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личНЫе итоги 

Подводить итоги в предновогоднее время - традиция, и на страницах «Мунайшы» мы тоже много говорим об ито-

гах, приводя показатели добычи, переработки, объемы инвестиций и иные, свидетельствующие об успешности раз-

вития нашей компании. Но в этой статье мы хотим показать совсем иные цифры - те, которые касаются лично каждо-

го из нас, влияя на наше ощущение счастья, самореализации и успеха. Улыбка твоего недавно родившегося малыша, 

шумная свадьба, поездка в новую страну - это лишь немногие из тех вещей, которые делают нас по-настоящему счаст-

ливыми и дают крылья, чтобы лететь вперед. В графиках, диаграммах, цифрах и цитатах ниже - личные итоги нашей 

дружной команды «ПетроКазахстан». 

«Вступление в брак является серьез-

ным шагом и, безусловно, огромным 

счастьем! Теперь у нас появились 

большие планы, цели и надежды, к ко-

торым мы будем идти вместе, рука 

об руку. Впереди - кропотливый труд 

по построению счастливой и благо-

получной семьи, и мы счастливы ид-

ти по этому пути сообща».

Семья Таировых, ПКОСИ

«Рождение сына - радостное событие 

в нашей большой семье. Лично я испы-

тал всплеск эмоций - настоящее семей-

ное счастье. Не передать словами мои 

ощущения, когда я впервые взял на руки 

сына. Почувствовал нежность, а вме-

сте с ней и робость. Ведь стать отцом 

- большая ответственность, теперь 

я должен стать и быть примером для 

сына, его воспитателем и кормильцем».

Айдос Казанкапов, ПККР 

«Наша история интересна вдвойне - ведь 

мы с супругом Валиханом Нуржауповым 

познакомились в Китае во время учебы 

по Стипендиальной программе «Петро-

Казахстан» по Кызылординской обла-

сти, и теперь стали семьей. С рождени-

ем Аиши для меня изменился мир, я стала 

по-другому относиться ко многим ве-

щам, на которые раньше даже не обра-

щала внимания. Ну скажите, что может 

быть лучше, чем тянущиеся маленькие 

ручки и звонкий смех младенца!?» 

Эльмира Оразалиева, ПККР

«В мае мы проходили обучение на 

курсах повышения квалификации 

инженеров-сметчиков, причиной 

для которых стало введение в РК но-

вого ресурсного метода определения 

сметной стоимости строитель-

ства взамен существующего базис-

но-индексного метода. Новый ме-

тод позволит более четко опреде-

лять и контролировать стоимость 

строительства на каждом эта-

пе выполнения работ подрядчиком 

с реальными ценами используемых 

строительных ресурсов: трудоза-

трат, эксплуатации машин и ме-

ханизмов, строительных материа-

лов. В целом он позволит заказчикам 

планировать строительство, исхо-

дя из возможностей соответству-

ющего бюджета».

Ольга Марченко, ПКОП

создали семьи

родилось детей 

«Изучение китайского языка по-

могло мне познать культуру - я 

стал общаться с нашими коллега-

ми из Китая и узнавать у них мно-

го интересного об этой загадочной 

стране. В итоге в свой недавний 

отпуск я отправился именно в Ки-

тай. Знание языка - это истинное 

понимание культуры!»  

