Исследование и разработка подсистемы электронного документооборота университета 6М070300 Информационные системы Реферат

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Аушарипова Дарина Еркеновна

Research methods. The methods of comparative analysis, cryptography, formal model of composite document management, graph model, as well as the works of scientists and experts in the field of information systems and document management are used.

Research results:

- Complex model of electronic documents circulation including formal model and automat models. ;

- Information system “Electronic documents circulation in KEUK”;

- Mechanism of digital signature.

Scientific novelty of the work:

- Based on the analysis of the development and regulation of electronic document management in university the main problems of its implementation in KEUK are identified;

- The concept of electronic document management in KEUK is formulated;

- The model of electronic document management information system is developed and its cost-effectiveness is justified;

- Perspective directions of electronic document management information systems development in universities are defined.

The scientific and practical importance of the work.

The theoretical importance of the research is in the fact that a complex analysis of solutions of the systems of electronic document management from the world to domestic producers.

The practical significance is in the fact that the component model designing the structure of the system of electronic document management is developed and its implementation effectiveness is calculated.

Information on publications. On the subject of dissertations the following articles with the total volume of 0.9 were published:

  1. Distance learning at the Electronic University / / Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Remote Technologies in Education 2011". Karaganda, 2011 - p.175-177;

  2. Electronic University as a complex information system / / Proceedings of the VIII International scientific-practical conference "Scientific thought the information age", Poland, 2012 - p.68-71

  3. Automated system of document management / / Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Prospects of development of national economies of the countries - participants of the EEA in international integration processes conditions". Karaganda, 2012 - p.371-373 pp.

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