Официальный сайт городской дирекции по проведению 7-х зимних Азиатских игр
УДК 378.172
Sarsenbaev J.T., Mustafaev E.T., Kumarova A.K.
M.Auezov South-Kazakhstan state university, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
Бұл мақалада студенттердің дене тәрбиесіндегі ең маңызды құрамдас бөліктері мен алдын алу
құралдарының бірі ретінде салауатты өмір салтының негіздері қарастырылған.
В данной статье рассматривается факторы здорового образа жизни (ЗОЖ), как одного из
важнейших компонентов и профилактических средств в физическом воспитании студентов.
The human body functions under self-control laws. Thus it influences many external factors.
Many of them make the extremely negative impact. First of all it is necessary to mention: infringement of
hygienic requirements of day regimen, diet, educational process; lacks of caloric content of food; adverse
ecological factors; bad habits; aggravated or unsuccessful heredity; low level of medical maintenance and
One of the most effective ways of counteraction to these factors is following the rules of the
healthy way of life. Scientists have defined that the condition of health of a person most of all – on 50 %,
depend on a way of life, and the other 50 % are ecology (20 %), heredity (20 %), medicine (10 %) (that
are the reasons not dependent on a person). In its turn, in the healthy way of life the dominant role is
taken away by correctly organized impellent activity which makes about 30 % from fifty.
The American physician G.Sigerist has made the following definition of health: ―A person may
be considered healthy if he differs harmonious development and is well adapted for physical and social
environment. Health doesn't mean simply absence of illnesses: it is something positive, it is cheerful and
willing to carry out duties which life assigns to the person‖. To it also corresponds the definition
accepted by World Health Organization: ―Health is a condition of full physical, sincere and social well-
being, and not just absence of illness or physical defects‖. Ability of an organism to adequately change
the functional indicators and to keep an optimality in various conditions are the most typical criterion of
norm, health (R.Baevsky, 1979).
The movement and health problem had a sufficient urgency in ancient Greece and in ancient
Rome. So, the Greek philosopher Aristotle (5 centuries B.C.) came up with idea that anything doesn't
destroy an organism so strongly , as physical inactivity. Great doctor Gippokrat not only widely used
physical exercises at treatment of patients, but also has proved the principle of their application. He
wrote: ―Harmony of functions grows out of the correct relation of the sum of exercises to health of the
given subject‖. Ancient Roman doctor Gallen in the work ―Art to recover health‖ wrote: ―Thousand and
thousand times I returned health to the sick by the use of exercises‖. The French doctor Simon-Andre
Tisso (18 centuries) wrote: ‖... Movement can replace any agent, but all medical agents of the world can't
replace movement action‖.
In the modern conditions of development of our society the sharp decrease of the population's
state of health and life's duration is observed. According to various researches, only about 10 % of youth
have normal level of physical condition and health, life duration was reduced to 7-9 years, also the
industrial potential of a society as a result decreases (G.A.Kuraev).
The close connection of the health's conditions and physical working capacity with a way of life,
volume and character of daily impellent activity is proved by numerous researches (N.A.Agadzhanjan,
N.M.Amosov, G.L.Aponasenko, V.K.Balsevich, E.G.Bulich, I.I.Brehman, A.A.Viru, L.P.Matveev,
R.E.Motyljanskaja, I.V.Muravov, L.J.Ivashchenko, I.Astrand, J.N.Wilmore and many other) which
convincingly testify that optimum physical activity in a combination to a balanced diet and a way of life
is the most effective in overcoming of "coronary epidemic‖, the prevention of many diseases and life
duration increase.
For physical training made positive impact on health of a person, it is necessary to observe
certain rules:
1) Only such means and physical training methods should be applied which have the scientific
substantiation of their improving value;
2) Physical activities are obliged to be planned according to possibilities of pupils;
3) In the course of use of all forms of physical training it is necessary to provide regularity and
unity of medical, pedagogical control and self-checking. Periodicity and maintenance of medical-
pedagogical control depend on forms of employment by physical exercises, quantity of physical activity
and other factors.
The principle of improving orientation obliges experts in physical training and sports to organize
physical training that it would carry out both preventive and developing functions. It means that by means
of physical training it is necessary:
- To improve functionality of an organism, raising its working capacity and resistibility to adverse
- To compensate a lack of impellent activity arising in the conditions of modern life.
