Фойдаланилган адабиётлар:
исследований (2021).
Пурышева Н.С. Методические основы дифференцированного обучения
физике в средней школе: дис...д-ра пед.наук: 13.00.02 / Пурышева Наталия
Сергеевна. – М., 1995. – 518 с.
Осмоловская, И.М. Дифференциация обучения в современной школе / И.М.
Осмоловская. - М., 2004.- 176 с.
Павлуцкая Н.М. Дифференциация обучения физике бакалавров технических
направлений подготовки как условие формирования их общекультурных и
общепрофессиональных компетенций дис...д-ра пед.наук: 13.00.02 /
Павлуцкая Нина Максимовна. – М., 2016. – 311 с.
ФИО автора: Safarmurodova Maftuna
year student of Termiz State University Surkhandarya, Termiz
Annotation: This article is devoted to all the discussion of the role of importance among learners based on
reading strategies and comprehension. This article presents different strategies, keys and examples as well.
Key words: constructing, IELTS, CEFR, TOEFL, process, punctuation marks, aspect, strive.
Reading is one of the most crucial process of constructing meanings of words. The purpose of reading is
that it helps the reader to direct information towards a goal and focuses their attention. People who are
preparing for the exams such as IELTS, CEFR, TOEFL and etc. always have trouble increasing reading skills.
“Reading" is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. When we
read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, punctuation marks and spaces) and we use our
brain to convert them into words, sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us.
Reading can be silent or aloud. What I mean by this is that silent means it occurs in our head, and also
aloud means other people can hear. We can receive information by reading, so that it is called receptive
skill. However, the complex process of reading requires the skill of speaking and by this we can pronounce
the words which we read. Reading is the third of the four language skills, which are:
Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
In our own language, reading is usually the third language skill that we learn. Reading is therefore a highly
valuable skill and activity, and it is recommended that English learners try to read as much as possible in
Swedish-American writer Frans Johansson, in his book The Medici Effect, explains how creativity is
intersectional. He said that “ Ideas born in one medium and industry can be used as inspiration for
others.Reading and writing work in similar ways. Reading improves your writing style and flow. Writers
learn to perfect their craft by taking inspiration from other writers. It’s impossible to be a good writer if you
don’t read. Acclaimed author Stephen King is said to carry a book with him wherever he goes. He even
reads while eating. Another vital role of reading skills in communication is perfecting your oratory skills.
Reading teaches you new words and perspectives. It helps strengthen language and sharpens sentence
structure. It gives you a better command over the language. All of these are critical to being a good
There are lots of strategies and keys that helps you to improve reading skills and increase reading
comprehension. Firstly, you should know what the comprehension is.
Comprehension is an important aspect of reading. When you read, strive to understand and extract
meaning for better overall awareness of what you are reading. Learning and implementing reading
strategies and charging how you read are the most important skills. By this you can improve your reading
comprehension abilities and make reading easier and more enjoyable.
What is reading comprehension?
Reading comprehension is the ability to comprehend or understand, what you are reading. After you read
something you can speak about what you understood . There are two components of reading
comprehension: text comprehension and vocabulary knowledge. Vocabulary knowledge is the ability to
understand the language being used, while text comprehension is using this language to develop an
awareness of what the meaning is behind the text. I want to mention 7 reading strategies you can use to
improve your comprehension skills in this article. Before you do the reading passage, you should learn
these strategies.
There are several reading strategies that you can begin implementing today to improve your reading
comprehension skills. The more you practice, the better you will become at understanding what you are
reading. The following are seven simple strategies you can use to work on your comprehension skills:
Improve your vocabulary.
Come up with questions about the text you are reading.
Use context clues.
Look for the main idea.
Write a summary of what you read.
Break up the reading into smaller sections.
Pace yourself.
Many students do not know how to increase their reading score. Sometimes they fail although they do
their best. Practice makes perfect so they should practice and analyze each sentence. Now, I will give
reading passage and advise some strategies.
Reading Passage .
This is an age of speed! Technological advance has brought jet airplanes andstreamlined trains whizzing
over transportation lines, helicopters carryıng the mail, missiles hurtling through space; telegraphs, long-
distance phones, radio, television, telstar and flashing communications. These are just a few examples of
the Revolution in Speed, which is hastening us along in its breathless velocity. As for reading, thousands of
newspapers, hundreds of magazines and dozens of books roll from the presses daily, speeded by
technological invention. Yet no one has enough time to read as much as he would wish. We hurry all day
long - workers hurry to their jobs in the morning and they hurry through the working hours in an attempt to
accomplish as much as possible. After work they hurry home to hurry out in the evening to a business
dinner, a social function, or one of many fascinating diversions. There is more reading to be done than ever
before and less time in which to do it ! What is the answer? Not more time in which to read, out the ability
to read more in the time we have.
Firstly, you are needed primarily skills. They are :
*Searching and underlining key words
*Looking for synonyms and parallel expressions
*Skimming (reading the text very quickly)
*Scanning (looking for something without reading)
*Reading for specific information.
Initially, we’like learn the new words that we don’t know in the passage.
-streamlined ( modernized, made smoother and thus faster)
-whizzing ( go extremely fast)
-hurtle ( rush or fly violently)
-hasten ( make faster, go or move faster)
-breatheless ( out of breath)
-velocity ( speed)
-as for ( when it comes for)
-accomplish ( achieve, do, finish)
-fascinating (very interesting, and attractive
-diversions (leisure activities)
After learning new words, you should read the text about twice and write down a brief conclusion about
text and what you understood on your own .
For example, by reading this text I could understand this passage is about reading and especially the role of
reading in today’s world. The technology is increasing day by day so that the importance of reading is
decreasing at the same time. We should attempt to accomplish our daily reading process by reading a
book, newspaper or journals.
And then try to analyze each sentence and answer the questions.
1. At work, as well as in their personal lives, people…
A) Have to acquire different skills to use the new machinery
B) Should set aside more time for reading than they do for recreation
C) Have to learn as much about the new technology as possible
D) Have to act hurriedly so as to succeed in as many things as possible
E) Should cut down on their activities so as to have more time for reading
2. The writer suggests that…
A) People should find a way to increase the amount of their reading in the limited time they
are left
B) Whatever the person’s job is, he has to read to keep pace with the speed of our age
C) The time spent on social functions and recreation can be reduced in order to spare more
time for reading
D) People should learn to make a good selection of what to read in the little time they have
E) More time for reading can only be achieved with a well-organized daily routine, without
hurrying to do everything
3. Technological advance…
A) Made people’s lives easier , but caused many of them to feel anxious because after it’s
B) Made speed characteristic of our age , reflecting it onto our everyday life as well
C) Left People no time to read, and as a result television viewing became so commonplace
D) Decreased interest in reading though reading materials, increased in number enormously
E) Is greatest in the area of telecommunications
After reading questions fully, try to answer questions by analyzing. Look at the first question, and find
proper answer in the text. The answer is placed in 7 line “We hurry all day long…in an attempt to
accomplish as much as possible “. So thhe answer is “D” To find the answer you should read text carefully
Try to find answers by yourself!
1. Guide to reading for English Learners – Josef Essberger
2. English through Reading ELS- Nasibe Sevği Öndeş
3. Ziyo.com
4. Reading instructions for Today’s children by Nila Banton Smit
5. IELTS reading strategies- Rachel Mitchell
6. The key to IELTS success- Pauline Cullen
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