Азамат Гимранов, ПКОСИ


Желтоқсан 2015


«Наша группа проходила обучение по передовой практике в меж-

дународном нефтегазовом бизнесе в г.Циндао, который поразил 

нас своей самобытностью, заключающейся в сочетании совре-

менной архитектуры и старых зданий, оставшихся со времен 

немецкой колонизации. Безусловно, первое впечатление о Китае 

совершенно перевернуло само понимание о стране летающих 

кинжалов. Абсолютно чистый город, с правильными дорогами и 

ровной посадкой растений, которые поражают своими краска-


Еще одна особенность этого города - это всемирно известный 

Китайский нефтяной университет, оснащенный самым со-

временным оборудованием и наглядными макетами производ-

ственных объектов по добыче, переработке и транспортиров-

ке нефти по воде и суше. Преподавательский состав универси-

тета,  состоящий из профессоров и докторов технических наук, 

достаточно молодой и перспективный, и на лекциях они поста-

рались раскрыть не только техническую сторону вопросов, но 

и исторические факты развития мировой нефтяной промыш-


Группа сотрудников, обучавшихся в Циндао, ПКОСИ

«Корпоративные спартакиады - это яркие 

впечатления. На соревнованиях по шах-

матам на юбилейной V Спартакиаде сре-

ди трудовых коллективов группы компа-

ний АО «КазМунайГаз - переработка и мар-

кетинг», где я выступала от нашего завода, 

заняв второе место, во время моей игры с 

чемпионкой Казахстана по быстрым шах-

матам Алпысбаевой Айгерим самым ярким 

момент стала система рапид с ограниче-

нием времени. 

Маржан Кулекеева, ПКОП

«Замечательно, что в нашей компании 

уделяется большое внимание формирова-

нию здорового образа жизни - на место-

рождениях регулярно проходят турниры 

по футболу, волейболу, баскетболу, футза-

лу, шахматам, настольному теннису. Заня-

тия спортом - это не только здоровье, но 

отличное настроение, общение с новыми 

людьми и приобретение друзей. Добавлю, 

что во время турниров конкуренция очень 

высока - ведь пять-шесть команд из ПККР 

и наших подрядных организаций претен-

дуют на награды, отсюда и столь высокий 

уровень соревнований».

Болат Мухамедов, ПККР

Саморазвитие, бесспорно, - один из ключей 

к успеху, в том числе карьерному. В этом го-

ду некоторые наши сотрудники самостоя-

тельно получили второе образование и про-

фессиональные степени, кто-то прошел 

обучение на курсах повышения квалифика-

ции, которые организовывала компания, а 

кто-то усердно учил иностранные языки, и 

таких у нас было более 120 человек. 

В здоровом теле - здоровый дух. В нашей компа-

нии давно осознали тот факт, что спорт помогает 

и хорошо работать, и счастливо жить, и в 2015 го-

ду почти 1200 человек принимали участие в раз-

личных соревнованиях, которых, кстати, только 

в ПККР было проведено 43! 

прошли обучение в китае


Желтоқсан 2015      



1 октября - между акиматом Южно-Ка-

захстанской области и руководством ТОО 

«ПКОП» подписан ежегодный Меморан-

дум о взаимном сотрудничестве на сум-

му 150 млн. тенге. Средства в рамках Ме-

морандума, который подписывается уже 9 

год подряд, будут направлены на реализа-

цию инфраструктурных и иных социаль-

но важных проектов в области. 

7 октября - в рамках традиционной 

осенней спартакиады на месторождении 

Кумколь состоялся турнир по настольно-

му теннису среди сотрудников подразде-

лений и подрядных организаций ПККР 

второй вахты. По результатам турнира 

1-е место занял начальник участка ЦУГ 

Виктор Пайскер, 2-е место - Алмас Пазы-

лов (ТОО «Сырдария нефтесервис»), 3-е - 

электромонтер ЦУГ Болат Мухамедов. 

8 октября - в спорткомплексе «Петро-

Казахстан» состоялось торжественное ме-

роприятие,  посвященное Дню пожилых 

людей. На встречу были приглашены бо-

лее 130 аксакалов АО «ПККР», находящих-

ся на заслуженном отдыхе. Ветеранов по-

здравили председатель профкома Елеусин 

Дуйсенов и глава совета ветеранов ПККР 

Барлыбай Биманов. Руководство компа-

нии совместно с профсоюзным комите-

том отметило ветеранов нагрудным зна-

ком «ПетроҚазақстан» «Еңбек ардагері» и 

материальной помощью, предусмотрен-

ной коллективным договором.

9-13 октября - в спортзале 

им.Кажымукана на месторождении Ары-

скум состоялся турнир по бильярду сре-

ди сотрудников ПККР и подрядных орга-

низаций, и призовые места по его итогам 

были распределены следующим образом: 

первое место занял мастер ЦППН Самат 

Бекенов, второе - специалист ИТ Габит 

Нуркожа, третье - водитель отдела пожар-

ной безопасности Шахмардан Жунусов. 

Победители и призеры отмечены дипло-

мами и призами АО «ПККР».

