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ТИЛЕПБАЕВ Нурканат, 
ученик 11 класса средней школы №163, поселок Жанакорган, 
Жанакорганский район, Кызылординская область, Республика Казахстан 
Руководитель: АХМЕТЖАНОВА Гулмира, 
учитель английского языка средней школы №163, поселок Жанакорган, 
Жанакорганский район, Кызылординская область, Республика Казахстан 
The apple tree, which originally came from Eastern Europe and 
southwestern Asia, has spread to most temperate regions of the world. Over the centuries, 
many hybrids and cultivars have been developed, giving us the 7,000 varieties in the 
market today. 
Apples have long been associated with the biblical story of Adam and Eve, although 
there is actually no mention that, in fact, the fruit in question was actually an apple. In 
Norse mythology, apples were given a more positive persona: a magic apple was said to 
keep people young forever. Apples' most recent appearance in history occurred in the 
1800s in the U.S., when Johnny Appleseed – a real person named John Chapman – walked 
barefoot across an area of 100,000 square miles, planting apple trees that provided food 
and a livelihood for generations of settlers. 
What's New and Beneficial About Apples. 
The phytonutrients in apples can help 
you regulate your blood sugar. Recent research has shown that apple polyphenols can help 
prevent spikes in blood sugar through a variety of mechanisms. Flavonoids like quercetin 
found in apples can inhibit enzymes like alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase. Since these 
enzymes are involved in the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into simple sugars, your 
blood sugar has fewer simple sugars to deal with when these enzymes are inhibited. In 
addition, the polyphenols in apple have been shown to lessen absorption of glucose from 

№№4-6(71-73), сəуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2013
ISSN 2307-0250
Žas āalymdar žaršysy – Vestnik molodyh učenyh – Messenger of young scientist 
the digestive tract; to stimulate the beta cells of the pancreas to secrete insulin; and to 
increase uptake of glucose from the blood via stimulation of insulin receptors. All of these 
mechanisms triggered by apple polyphenols can make it easier for you to regulate your 
blood sugar. 
Even though apple is not an excellent source of dietary fiber (it ranks as a «good» 
source in our WHFoods Rating System), the fiber found in apple may combine with other 
apple nutrients to provide you with the kind of health benefits you would ordinarily only 
associate with much higher amounts of dietary fiber. These health benefits are particularly 
important in prevention of heart disease through healthy regulation of blood fat levels. 
Recent research has shown that intake of apples in their whole food form can significantly 
lower many of our blood fats. The fat-lowering effects of apple have traditionally been 
associated with its soluble fiber content, and in particular, with its fat-soluble fiber called 
pectin. What we now know, however, is that whole apples only contain approximately 2-3 
grams of fiber per 3.5 ounces, and that pectin accounts for less than 50% of this total fiber. 
Nevertheless, this relatively modest amount of pectin found in whole apples has now been 
shown to interact with other apple phytonutrients to give us the kind of blood fat lowering 
effects that would typically be associated with much higher amounts of soluble fiber 
intake. In recent comparisons with laboratory animals, the blood fat lowering effects of 
whole apple were shown to be greatly reduced when whole apples were eliminated from 
the diet and replaced by pectin alone. In summary, it's not fiber alone that explains the 
cardiovascular benefits of apple, but the interaction of fiber with other phytonutrients in 
this wonderful fruit. If you want the full cardiovascular benefits of apples, it's the whole 
food form that you'll want to choose. Only this form can provide you with those unique 
fiber-plus-phytonutrient combinations. 
The whole food form of apples is also important if you want full satisfaction from 
eating them. Researchers have recently compared intake of whole apples to intake of 
applesauce and apple juice, only to discover that people report less hunger (and better 
satiety, or food satisfaction) after eating whole apples than after eating applesauce or 
drinking apple juice. But especially interesting was an additional finding about calorie 
intake following apple consumption. When healthy adults consumed one medium-sized 
apple approximately 15 minutes before a meal, their caloric intake at that meal decreased 
by an average of 15%. Since meals in this study averaged 1,240 calories, a reduction of 
15% meant a reduction of 186 calories, or about 60 more calories than contained in a 
medium apple. For these researchers, «getting ahead» in calories with a net reduction of 60 
calories was a welcomed outcome of the study, and an extra benefit to their study's primary 
conclusion – the importance of whole apples (versus other more processed apple forms) in 
helping us manage our hunger and feeling more satisfied with our food. 
Scientists have recently shown that important health benefits of apples may stem 
from their impact on bacteria in the digestive tract. In studies on laboratory animals, intake 
of apples is now known to significantly alter amounts of two bacteria 
) in the large intestine. As a result of these bacterial changes, 
metabolism in the large intestine is also changed, and many of these changes appear to 
provide health benefits. For example, due to bacterial changes in the large intestine, there 
appears to be more fuel available to the large intestine cells (in the form of butyric acid) 
after apple is consumed. We expect to see future studies confirming these results in 
humans, and we are excited to think about potential health benefits of apple that will be 
related to its impact on bacterial balance in our digestive tract. 

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