The leading part in optimization of improving process is taken away by designing various
improving systems on the basis of scientifically well-founded and adequate parities of external and
internal factors of a person's development.
A lot of author's complexes and programs of physical exercises of improving orientation which
are intended for wide use are by this time developed and almost approved. Their basic advantages –
availability, simplicity of realization and efficiency. It is first of all:
- Controllable running loads (Cooper's system);
- The mode of 1000movements (Amosov's system);
- 10 000 steps every day (system Mihao Ikai);
- Run for the sake of lives (system Lidjarda);
- Only 30 minutes of sports in a week against daily natural physical activity, considering rules: if
you can sit, instead of lie – sit, if you can stand, instead of sit – stand, if you can move – move (system
- Any serial reduction of muscles of a body without change of their length during all "awake" part
of days (the latent isometric gymnastics on Thompson);
- kallanetics: the program from 30 exercises for women with accent on a stretching (system
Pinknej Kallane) and another.
Now there are new directions of improving physical training giving doubtless improving effect.
It is possible to rank improving aerobics and its versions: step, slide, jazz, aqua - or hydroaerobics,
dancing aerobics (funk aerobics, city-jam, hip-hop and others), aerobics with loading (a small bar),
aquajogging, shaping, strengthening and others.
The choice of this or that technique of employment by physical exercises with improving
orientation corresponds with real conditions, possibilities, inquiries, sometimes it is business of individual
taste and interest.
The improving effect of physical exercises is observed only when they are rationally balanced on
orientation, capacity and volume according to individual possibilities of the engaged. Employment by
physical exercises make active and improve metabolism, improve activity of the central nervous system,
provide adaptation cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems to conditions of muscular activity,
accelerate occurrence process in work and functioning of systems of blood circulation and breath, and
also reduces duration of functional restoration after the shifts caused by physical activity.
Regular employment by physical exercises (and procedures of medical physical training) render
not less positive influence on activity of digestive organs and allocation: improves the work of stomach
and an intestines, raises the function of abjection, the muscles of the forward wall of stomach, playing
large role in intestines work become stronger; more perfect there are functions of eliminative organs, and
also glands of internal secretion.
Except improving effect physical exercises have training influence on the person (intellectual and
physical working capacity raises), allow to raise level of physical qualities, promote formation and the
further perfection of the vital impellent skills (swimming, walking on skis and others).
However in definition of strategy and tactics of the decision of problems of improving orientation
it is necessary to understand with all distinctness that the successful solution of the problem of health is
possible only in that case when the person along with correctly organized impellent activity will also
regularly carry out other precepts of preservation of health: correctly breathe, correctly drink, correctly
eat , correctly relax, to be correctly protected, correctly think.
For the correct and effective organization of the healthy way of life it is necessary to watch
regularly the way of life and to aspire to meet following conditions: sufficient impellent activity,
eutrophy, presence of pure air and water, constant training, probably big communication with the nature;
observance of rules of personal hygiene; refusal of bad habits; rational mode of work and rest. It all
together is also called as observance of the healthy way of life.
Thus, the healthy way of life the process of observance by the person of certain norms, rules and
restrictions in everyday life, promoting health preservation, optimum adaptation of an organism to
conditions of environment, high level of working capacity in educational and professional work.
Style of the healthy way of life is caused by motivations of a person features, possibilities and
propensities of the person. He assumes the vigorous activity on preservation and strengthening of own
health in which it is possible to allocate following basic components:
- Realized, purposeful application of various forms of sports activity;
- Purposeful development of hygienic skills and skills of health protection;
- Use of natural natural factors in health strengthening and civilized relation to the nature;
- Active struggle against bad habits and their full eradication;
- Activity on propagation and introduction of the healthy way of life in life of each person and
By individual style of the healthy way of life we understand the way of organization of the ability
to live inherent in the concrete person, considering individual interests, requirements, possibilities and
communication with its educational, professional and household activity.
