D. Shynybekov
IITU Rector
Международный университет информационных технологий - МУИТ
позиционируется как новая модель вуза, объединяющей образование, инновации,
исследования, предпринимательство, трансферт и развитие IT-технологий.
Comprehensive support of the IT industry is one of the key factors in successful
implementation of the RK National Economic Development Strategy for the years
2003-2015 which places priority on reduction of the country's dependence on its raw
materials, long-term expansion of the services sector and technological progress.
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According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2008-
2009, low level of technological and innovative development
are the weakest areas of Kazakhstan's economy. To alleviate
the situation, we need to upgrade our educational standards
and technologies.
Kazakhstan's technological breakthrough is unfeasible
without development of the software industry. Even in the time
of the crisis the latter is playing an increasingly important role.
In 2007 the global software industry development rate was
twice as high as the global GDP showing (11.4% and 5.2%
respectively). As prognosticated by Gartner & IDC, the IT
industry will tend to grow in the future regardless of the
continued fall of the global GDP ratio.
Kazakhstani economy today can hardly be regarded as backward: the
population’s per capita purchasing power equivalent exceeds the global average.
Also, Kazakhstan has objective prerequisites for reshaping the economic structure to
attune it to the nascent global trends. Yet, the number of software development
specialists is below 6 000 people, the software development industry yielding less
than 0.1% of the national GDP. So the current level of IT development may produce
the scissors' effect of the national trends running counter the global ones.
To prevent such effect, in 2007 the software development industry volume
should reach USD 2 billion, with the expected per capita production volume worth
USD 50,000. To reach this target, we need up to 40 000 qualified IT specialists.
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Given the same economic growth rate, by 2016 this figure is expected to rise to
50,000. But the existing institutional restraints of our educational system make this
target unreachable both quality- and quantity-wise.
The International IT University (IITU) was set up in April 2009 under the
resolution of the RK President N.Nazarbaev to loosen these restraints and overcome
the technological barriers to the national economic development.
The IITU is based on a new university model which integrates education,
innovation, research, business enterprise and IT development.
It demonstrates clearly the advantages of partnership between the private and the
state sectors. Its private partner – UIB - facilitates its dynamic development, while the
state partner – Zerde JSC - sustains it with the state guarantees, orders and social
Partnership with the i-Carnegie business school affiliated with Carnegie Mellon
University, a world leader in the field, brings the IITU standards closer to the
international ones.
Carnegie Mellon University differs from the analogous world universities by
its focus on the best industrial and management practices. Its training is based on the
latest production, research and technological developments. Its training programs are
based on state-of-the-art fundamental and applied research findings. The Carnegie
Mellon University teaching staff involvement in the IITU academic process is
beneficial in terms of bridging the gap between Kazakhstan's higher education and
industry. Such practical orientation and provision of a full-cycle training
opportunities brings the IITU to the forefront of the educational trends in Kazakhstan
striving to implement the UNESCO slogan of Education for All.
That may be one of the reasons why Kazakhstan is involved in a number of the
UNESCO EFA programs pursuing the goals proclaimed at the Dakar conference
participated by representatives of 155 countries, including Central Asia. These goals
are planned to be achieved by 2015. The program is particularly important, as it lays
the foundation for improving young people's secondary and higher education.
The program goals are meant to be achieved through:
- training of highly skilled programmers;
- in-service training of technical university teachers by world-class specialists
from the academic and business circles.
- professional orientation of students, raising and maintaining their interest in the
virtual technologies and forming the national pool of advanced IT professionals and
Establishment of such a specialized university as the IITU will create a
mechanism for the formation of the national technological elite with the help of
world-known experts and scientists; the subsequent adjustment of the university
curriculum to the industrial needs will scale-up national expertise, stimulate a
relatively seamless integration of the existing infrastructure and eventually facilitate
Kazakhstan’s transition to a "new economy".
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IITU positions itself as a branch university. It plans to expand partnership with
other global educational brands, diversify and customize student training, introduce
new fundamental and applied specialties, open industry-oriented IT-intensive
branches, in other words, it is a resource producing human capital, providing highly
qualified personnel to Kazakhstani as well as international labor markets.
Specifically, in 2010 the IITU is opening a new specialty of applied journalism,
or Internet journalism. This direction is particularly important for boosting up and
globalizing Kazakhstan's media, thereby raising Kazakhstan’s profile in the global
media and making Kazakhstan a more open and better understood country.
