1. The securities market is a real-life capital market (money and other material assets). 2. The securities market performs general market functions inherent in each market (commercial, pricing, information and regulatory functions), as well as specific functions inherent only to this market (price and financial risk insurance functions, capital flow between industries; transfer of savings from unproductive to productive form; financing the state budget deficit on a non-inflationary basis). 3. The structure of the securities market is classified according to the following features: geographically; depending on the nature of the relationship between the issuer and the investor, reflected by the security; depending on the status of the issuer; depending on the stage of treatment; depending on the level of trade organization; depending on the timing of the execution of transactions with securities.
The function of receiving income from operations in the securities market A. The commercial function of the securities market B. Information function of the securities market C. The price function of the securities market D. Regulatory function of the securities market E. The Specific Function of the Securities Market 2. The securities market produces and communicates to its participants information about the objects of trade and its participants A. The commercial function of the securities market B. Information function of the securities market C. The price function of the securities market D. Regulatory function of the securities market E. The Specific Function of the Securities Market 3. Instruments of the securities market are A.Professional members B.Issuers C. Investors D. Registrars E. Securities 4. The subjects of the securities market are A. Shares B. Bonds C.Bills of lading D. Market participants E. bill of exchange 5. The economic space that a security passes from its issuer to its first buyer A. Primary securities market B. Secondary securities market C. Exchange securities market D. Organized securities market E. Unorganized over-the-counter securities market
Securities market covering transactions concluded directly between a buyer and a seller
The market creates the rules for trading and participation in it, the procedure for resolving a dispute between participants, sets priorities and controls or even management