Литературные теории в поэтическом мире джона китса


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Алимбаева Н.Б.. –магистрантка группы МШТ 21-1

Научный руководитель: к.п.н., доцент Гурбанова А.А.

Түйін. Бұл мақалада аудиолингвалдық әдіс негізінде студенттердің шет тілдік коммуникативтік құзыреттілігін қалыптастыру процесі қарастырылады, Білім беру сапасын арттыруға ықпал ететін ішкі мотивацияны оятатын аудиолингвалдық әдіс негізінде шет тілін оқытудың инновациялық технологиясы ұсынылып, сынақтан өткізілді.

Резюме. В данной статье рассмотрен процесс формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов на основе аудиолингвального метода, предложена и апробирована инновационная технология обучения иностранному языку на основе аудиолингвального метода, пробуждающая внутреннюю мотивацию, способствующая повышению качества образования.

The impressive development of education in the second half of the 20th century, and a very noticeable increase in the average education level of the planet’s population is one of the largest changes of global significance.
The impact of education on economic, social, political and cultural life is already fully evident in the 21st century.
Higher education is one of the decisive factors in the progress of education in general. It has provided an unprecedented increase in capacity to advance and disseminate knowledge, its practical application and the introduction of various innovations.
Higher education is traditionally the final link in the education system and the most important factor in the development of human potential.
The knowledge-based economy requires an increasing number of people with upper secondary education and knowledge of a foreign language.
Studies of the evolution of labor markets in Canada, in the United States, in the United Kingdom and in other countries show a constant increase in the demand for young workers with higher education. The number of working places requiring the higher education is growing at a faster pace than the number of jobs requiring lower educational attainment, and this trend is expected to intensify.
The primary task for education is to increase the ability of the individual to overcome difficulties, i.e. the ability to quickly adapt to constantly changing conditions. And the faster the speed of change, the more attention needs to be paid to recognizing and understanding the model of future events, their processes and requirements.
In connection with the need to increase diversification, the transience and novelty of information, production and other vital processes, the problem arises of the formation of new behavioral skills with the help of education.
The dynamics of public life, especially in Kazakhstan, new goals, scale and direction of transformations cause a public need for a large number of citizens who practically speak one or more foreign languages.
Knowledge of languages, and above all languages of international importance, makes it possible for a person to get real chances to occupy a more prestigious position in society, both socially and materially.
In solving this problem, an important role is assigned to language education as a factor that turns a person into a developed personality and expands his social and economic freedom.
Among the most important circumstances testifying in favor of the demand for foreign languages in the modern world and in Kazakhstan especially, we can name the following:
a) a globalization of integration social processes;
b) an interstate integration in the field of education;
c) an access to experience and knowledge in the world, to a great wealth of information;
d) a possibility of obtaining education abroad [1].
Returning to the issue of the quality of education, now directly linguistic, we must say that for one reason or another, language education in Kazakhstan does not find support at the state level.
This is expressed, first of all, in insufficient funding from the state of the educational sphere, which leads to an outflow of teaching staff, does not allow adequately equipping the educational process with adequate material and technical means. All this negatively affects the quality of the student's linguocultural training.
It is because of the current situation that a large number of theoretical works are currently appearing, the main direction in which is the optimization of teaching a foreign language at a university.
Very often, when translating a text (which in practice is one of the main forms of a foreign language teaching at a university), students are better guided by it than a linguist teacher.
From our point of view, in modern conditions of pluralism, wide variability of approaches, as well as a fairly high motivation on the part of a modern student in teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to equip the student with methods of learning a foreign language. It would give them the opportunity to form ways of rational working not only in the classroom, but also in the process of independent activity.
Thus, there is a contradiction between: social order and the level of language training of a specialist; the demand for foreign language communicative competence in modern society and the actual level of its development among university students.
This leads to the problem of the research: on the basis of what conceptual approach, technologies and methods is it possible to effectively form the language training of students.
The purpose of the research is to substantiate the formation efficiency of students' communicative competence based on the audiolingual methods, as well as the development and testing of technology for the formation of students' communicative competence in a foreign language based on the audiolingual method.
The practical significance of the research lies in the development of a technology for the formation of students’ communicative competence in a foreign language on the basis of the audiolingual method and its integration into the process of a foreign language teaching at a university, as well as in providing didactic support of this technology with the necessary teaching aids.
The reliability of the theoretical assumptions developed on their basis that implements this technique was confirmed, the effectiveness of the formation of students’ communicative competence in a foreign language on the basis of the audiolingual method was proved.
The conducted theoretical and experimental research has shown that with the existing schedule of hours at faculties, there is a real need to increase the effectiveness of teaching a foreign language through the use of adequate technology and rational use of hours for independent work.
Authentic material included in the content of teaching a foreign language to university students contributes to the rapid formation of foreign language communicative competence. The effectiveness of the harmonious formation and development of all leading types of speech activity on the basis of the audiolingual method has been proven.
As the methodology of teaching foreign languages develops, a variety of new approaches to teaching foreign language vocabulary appear. Highlighting the fundamental methodological principles of the main methods of teaching foreign vocabulary contributes to the awareness of their similar and distinctive features, their disadvantages and advantages.