Thus, the healthy way of life represents the mode of restrictions in a combination to optimum
mode of physical activities. Concerning necessity of certain restrictions pertinently to refer to words of
known American writer Mark Twain who wrote: «the Unique way to keep the health is to eat, that you do
not want to, to drink what you do not love, and to do that isn't pleasant».
But the leader from the conditions which are necessary to observe for preservation and health
strengthening, is correctly organized and sufficient on volume and intensity impellent activity. «The most
important thing in the mode of preservation of health is employment by physical exercises, and then the
mode of food and a dream mode», wrote on a boundary of the first and second millenia Abu-Ali-Ibn-Sina
(Авиценна) in the book «Canon of medical science», in the chapter «The health preservation».
Physical activity of a person is main and determinative of preservation and health strengthening,
is not a replaceable universal remedy of preventive maintenance of illnesses and delay of processes of
aging of an organism. The impellent mode of a person isn't identical at different age. However the general
consists that physical activity is absolutely necessary for a child, an adult or an elderly person. It should
be life's constant factor, the main regulator of all functions of an organism. Hence, physical training it is
no simple one of components, but also the most important component of the healthy way of life. It is
presented in it in the form of daily morning gymnastics, regular improving employment, regular
tempering procedures, and also other kinds of impellent activity directed on preservation and
augmentation of health.
Balanced diet is the important component of the healthy way of life. It provides correct growth
and organism formation, promotes preservation of health, high working capacity, life prolongation.
The healthy way of life is inconceivable without observance of rules of personal hygiene: daily
mode, taking care of body, clothes, footwear and another. Special value has daily routine. At its correct
drawing up and strict performance the accurate rhythm of functioning of an organism is developed. And
it, in turn, creates optimum conditions for fruitful work and qualitative restoration of forces.
Powerful improving means of еру healthy way of life is health training. It allows to avoid many
illnesses, to prolong life for many long years to keep high work capacity. The role health training is in
preventive maintenance of diseases is especially great. Tempering procedures reduce their number in 2-4
times, and in certain cases help to get rid of them at all. Health training influences on an organism, raises
a tone of the central nervous system, improves blood circulation, normalizes a metabolism.
Indispensable condition of the healthy way of life is refusal of bad habits. Alcohol, drugs,
smoking are the worst enemies of a person, the main reason of many dangerous diseases sharply reducing
life expectancy of people.
That are the cores that compose the healthy way of life. Very few people doubt in their validity.
However all paradox is that for very many people they yet haven't become a management to practical
actions. Their introduction in everyday life of people demands the complex approach, laborious
purposeful activity from many official bodies and organizations. However it assumes first of all the
vigorous activity of person in this direction. Following the norms and principles of the healthy way of life
is debt of each reasonable person. The conscientious attitude to own health should become norm of
behavior, the main distinctive feature of a cultural, civilized person.
Many people live according fashion. The fashion is not only the hairdress form. The fashion is
also features of behavior which the considerable part of society adheres. Hence, it is quite pertinently to
speak about fashion in the way of life. Fashion starts to extend when the percent of its followers reaches
some critical level. The major problem of the present is creation of fashion on the health, the healthy way
of life. Thus it is necessary to consider that those forms of behavior which are to some extent connected
with biological requirements of an organism are easier acquired. One of such requirements of a person is
the requirement for the impellent activity, especially brightly shown in children's age. Here also bases of a
healthy way of life and a fashion on such style of life should be put.
Thus, the healthy way of life which basis is the mode of restrictions and the mode of loadings,
should take the leading place in an arsenal of modern prophylactics. There will come time when the dosed
out impellent activity will be registered by each doctor the same as medicamentous treatment now is
Evseev U.E. Physical training – the 3-d publishing – Rostov n/D.: Feniks, 2005.
Elinich V.E. Physical training of a student: - M.: Gardariki, 1999.
Leh V.E. The technique of physical training of 10-11 classes pupils: The manual for a teacher – M., 1997.
Lukyanenko V.P. Physical training – M.: The Soviet sports. - 2005.
Vilenskiy M.Ya. Physical training in the scientific organization of students' educational. - M., 1993.
Holodov J.K., Kuznecov V.S. TeMFVeS.-M.: The publishing center "Academy", 2007.
УДК 351.234.7
Сарсенбаева А.А., Тлеулов Б.Э.
