Task: Psychological analysis of one main character of movie “The peaceful warrior” - Dan Millman
The main parameters of the task: • Type of temperament;
• Type of personality (extrovert, introvert, ambivert);
• Motivation.
An example of the work of a 1st year student’s SIS (Student work is transferred unchanged on behalf of the
The reason for the dynamic characteristics of the human psyche lies in the temperament of a person inherent
in him from birth. Temperaments are practically not found in perfect form. Usually, two different types are
combined in personality.
Depending on the inner state and emotionality, we manifest ourselves in different ways in life processes,
react to the same situations, participate in conversations, and start relationships. Based on the reactions and
actions of Dan Millman - the protagonist of the film “Peaceful Warrior” - we understand that he is an extrovert
with the characteristics of a
sanguine and choleric .
• Features of temperament, observed and prevailing in the first part of the film, before active changes
in perception: sociability, energy, mobility, enthusiasm, vanity, selfishness, conceit, frivolity, irascibility, and
• Features of temperament, which became prevalent in the second part of the film, during and after Socrates'
training: purposefulness, a kind of responsiveness, inner confidence, calmness, cheerfulness, sociability (Buss,
I concluded that
Dan is an extrovert because of his sociability and outlook on the world and his own life,
directed to the outside world: "What I see, I reflect ...". At the same time, knowing that extroverts are not
inclined to self-examination and reflection (introverts), sometimes you can observe these processes in him.
And, if he is given a choice: to be alone or to communicate, he will rather choose to communicate. If there
is a choice to “think” or “do,” he will prefer to do. If he needs to think, he will think, but only to the extent
necessary for deciding and action. He teaches himself to think to do and is attentive to the feelings to the extent
that it helps to orientate in life. Life, people, what is happening around him - the real circle of his interests
(Bernstein, 2015).
Character is a set of stable personality traits. The character expresses the most typical, essential characteristics
of a person. Character traits are stable features of human behavior, features that have become properties of the
personality itself. In the structure of Dan Millman's character, there are such groups of traits that express an
attitude towards certain aspects of activity, such as:
International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies, Special issue, march 2022