Методические рекомендации к написанию магистерской работы Алматы 2020

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Information about the scope of the dissertation and the amount of illustrative material: The structure of the dissertation consists of notation and abbreviations, introduction, two sections, conclusion, list of references 75 sources. The work includes 10 tables and 17 figures, the amount of work is 87 pages.

The main ideas of the thesis.
The master's thesis gives methodological approaches to the study of temperament, its properties and the impact on the individual style of activity, analyzes work on the role of temperament with sports, comparing types of temperament in different types of activities and the relationship of temperament to success in sports.
The temperament properties necessary for cycling are most pronounced in road cyclists with high sports ranks. Due to the fact that it is the psychodynamic characteristics of cyclists that have a significant impact on the results of athletes, in connection with this knowledge of the individual typological characteristics of athletes is relevant both in organizing psychological work with athletes and in selecting children for this sport.
The use of complementary methods, such as assessing the temperament of Eysenck, the technique of 5 Big Five (Big Five), fully allowed to identify the individual typological characteristics of athletes that contribute to success in cycling races.
Due to the specific nature of the sport, one can speak of both similarities and differences in the individual typological characteristics of cyclists, depending on gender characteristics.
Differences in indicators of temperament were revealed among athletes of bicycles and other sportsmen.
Scientific novelty. The novelty of the study is related to obtaining new data on the individual typological characteristics of cyclists-road racers of the highest level of sportsmanship, which allows, on the one hand, to more adequately assess the potential of athletes both in the selection for cycling and in the selection for the national teams of the country, as well as in organizing individual psychological work with athletes cyclists.
The practical significance of the research results: the data obtained allow us to identify the overall picture of the individual typological characteristics of cyclists on the basis of classical and modern methods of psychodiagnostics.

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