Today the IITU provides undergraduate training programs in such areas as
Information Systems, Computing and Software, Computer Science and IT
Management. This newly-established university currently enrolls at its full-time and
part time faculties about 400 students.
The first enrollment has shown a great interest in IT on the part of both young
people and the market. The average student UNT pass rate in two basic IITU
specialties - IS and CSSE - was 89 and 79 out of 100 respectively.
To support its fledgling, our state has allocated the IITU 300 state educational
grants for free of charge university studies at the at the expense of the state.
In the next few years until 2012, the IITU will develop dynamically. The
number of students is planned to grow to 2500 people. Students will be trained in 6-8
specialties in part-time and full-time departments under bachelor-to-doctorate degree
programs implemented by the teachers trained and certified abroad.
The University has chosen the IT teacher training model optimal for
Kazakhstan. The specialized courses are certified by the foreign partner; but the
University is not fully dependent on foreign teachers and consultants. The IITU trains
its own teaching staff to cater for its future personnel needs.
The students' basic education program complies with the respective national
standards. The IITU graduates will be entitled to the state diploma as well as the
foreign partner's international certificate.
The IITU establishment will allow the students:
• to obtain a top quality education for the price that is several times lower than
that charged by a similar western university for example, in the USA;
• upon graduation, to get highly-paid employment opportunities with
Kazakhstani national and international companies;
• upon completion of the Bachelor program, to enroll in full-time Master
program at Carnegie Mellon University;
• to widen their potential employment geography and work for foreign
companies not only in Kazakhstan, but abroad thanks to the American partner
certificates and fluent command of English as the language of tuition.
The IITU establishment project will help realize by 2015 the following
accelerate the local ICT market development by addressing the lack of
qualified staff problem for Kazakhstani companies;
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increase the IT market volume by 30% ;
increase the industrial employment rate by 50%;
raise the population’s computer literacy: by the above-mentioned year the
number of families owing a personal computer will reach 20 out of 100; the number
of people with Internet access will constitute 25% of the population;
develop the export-oriented service (outsourcing) industry in Kazakhstan by
supporting the existing Kazakhstani outsourcing companies and creating new ones;
develop an export-oriented software industry by spawning innovative
globally-oriented Kazakhstani companies;
create the professional community of progressively-minded people interested
in the IT industry growth and development and expanding the opportunities for
mastering the latest IT technologies.
Talgat Nurlybayev,
International IT University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The article is devoted to history of development of Cisco Networking Academy
Program (CNAP) in Kazakhstan. In the beginning general description of CNAP and
its development is given and then is followed by brief depiction of the program in
Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Specifics of Kazakhstan higher education system is
described regarding on perspectives adoption some or all courses of Networking
Academy curricula into core content of university courses and Kazakhstan state
educational standards (SES).
In 1997, Cisco Systems observed a common phenomenon in the U.S.
educational sector, where many institutions lacked personnel with sufficient
networking knowledge to install and maintain their own networking equipment. They
began partnering with institutions to teach some of their instructors how to maintain
their own networks, and then those instructors were taught how to teach other
instructors at nearby institutions. Ultimately, the Cisco Networking Academy was
born. The program delivers standardized networking curricula (along with
assessments, labs, and ancillary materials) through a central learning management
system to classrooms in local secondary and post-secondary level institutions whose
instructors have received training in the content.
The program quickly grew from about 23,000 students in 27 countries during
1998, to 112,000 students in 71 countries during 1999, to 420,000 students across 142
countries in 2004, and currently has over 800,000 active students in over 165
countries. More than 3.1 million students at 16,500+ academies worldwide have
enrolled in Networking Academy courses since the program started. Participation in
developing countries has grown drastically the past two to three years, while
participation in developed countries has remained steady. Student enrollment in Asia
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has grown by 24% since July 2008, and participation in developing countries of
Africa, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and CIS grew by 20% collectively.
Although there are several modes by which technical learners might gain
networking skills, attending Networking Academy courses is one of the most
pervasive options on an international scale. In some developing countries, it may be a
major source of networking skills. Students who participate in Networking Academy
often complete some or all of the four-course CCNA curriculum in order to learn the
basics of network installation, configuration, maintenance, and security. Completion
of all four courses prepares learners for the CCNA certification exam. More than
600,000 students globally have successfully completed the four course sequence
since 1997. The certification is generally recognized by employers as representative
of the skills needed for network installation and administration work.