20 октября - в Казалинском районе 

КЗО состоялась традиционная осенняя 

спартакиада среди воспитанников реаби-

литационного центра для детей-инвали-

дов «Шапагат», проходящая под девизом 

«В движении – здоровье!». Подарки для де-

тей предоставил спонсор мероприятия - 

ТОО «Кольжан», входящее в состав группы 

компаний «ПетроКазахстан».

21-24 октября - на площадке спортком-

плекса «Вахта-40» на Кумколе завершился 

осенний волейбольный турнир среди со-

трудников нашего добывающего подраз-

деления и его подрядчиков (первая вахта), 

участие в котором приняли 7 команд. Глав-

ные награды турнира завоевали волей-

болисты подрядной организации «Кутка-

рушы», на втором месте - команда отдела 

технологии добычи, а на третью строчку 

пьедестала поднялись игроки ЦУГ. Побе-

дителям и призерам были вручены дипло-

мы и ценные призы. 

27 октября - в Алматы состоялась IX 

ежегодная церемония вручения нацио-

нальной премии по благотворительно-

сти «Алтын Жүрек», где АО «ПетроКазах-

стан Кумколь Ресорсиз» выступило номи-



3-5 ноября - на Кумколе прошел осен-

ний турнир по волейболу среди сотрудни-

ков подразделений АО «ПККР» второй вах-

ты. В соревновании приняли участие 8 ко-

манд, 1-е место по итогам турнира заняла 

команда «КНЭК», 2-е - ЦДНГ-1, а 3-е - «Туз-

коль». Поощрительными призами отме-

чены судья соревнований оператор ЦДНГ 

Салтанат Есжанова и лучший игрок тур-

нира  -  фельдшер ТОО «Центрально-Ази-

атская Сервисная Группа» Саулет Сеитов 


5 ноября - Шымкентский НПЗ посети-

ла делегация во главе с вице-министром 

энергетики М.М.Мирзагалиевым и депута-

тами Парламента РК. В рамках визита был 

проведен «круглый стол» с участием мест-

ных СМИ, на котором участники обсудили 

вопросы качества ГСМ, экологическую со-

ставляющую объектов нефтепереработ-

ки, а также будущие дополнения в законо-

дательство об отдельном обороте нефте-


6 ноября - прошло рабочее заседание 

руководства ТОО «ПКОП», ТОО «АНПЗ», 

ТОО «ПНХЗ», ТОО «КазМунайГаз – Аэро»,   


найГаз», ТОО «КМГ Онимдери», АО «КМГ 

ПМ»  под председательством генерально-

го директора АО «КМГ ПМ» Д.С.Тиесова с 

подрядными организациями. Темами об-

суждения стали ход реализации Проекта 

модернизации и реконструкции ПКОП и 

итоги работы КМГ ПМ за 9 месяцев 2015 

года. После завершения заседания про-

шла торжественная часть, на которой со-

трудников Шымкентского НПЗ поздрави-

ли с 30-летним юбилеем и вручили почет-

ные грамоты.  

14 ноября - в спорткомплексе «Петро-

Казахстан» состоялся турнир по мини-

футболу среди представителей СМИ ре-

гиона, посвященный Дню первого Прези-

дента РК и 550-летию Казахского ханства. 

В турнире приняли участие 7 команд, со-

стоящих из сотрудников областных га-

зет и телеканалов. Первое место заняла 

команда областного телевидения «Казах-

стан-Кызылорда», обыгравшая в финале 

команду «Собкорр». Спонсорами турни-

ра выступили АО «ПККР», предоставившее 

игровой зал спорткомплекса «ПетроКа-

захстан», и ТОО «Кольжан», предоставив-

шее призы.


12-16 декабря - в преддверии Нового 

года ПККР организует традиционную раз-

дачу продуктовых пакетов для пенсионе-

ров компании и инвалидов, получивших 

увечье на производстве.