ЮКГУ им. М.Ауезова, Шымкент, Казахстан
Осы мақала құқық оқытуда ойын пайдалануға арналған
This article use of games legal training
Со времен античности игре придавали важное значение, включая ее в культовые
праздники. Во время игр свободные граждане не работали. Игры сопровождались процессиями,
спортивными, музыкальными состязаниями, сценическими представлениями. Они вызывали
интерес, а посредством их процесс познания окружающей действительности превращался в некое
удовольствие (1).
В правовом обучении используются различные игры, которые становятся элементом урока
(речь идет об игровых ситуациях) либо его формой (урок-игра). Дидактическая игра — это
творческая деятельность детей, которая имеет педагогическую направленность и взаимосвязь с
другими видами учебной работы школьников, где обучающее воздействие оказывает
дидактический материал, игровые действия направляют активность учащихся в определенное
русло учебного процесса, а игровые приемы и ситуации выступают как средство стимулирования
учащихся к учебной работе. (2) Новые знания и умения приобретаются в ходе игры
непроизвольно. Игра связана с импровизацией. Вот некоторые правила проведения уроков в
форме игры по праву:
1. Ученикам следует четко, доходчиво объяснить правила игры.
2. Нельзя увлекаться формальной стороной игры, необходимо сосредоточиться на ее
3. Игра должна быть четко продумана и организована (цель, задачи, методы, результат).
4. Нельзя проводить из урока в урок по праву игры, не обобщая правового материала.
Доминирование игр в области правового обучения так же вредно, как и их отсутствие.
5. В игру следует вовлекать всех учеников.
6. Каждая игра по завершении должна быть обсуждена, проанализирована.
7. В процессе игры дети должны усвоить не только важный юридический материал, но и
отработать необходимые умения применять теоретические правовые знания в конкретных
8. Нецелесообразно проводить игры в форме суда по произведениям литературы, сказок.
Это может привести к неверным трактовкам деятельности героев и прочее.
9. Игра должна носить добровольный характер, творческий, и не превращаться в
спектакль, где герои действуют по заранее подготовленному сценарию. В игре школьники
принимают самостоятельное решение, при этом развиваются их творческие способности. (3)
Правовые учебные игры специалисты предлагают разделить на:
1. Дидактические игры и игровые элементы.
2. Имитационные игры.
3. Сюжетно-ролевые игры.
4. Деловые игры.
5. Иллюстративные игры.
В основу классификации положено понимание того, на что направлена деятельность
ребенка, что является предметом и движущей силой игры, насколько жестко определены ее
правила и ожидаемый результат, наконец, какое количество времени будет затрачено на каждую
Вот некоторые примеры вариантов проведения игр, рекомендуемых для учителя права.
Чудо-фраза. Игра направлена на любое восстановление нескольких заданных целых из
одного. На разрезанном плакате записывается определение юридической ответственности,
заведомо неверное, состоящее из признаков уголовной, гражданской, административной и
дисциплинарной ответственности. Оно помещено в центре доски (на отдельной доске). Команды
забирают свои части, соответствующие заданным им видам ответственности, размещают их на
своем игровом поле (стена, доска) и достраивают мелом недостающие детали. Также различные
виды договоров в Гражданском кодексе. Такие задания можно использовать в КВН, при
проведении правовой олимпиады, интеллектуального марафона.
Летает — не летает (вариант известной детской игры). Учитель называет слова, знание
которых ему необходимо проверить, а также иные слова, не имеющие отношения к теме, и при
каждом слове поднимает руки. Если названное слово относится к нужной группе (летает), дети
тоже поднимают руки, если нет — просто сидят. Поднятие рук можно заменить хлопками,
топаньем, киванием ладошкой.
Шарады. Одна группа школьников после краткого совещания показывают немую сценку
(пантомимическое групповое изображение), другая - отгадывает, какой сюжет им загадали.
Можно загадывать любую юридическую профессию, формы собственности (государственная,
частная), виды договоров (купли-продажи, аренды), правоотношения (взаимные обязанности
супругов, родителей и детей) — т. е. любые правовые ситуации. Не стоит показывать сцены из
области уголовного и административного права, чтобы не фиксировать в памяти детей модели
неправильного поведения.
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