The Networking Academy program is in a unique position to have witnessed
firsthand the entire developmental trajectory of networking education in the United
States and other technologically developed nations, as it followed in the steps of
networking technologies. It has witnessed similar trajectories occurring in other
countries that are in various stages of ICT maturity. Further, the program’s large
scale, global standardization, longevity in the field, ubiquitous global presence, and
specificity toward networking makes its data a rich source for understanding the
development of technical education, specifically networking education. Since
networks are the platform upon which ICT and other modern technologies rely, the
program’s participation numbers can be a revealing source of information about a
country’s capacity to use and leverage ICT.
In Central Asia Cisco Networking Academy program was started in 2000 after
creation first Regional Cisco Academy – Internet Training Center in Almaty,
Kazakhstan. Cisco uses three layer model for the Networking Academy program: top
layer – Cisco Academy Training Center (CATC) where instructors for regional
academies are prepared, second layer – Regional Academies whose role is preparing
instructors for Local Academies and lowest layer – Local Academies which work
with end users by training students in one or more curricula in Networking Academy.
In Cisco Networking Academy structure the role of regional academies in local
development is crucial. Regional academies use train-trainer approach and success or
failure of the process of the building sustainable network of local academies in the
region completely depends on them.
From the very beginning of its activity as Regional Cisco Academy Internet
Training Center in Almaty focused on delivering high level training and further
support for its daughter Local Academies. Ten years ago Cisco network equipment
was not so common as it is now in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. So one of the
biggest problems was to provide local academies with Cisco routers and switches.
Management and instructors of ITC made great efforts to comply with Cisco
Academy Quality Assurance Plan. To provide that following activities was
• Meet of exceed minimum standards student success and customer satisfaction.
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• Identify strategies, factors, program and instructors that enhance student
success and provide customer satisfaction leadership.
• Regularly access and monitor teaching, program operation and educational
• Provide ongoing training and support for instructors in their identified areas of
interests and needs.
• Use program components and resources to ensure top performance of all
ITC was the first Regional Cisco networking academy not only in Kazakhstan
but in whole Central Asia as well. For that reason we paid a lot of attention to other
Central Asian countries. In 2000-2002 ITC’s daughter Local Cisco academies was
started in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, in Tajikistan Local academy was launched in
2006. Now these former Local Academies became Regional and train instructors for
their own countries Local academies.
The Academy curriculum offers a variety of IT courses in addition to the
flagship course on designing, maintaining, and building networks in preparation for
the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. Advanced networking
is available through the Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) curriculum,
and since January, 2001, Cisco's course offerings had expanded to include curricula
sponsored by Cisco learning ecosystem partners. The courses are: Fundamentals of
Web Design, sponsored by Adobe Systems; IT Essentials: PC Hardware and
Software and IT Essentials: Network Operating Systems, sponsored by Hewlett-
Packard; Fundamentals of Voice and Data Cabling, sponsored by Panduit; and
Fundamentals of UNIX and Fundamentals of Java, sponsored by Sun Microsystems.
But after 2006 most learning partner, except Panduit, abandoned the Networking
Academy project and stopped support of their sponsored curricula. Now in January
2010, there are five courses proposed in the framework of Networking Academy
Program: IT Essentials, CCNA Discovery, CCNA Exploration, CCNA Security, and
CCNP. According nonofficial information from Cisco, in 2010 two new courses will
be added: CCNA Voice and CCNA Wireless.
Lessons learned during ten years of development of Networking Academy in
Kazakhstan and Central Asia
From very launch of Networking Academy program in Kazakhstan in 2000 ITC
defined focus group of potential Local Academies – computer science departments of
the local universities. First instructor class enrolled in the summer of 2000 consist of
representatives of universities and higher educational institutions from Almaty,
Karaganda and Ust-Kamenogorsk. Two weeks instructor training was conducted with
intensive hands-on practice on real equipment. Instructors from Kazakhstan
universities was very enthusiastic on perspectives of future employment of CCNA
curriculum in their educational process. However, now only one institution – Almaty
Institute of Power Engineering and Telecommunication, which instructors
participated in first instructor training, has active Cisco Networking Academy, which
successfully works since 2001.