кАлеНдАрь собЫтиЙ

«Шапағат» тәрбиеленушілері арасында өткен спартакиада / Спартакиада среди воспитанников «Шапагата» / 

Traditional sport games for children from ‘Shapagat’ 


Желтоқсан 2015


Dear readers,

We dedicate the Munaishy corporate magazine for the thousands of people working for 

PetroKazakhstan, for each and every one of you. I would like to note that we also have our readers in 

Astana, in the key ministries and departments, in associations and societies. State and public institution 

leaders get to hear about our industrial side of things, everyday life, culture and how we spend our leisure 

time, all of which helps to create an objective idea about each of us and the company as a whole. It is no 

accident that PetroKazakhstan has enjoyed a trusted relationship with the state and business community 

for many years, and its Munaishy magazine has earned the title of the ‘Best Industry Corporate Publication.’

This is our common  achievement, and is based, primarily, on a difficult job done honestly by everyone 

of you involved. The magazine’s goal is to create an overview of the company as a whole, link everyone in 

terms of information and ideology both as one large family and a team of like-minded people.

Furthermore, as you have noted by now, each issue of the magazine offers interviews, discussion and 

information on celebrated people from Kazakhstan and national heroes. For example, in this issue, our 

guest is Tokhtar Aubakirov, who, without exaggeration, is a legend.

It was no accident that we had the interview with Tokhtar in this issue as his bravery, fortitude, honesty, kindness and wisdom will give us 

belief in our strength and capabilities on the eve of the New Year.

I wish you warmth and light in your homes!

With the best wishes,

B. Issengaliyev,


P.S. As always, we look forward to your letters, suggestions, comments and wishes.

cHIeF eDItoR’s  PAGe


Желтоқсан 2015      


Dear Colleagues,

One of the features of a market economy 

is its cyclical nature, where downturns are 

followed by upturns and prosperity. Of 

course, the current global economic crisis 

has had a direct impact on the national 

economy and corporate activity. We have 

seen different times at PetroKazakhstan, 

but we have always been on the right track, 

loved what we do and all given everything 

to bring about the right result. This will 

help us grow again. 2015 was one of 

those difficult periods. Management took 

measures to optimize and reduce costs 

and we would like to thank everyone at 

PetroKazakhstan for their understanding 

and active participation in supporting the 

company’s effective development.

PKKR, Kolzhan and PKVI will be ending 

the year having drilled 68 new wells, 

including 48 production wells and 20 exploration and appraisal wells, and Kazgermunai - 27 production wells. According to the 

independent auditor Ryder Scott, for PetroKazakhstan Inc. as a whole, category P1 reserves grew by 4.3 million barrels.

Total PetroKazakhstan production in 2015 will meet, as planned, 4.388 million tonnes of oil, of which 2.447 million tonnes will be 

produced by PKKR, Kolzhan and PKVI, and another 1.499 million tonnes from our 50% interest in JV Kazgermunai and 0.442 million 

tonnes from our same interest in Turgai-Petroleum.

PKOP, which celebrated an anniversary in 2015, has after 10 months already refined 3.59 million tonnes of oil this year of the 4.56 

million planned by the Ministry of Energy. The refinery increased its percentage of high-octane output to 66.1%, while refining depth 

reached 75.3% and light petroleum product yield reached 57.08%.

2015 was for PKOP the year of beginning of commissioning of facilities as part of its Refinery Modernization Project, starting with 

the newly rebuilt Diesel Hydrotreatment Unit in September, meaning that we were the first of the three refineries in Kazakhstan to 

produce diesel that meets K4 and K5 (EURO-4 and EURO-5) standards. The next is the Sulphur Production Unit which will be the 

first technically complex facility built at PKOP from scratch. As per target date set by the shareholders, it is to be launched by the end 

of the year, and currently we are completing start-up work producing elementary sulphur. We are developing a mechanism for PKOP 

to work with the Atyrau and Pavlodar refineries, the CPE contractor, auxiliary and emergency services, and also implementing the 

relevant safety measures. 

The first stage of the Refinery Modernization Project also includes new Naphtha Isomerisation and Pre-hydrotreatment Units, and 

16 general refinery facilities, where the experience we gained from the Sulphur Unit would help a lot.

PetroKazakhstan has continued personal and industrial safety training to prevent production risk and protect staff in all its units. 

