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Recommended reading:

1. Ибрагимов Х.Ю., Ахметов Р.И. Основные понятия и термины административного права и административной деятельности органов внутренних дел: Учебное пособие. – Алматы: Данекер. – 1999.

2.Жумагулов М. Место и значение административно-принудительных мер в науке административного права // Закон и время. - №9. - 2008. - С. 52-56.
3. Осинцев Д.В. Методы административно-правового воздействия. – СПб. – 2005.
4. Жетписбаев Б.А. Теоретические проблемы института административно-принудительного вос- становления // Хабаршы-Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая. – Серия «Юриспруденция». - №1(5). – 2005. – С.14-20.

Theme 13. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Аbout fighting corruption»

1. General Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Аbout fighting corruption»: the structure, objectives, principles
2. Measures preventing corruption offenses under the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Аbout fighting corruption».

1. General Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Аbout fighting corruption»: the structure, objectives, principles

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted July 2, 1998. In the intervening period it amended and supplemented more than twenty laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is due to changes in the political and legal environment in which there is a state, the adjustment of the state policy in the sphere of law and the fight against corruption, the emergence of new priorities, the place and role of Kazakhstan in the international relations, the actualization of certain social needs in the country.

Regardless of this, the legislation of Kazakhstan in the field of anti-corruption as the main legal normative act adopted Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan to allocate «Аbout fighting corruption».

Structural called Law consists of 4 chapters: 1. General provisions; 2. Prevention of corruption,

corruption offenses and the responsibility for them; 3. Elimination of the consequences of corruption offenses; 4. Final Provisions.

In total, the law contains 20 articles.

In Art. 1 SAM «Аbout fighting corruption» formulated the following objectives of the Law:

- Protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens;
- Ensuring national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the threats arising from the manifestations of corruption;
- Ensure efficient work of state bodies, officials and other persons equated to them;

- Expansion of democratic principles, transparency and control in the government;

- To strengthen public confidence in the state and its institutions;
- Promotion of competent professionals in the civil service;
- Creating conditions for the integrity of persons performing public functions.
The law states the achievement of the above objectives:
- Prevention, detection, suppression and detection of offenses related to corruption;

- Elimination of the consequences of corrupt law Offences and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The system of principles - in general one of the attributes of mandatory law. Legal principles recognized in the event that they are registered (fixed) in a legal act. Legal principles - basic ideas, the initial start, the underlying build relationships in

any sphere of life and activity of the State governed by the rule of law.

The term "principle" comes from the Latin «principalis», which means "master". Collegiate "principle" - a 1) primary, the starting position of any theory, doctrine, etc .; 2) an inner conviction, looking at things, define the behavior; 3) The base unit of something.

Appeal to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Аbout fighting corruption» (Article 5) suggests that the relationship in the activities of the Anti-Corruption carried out on the basis of the following thirteen principles:

1) equality of all before the law;

2) providing a clear legal regulation of activity of state bodies, legality and transparency of such activities, the state and public control over it;

3) improvement of the structure of the state apparatus, personnel management and procedures addressing issues affecting the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities;

4) priority to protecting the rights and lawful interests of individuals and legal entities, as well as socio-economic, political and legal, organizational and administrative systems of the State;

5) recognition of the admissibility of restrictions on the rights and freedoms of officers and other persons authorized to perform state functions and persons equated to them, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 39 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
6) providing the state of social and legal protection of civil servants;
7) restoration of violated rights and lawful interests of individuals and legal entities, the elimination and prevention of harmful effects of corruption offenses;
8) To ensure personal safety and to encourage citizens, assisting in the fight against corruption offenses;
9) the protection of the state rights and legitimate interests of persons authorized to perform state functions and persons equated to them, the establishment of these individuals wage (cash allowance) and incentives to ensure these persons and their families a decent standard of living;

10) inadmissibility of delegating authority to the state regulation of business legal entities and individuals engaged in such activities, as well as control and supervision over it;

11) The implementation of operative-search and other activities in order to identify, disclose, suppression and prevention of crimes related to corruption, as well as application in accordance with the law of special financial control measures to prevent the legalization of illegally amassed cash and other assets;

12) imposing a ban for persons authorized to perform state functions, to engage in business activities, including paid employment positions in management bodies of business entities, except for cases when the activity of such a post provided statutory duties;

13) ensuring public control and the formation of an atmosphere of intolerance in the society to manifestations of corruption.

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