Thus, the development of the audiolingual direction was determined by the concepts of behaviorism, structuralism, comparative psychology and gestalt psychology.
The specificity of the audiovisual direction in teaching foreign language vocabulary was the inclusion of new technical means and a different linguistic basis in the system, while maintaining common psychological positions for both directions (behaviorism) [2].
One of the main tasks of learning a foreign language is overcoming the negative influence of the native language. This is the predetermined importance of observing the gradual increase in the difficulties revealed as a result of comparing the native and foreign languages.
This new method included many features typical of the early direct method, but the above-mentioned disciplines, in addition to forming habits, added concepts for studying language templates.
This method was one of the first, its roots were firmly rooted in linguistic and psychological theory, increased its prestige and may have influenced the popularity of its long-term use. It has also had a great influence on language teaching methods and is still reflected in the main or secondary manifestations of the language teaching methodology.
Another factor that has led to the popularity of the method is the rapid success of students in achieving communicative competence. Through "excessive study" of facial expressions, memory, and language models and forms, students and teachers were able to see quick results.
This was both its strength and its failure in the long run, as critics began to show that this method does not work in terms of building long-term communication abilities.
The study of linguistics itself has changed, and the field of study of the second language has become an independent subject.
Cognitive psychologists have developed new approaches to general education, saying that facial expressions cannot explain that language learning is associated with affective and interpersonal factors, that students can create language forms and patterns that have never been heard before.
The thought processes themselves led to the discovery of the independent formation of language rules (not the formation of habits), and the idea that affective factors influence their use paved the way for new methods that should follow the audiolinguistic method.
This requirement to compare language systems distinguishes the audiolingual method from all other direct and indirect methods. Most of all it is realized in relation to grammatical material (for example, to learn English, speaking only native Spanish) and least of all - in the field of phonetics.
The specificity of this method is determined, first of all, by Fries's belonging to another linguistic school. Interpreting the language from the standpoint of descriptive linguistics presented in the works of the American linguist Leonard Bloomfield, Freese considers it as a system of signs that are used in the process of oral communication, considering writing an artificial and not very accurate way of fixing a sound language [3].
From this, a conclusion is drawn about the meaning of the sound system of the language and about the system of models for constructing sentences.
Accordingly, it is concluded that the unit of oral communication (and hence study) is the proposal. It is the sound system and the system of sentence models that distinguish one language from another and therefore form its basis.
Regardless of the ultimate goal, the initial degree of study should be devoted to the development of oral broadcasting, and the study of reading should proceed after the students have become familiar with the language orally. The main content of the initial degree is grammar, which is presented in the form of structures (models).
The vocabulary during this period plays an auxiliary role. Its purpose is to illustrate the sounds and structures that are being studied.
The material is selected on the basis of a comparison of the language being studied and the native language and the establishment of a typology of difficulties, however, no comparison is made in the learning process.
Distinguish between receptive and productive types of broadcasting and in accordance with this, a scientifically based selection of material is carried out. For receptive assimilation, structures are selected according to the principle of frequency, for productive - on the basis of usage, typicality, and the exclusion of synonyms.
An important aspect of the audiolingual methodology is acquaintance with the culture and customs of the people whose language is being studied. The goal is considered achieved if the student understands foreign speech and is able to articulate sounds correctly enough.
The authors of the audiolingual method consider the principle “first oral speech, then written” to be the main one due to the fact that intonation does not appear in writing, pronunciation, rhythm, stress are not presented. It means that the language is most fully represented in oral speech, and each linguistic phenomenon must first be worked out orally (listening, speaking), and then in writing (reading, writing).
This principle was first substantiated by the French scientist François Guen. The student should be able to formulate sentences using a sample. The skill is developed as a result of multiple repetition of patterns and speech patterns to complete automatism.
Within the framework of the concept of the audiolingual method, the following methodological tasks were solved:
• selection of basic language models for educational purposes;
• a system of sequencing the introduction of models has been created, so that from the first lessons the process of mastering the language is built on a communicative basis;
• a system of exercises for automating models has been defined;
• the selected number of words, which students should learn during the entire course of study: for speaking - 1000 units, for listening and writing - 3-4 thousand, for reading - about 7 thousand [4].
It is expressed, for example, in determining the easiest and most difficult topics for a given age, in the volume and number of exercises on various topics, in building material from simpler to complex.
The use of the audiolingual method, in comparison with other methods, greatly facilitates the process of mastering the English language, providing consistency, clarity and integrity in teaching practical language skills, makes language proficiency available at different ages.


  1. Berlitz M.D. First book for teaching modern languages. English part for adults. Revised Russian Edition. - Рига: Главный склад А.Вальтер, Я. Рапа и Ко, 2015.

  2. Фоломкина С.К. Принципы обучения чтению на иностранном языке // Методика преподавания иностранного языка в ВУЗе. Вып. 85. - М.:МГУ, 2014.- 250 с.

  3. Fries C.C. Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 2005, 347 p.

  4. Rost, M. (2011). Teaching and Researching: Listening (Second Edition ed.). London: Pearson Education Limited, 2011.

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