Литературные теории в поэтическом мире джона китса


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Джиянбаева Л.А.- Шетел тілі: екі шетел тілі БББ магистранты

Түйін. Мақалада мәдениеттану, лингвистика, психология және коммуникативтік зерттеулер сияқты әлеуметтік ғылымдардағы мәдениетаралық коммуникацияның рөлі қарастырылады.
Резюме. В статье рссматривается роль межкультурной коммуникации в социальных науках, таких как культурология, лингвистика, психология и коммуникативные исследования.

Intercultural communication or communication between people of different cultural backgrounds has always been and will probably remain an important precondition of human co-existence on earth. The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework of factors that are important in intercultural communication within a general model of human, primarily linguistic, communication. The term intercultural is chosen over the largely synonymous term cross-cultural because it is linked to language use such as “interdisciplinary”, that is cooperation between people with different scientific backgrounds. Perhaps the term also has somewhat fewer connotations than cross-cultural. It is not cultures that communicate, whatever that might imply, but people (and possibly social institutions) with different cultural backgrounds that do.

The increasing interest in the problems of intercultural communication is connected, first of all, with the fact that the process of international integration promotes the necessity to investigate the ethnic and cultural identity of different linguistic communities. The research of the phenomenon of intercultural communication is closely connected with studying the peculiarities of interlingual intercourse, since language as the mirror reflects the identity of national mentality.
Let us more closely analyze the concepts that can be found in the expression intercultural communication. One of them is culture which has been analyzed in several different ways by different researchers. See Kroeber and Kluckholm (1952) for an account of about 200 ways to to define the concept. It will be used here in the following way. The term “culture” refers to all the characteristics common to a particular group of people that are learned and not given by nature. That the members of a group have two legs is thus not a cultural characteristic but a natural one, while a special but common way of walking would probably be cultural.
The twenty-first century is the age of information technology, the age of technical progress. Knowledge and skills of their application allows people to develop and open more interesting new things in the process of teaching. Nowadays information technologies are used everywhere: in industry, science, education, social structures, state management, economics and culture.
Education abroad, scientific activity, and business constitute spheres which lead to the necessity of communicating with representatives of foreign cultures. For successful communication for people regardless of their residence, it is important to have a good command of a foreign language and to regard their interlocutors as representatives of foreign culture with their own spiritual world and perception of the world.
People may misunderstand each other when they know only one language and the main reason for this misunderstanding is in differences between cultures. Intercultural communication is characterized by great species diversity. In the theory of intercultural communication, it is customary to distinguish its forms, species, types and elements. So, four main forms of intercultural communication are distinguished - direct, indirect, indirect and direct.
With direct communication, the information is addressed to the sender directly by the recipient and can be done either verbally or in writing. In this case, the greatest effect is achieved through oral speech, combining verbal and non-verbal means.
In indirect communication, which is mainly one-sided, information sources are works of literature and art, radio messages, television programs, newspaper and magazine publications, etc.

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