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There are several factors in higher educational system in Kazakhstan influencing
on employment Networking Academy program. One of them traditionally high level
of teaching fundamental sciences such as mathematics, physics, chemistry inherited
from Soviet era. But, higher education teaching process not supported by strong
research and innovation base. Especially, it is very actual in ICT sphere. In that
circumstances, the matter of great importance to use high quality and regularly
updated courses from Cisco Networking Academy program. Cisco as one of world
leader in telecommunication industry makes great contribution into creating and
developing new telecommunication technologies and developers of Networking
Academy courses have information about them from first hand.
While meeting international standards is very important to global competiveness
and to students who may pursue their careers internationally, an even more important
function of higher educational system is to produce graduates who meet the
requirements of the national economy. This requires close dialogue between the
higher educational sector and the organizations that employ graduates and sustained
efforts to identify and respond the employer’s needs.
In Kazakhstan there is a very low contact between higher education and
employees with regards to improving teaching and learning, compared with best
international practice. Employers and professional associations no input the State
Educational Standard (SES), which determined core content of university courses.
There is no system of regular meetings with Ministry of Education and Science so
that they can influence the policies and planning. Employers have no formal
involvement in the higher education quality assurance system or in assessment.
Some individual universities – mostly technical universities have developed
good relations, involved employer in course delivery or quality assurance, and tried
to adapt optional courses elements to meet employer’s needs. But universities
potential responsiveness is limited by Ministry of Education and Science control.
Core elements of standards cannot be changed (unless the university itself is
contracted to write new ones). An university cannot offer a course in a new discipline
without permission of Ministry.
In that situation curricula from Cisco Networking Academy program have
advantages due to the fact that Cisco industry certification is well known and highly
appreciated in local corporative market. As experience of some Kazakhstan technical
universities and higher education institutions shows the presence of CCNA certificate
significantly increases a graduate chances to get a job.
Last year Cisco made changes to help ensure that the Networking Academy
continues to meet our students' needs effectively. To sustain the success of the
Networking Academy, Cisco adapts to changes both in technology and in market
These new products are the direct result of the Networking Academy's increased
focus on providing students the skills they need to pursue rewarding IT careers in
business-critical positions and industries ranging from technology and finance to
medicine and entertainment.
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Further, it was recognized that to make improvements not only to what students
are learning but to how they learn. For example, CCNA curricula are taught to such a
wide range of students from high school to community colleges to universities around
the world, a "one size fits all" approach was no longer the best way to go.
Technology has become more complex, maturing from basic routing and
switching to today's converged networks. At the same time, employers' needs for
individuals with IT skills have grown exponentially. Networking Academy courses
have evolved to address this new environment.
The most significant improvement, which addresses evolving market needs, is
new more segmented approach. The CCNA curricula now offers two tracks - CCNA
Discovery and CCNA Exploration - that teach the same applied skills but present the
information in different ways, to appeal to different students.
Simply put, CCNA Discovery teaches networking based on application, starting
with the home office, and CCNA Exploration teaches it based on the technology and
protocols of switching and routing. IT Essentials PC Hardware and Software course
which teaches basic entry level PC skills is also updated.
Large changes to the CCNP curriculum were made, as well. CCNP focuses on
the advanced skills needed to manage an end-to-end network infrastructure.
First, both of the new CCNA tracks prepare students for certification and
professional degrees, and both heavily emphasize hands on experience with
equipment and learning in groups, in instructor-led classrooms.
CCNA Discovery requires no particular technical knowledge beyond basic PC
usage skills, while prerequisites for CCNA Exploration include advanced problem
solving and analytical skills. By offering targeted programs that are designed for
students with different educational backgrounds and interests, CNAP can help
students be more successful in achieving their goals.
Important conception has been incorporated "e-doing," a design philosophy
based on the principle that people learn best with many opportunities for practice and
feedback. The Networking Academy has always emphasized the hands-on, practical
aspects of learning; now, e-doing will bring that same practicality to the computer
experience by promoting exploration and experimentation with electronic tools and
network simulation.
The training embeds Packet Tracer software, which allows students to simulate
real networks, as well as flash-based activities that help them develop a greater
understanding of networking technologies.
All these features make Networking Academy program very suited to
implementing to educational process of Kazakh universities, but main problem for
that is getting approval from Ministry of Education and Science.
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