Литературные теории в поэтическом мире джона китса

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Personal universal educational actions include meaning-making based on the development of motivation and goal-setting of teaching; development of self-concept and self-esteem; development of moral consciousness and orientation of the student in the field of moral and ethical relations [1].
The effectiveness of the learning process directly depends on the characteristics of the interaction of the developing personality with the world, on the nature of the activity in which the student is included at a certain stage of his development, on the content, forms and methods of teaching, their compliance with the age and individual characteristics and capabilities of students. The listed patterns find their concrete expression in the principles of teaching.
The issues of justifying the principles of teaching a foreign language in different time engaged in such Russian scientists as G.V.Kitaygorodskaya [6].
In their opinion, the teacher has the right to follow the principles that ensure the effectiveness of teaching in solving specific educational problems in specific conditions and for a certain contingent of students.
In general, and general principles of learning a foreign language are formulated by scientists as the initial position, which in their totality define the essence of the educational process, its content, purpose, objectives, methods, means of instruction, and forms of organization of cognitive activity of students. Making a conclusion we should say:
1. A purposeful pedagogical analysis of the process of formation of linguistic and socio-cultural competence of pedagogical university students has shown that the existing practice faces a number of unresolved problems. The new paradigm of foreign language education, which determines its socio-cultural orientation, assumes a significant strengthening of the linguistic and cultural training of schoolchildren, and therefore, first of all, students of language faculties of pedagogical universities.
However, it should be noted that although the need to shift the emphasis in determining the goals of learning a foreign language is generally recognized and implemented in practice, there is no unity in the educational environment as to what content should be filled with the linguistic and socio-cultural competence formed by the trainees.
This trend is reflected in the content of the vast majority of modern textbooks on country studies, which are characterized by eclecticism, lack of connections and consistency in the study of country studies topics.
The lack of consistency in the formation of linguistic and socio-cultural competence leads to the fragility of students' cultural knowledge, which in many cases, as the results of the ascertaining experiment show, demonstrate ignorance of elementary general cultural facts.
2. The university discipline "Country studies and linguistics", studied in the 4th year of the Faculty of Philology, should be aimed, in accordance with the requirements of the state standard in the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages", at systematization of cultural knowledge, as well as their expansion and deepening.
The structural and content model of the formation of linguistic and socio-cultural competence developed by the dissertation researcher during the teaching of the disciplines of the regional studies cycle at CAIU is based on a systematic, integrated approach to the study of this discipline, which assumes the formation of a coherent, logically consistent system of knowledge about the nature and society of English-speaking countries in the learning process.
The observed order of studying topics helps to trace and establish cause-and-effect relationships in the development of nature and society. Thus, future teachers of a foreign language form an integral system of knowledge about the country of the language being studied. Relying on such a system, students, and then teachers, can effectively carry out the task of self-education.
3. The ascertaining experiment on the basis of the faculties of foreign languages revealed the importance of improving the process of formation of linguistic and socio-cultural competence of students to increase the effectiveness of the formation of professional competence and the preparation of pedagogical university students for professional activity. The developed programs of the disciplines "Country Studies and linguistics", and their approbation in the educational process based on criteria such as the level of knowledge, students' attitude to study, motivation and ability to apply knowledge in practice, during the formative experiment confirmed the working hypothesis.
4. The results of the experimental work allow us to conclude that the application of a systematic approach to the content of the disciplines of the regional studies cycle, strengthening the professional orientation of the educational process by introducing professionally-oriented content components are ways to further improve the professional training of foreign language teachers.


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