведение в степень положительных чисел, и изучению ее основных свойств.
Определение. Пусть дана последовательность положительных чисел
Последовательность (1), первый член которой отличен от единицы, называется показательной
прогрессией, если ее каждый член, начиная со второго, равен предыдущему, возведенному в поло-
жительную степень
Таким образом,
где c
и c
соответственно n- и n+1-й члены прогрессии; r – знаменатель показателя прогрессии,
которая вычисляется по формуле
Показательную прогрессию будем обозначать следующим образом:
Почему именно показательная прогрессия? Так как члены рассматриваемой прогрессии являют-
ся степенями положительных чисел и в них изменяются лишь показатели, мы решили назвать дан-
ную числовую последовательность показательной прогрессией.
Формула (2) неудобна тем, что для вычисления п-го члена необходимо знать все предыдущие чле-
ны прогрессии. Выведем формулу общего члена показательной прогрессии. По определению пока-
зательной прогрессии
Мы видим, что здесь есть закономерность: индекс каждого члена прогрессии и показатель зна-
менателя r отличаются на единицу. Поэтому мы можем предположить, что n+1-й член прогрессии
вычисляется по формуле
Докажем формулу (3) методом математической индукции [3, c. 89].
1) База индукции: очевидно, что формула (3) верна при
2) Индукционный переход: пусть формула (3) верна для какого-либо натурального k, т. е. верна
3) Докажем формулу (3) для k+1, т. е. докажем формулу
По определению показательной прогрессии
Учитывая наше предположение 2) мы можем записать предыдущее выражение следующим
что и требовалось доказать. В силу принципа математической индукции формула (3) верна для
всех натуральных n.
Теорема 1 ( характеристическое свойство). Для каждого члена показательной прогрессии, начиная
со второго, выполняется равенство
Доказательство. Докажем формулу (4) с помощью определения показательной прогрессии.
Преобразовав правую и левую части равенства (4), получим:
что и требовалось доказать.
Покажем еще несколько свойств показательной прогрессии.
Теорема 2. Если прологарифмировать члены показательной прогрессии, то получится геометри-
ческая прогрессия [1, c. 233].
Доказательство. Прологарифмируем члены показательной прогрессии:
Последняя числовая последовательность является геометрической прогрессией с шагом r, что и
требовалось доказать.
Теорема 3. Если дважды прологарифмировать члены показательной прогрессии, то получится
арифметическая прогрессия [1, c. 227].
Доказательство. Дважды прологарифмируем члены показательной прогрессии:
Последняя числовая последовательность является арифметической прогрессией с шагом
, что
и требовалось доказать.
Ниже предлагаем некоторые примерные задачи, которые можно использовать на факультатив-
ных занятиях, кружках, где углубленно изучается тема числовые последовательности [2, c. 256].
Задача №1. Запишите следующие пять членов показательной прогрессии: 3, 9, 81, 6561, …
Задача №2. Найти пятый член показательной прогрессии 2, 4, 16, 256, …
Задача №3. Впишите все пропущенные члены показательной прогрессии, если известно, что ее
знаменатель показателя равен 2:
Задача №4. Дана показательная прогрессия:
Какой номер имеет член прогрессии, равный
Задача №5. Дана показательная прогрессия:
Сколько членов данной прогрессии меньше 10-и.
Задача №6. Пусть последовательность
– показательная прогрессия. Докажите, что если
каждый член этой прогрессии возвести в одну и ту же положительную степень, то полученная по-
следовательность также будет показательной прогрессией. Конкретизируйте это примером.
Задача №7. Пусть последовательность
– показательная прогрессия. Является ли показа-
тельной прогрессией последовательность, которая получится, если:
1. к показателю каждого члена последовательности
прибавить одно и то же отличное от
нуля число;
2. показатель каждого члена последовательности
возвести в одну и ту же положительную
Материалы, рассматриваемые в данной статье, можно применить для организации исследователь-
ской и проектной деятельности учащихся в классах естественно-математического направления или на
факультативных занятиях, где рассматриваются числовые последовательности. Приобщение учащих-
ся к научно-исследовательской деятельности позволяет наиболее полно определять и развивать как ин-
теллектуальные и творческие способности. Исследовательская деятельность [4], [5] выступает главным
условием развития у учащихся активной жизненной позиции, умения самостоятельно пополнять свои
знания, ориентироваться в стремительном потоке информации, быть функционально грамотным.
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