During 2015, PKKR’s programme to improve its HSE management system and development within the Korgau project reached new 

ground, introducing HSE management system elements such as a cascaded management system, a behaviour safety analysis and 

creation of subcommittees in 5 areas. We are also continuing with the programme to reward employees for reporting potentially 

dangerous situations and unsafe conditions and actions, and in this last reporting period, rewarded 9 employees. In August 2015, 

PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources implemented an ENMS 637414 certificate in line with international ISO 50001:2011 energy 

management standard, providing a best global practice method to ensure energy efficiency and savings, reduce expenses and meet 

ecological requirements. PKOP has been recertified for compliance with international health and safety standard OHSAS 18001. We 

also underwent an audit for compliance with international ecological management standard ISO 14001.

PetroKazakhstan continues to carry on its commitment to developing the regions and implementing Memorandums signed with 

South Kazakhstan and Kyzylorda Oblast Akimats, as well as external and internal scholarship and education programmes.

MAnAGeMent GReetInGs


Желтоқсан 2015


This autumn, PetroKazakhstan, together with leading energy industry companies, took part in the X KAZENERGY anniversary 

Forum and exhibition, where, at the Associations’ initiative, we led the ‘Synergy of Arts’ cultural event.

Next year we will continue to realise our integrated concept and work towards results, maintaining team spirit and our dedication 

to duty.

We hope the New Year is full of joy, happiness and good wishes! Health and prosperity to you and your families in 


We are very proud in PetroKazakhstan of the appreciation of our people’s professional achievements shown by the many 

governmental departments. In 2015, 262 PetroKazakhstan employees received various medals, lapel badges, letters of gratitude 

and certificates of merit, and another 194 received PKOP certificates of merit.

Four PKKR employees received certificates of merit, three received the medal ‘For Contribution in the Development of the 

Oil and Gas Industry’ and another 13, who had just retired, received the Labour Veteran medal from the Ministry of Energy. Two 

employees received the lapel badge ‘Distinguished Oil and Gas Industry Employee’ and four received letters of gratitude from the 

Ministry of Energy. Another three received letters of gratitude from the Kyzylorda Oblast Akim and 13 received the same from the 

Kyzylorda Akim.

At PKOP another 50 employees received certificates of merit from CNPC, 32 - from KMG, 48 - from KMG - RM, 30 - from 

Samruk-Kazyna, 29 - from the Ministry of Energy and another 30 - from the KAZENERGY Association. Another member of our oil 

production division received Ministry of Energy medal for his contribution in the development of the oil and gas industry.

We would like to congratulate everyone who received an award and, using the occasion, thank you again 

for your contribution to company development and your deduction to duty!

“I must admit that I did not expect this at all. When they called out 

my surname to receive my award, my feelings began changing, a 

bit like a kaleidoscope - pride changed to thrill and then, finally, 

to happiness. The award I received today for my work and 

contribution, is down to the entire team, as we can only achieve 

the results we do by working together, overcoming difficulties and 

reaching new heights together - for the benefit of the company, oil 

industry and our country.”

“Despite the crisis in global oil and gas sphere, our company 

continues to maintain momentum of production, tries to 

enhance occupied positions, ensures safety and improves on 

labor condition for their employees. Thanks to all collective work 

- the successes we achieved became possible. The Ministry’s 

encouragement is recognition of valorous labor of all company, 

all our team. True professionals work in our company, and in 

the future they will also accomplish big tasks.” 

Qin Hongwei, 

Chairperson of the 

board, PKKR, 

recipient of Honorary 

certificate of Ministry 

of energy RK

Baurzhan Syzdykov, 

Technical Unit engineer, 

Unit-200, Workshop №1, 

recipient of a Ministry 

of energy medal for 

contribution in 

the development of the oil 

and gas industry.

Wei Yuxiang, 

petroKazakhstan president

Askar Turisbekov, 

First Vice-president, 

petroKazakhstan Oil products LLp


Желтоқсан 2015      


Bakhytzhan Issengaliyev 

Tokhtar Ongarbayevich, it is an 

honour to have been your friend for 

so long. I am genuinely proud to be 

able to say I know the first Kazakhstan 

cosmonaut, the pride of the Kazakhstan 

people. You are known and respected 

across the world. This is not your only 

title - you were also the first person 

from the Soviet Union to make a non-

stop flight to the North Pole, refuelling 

in mid-air twice, and the first to land a 

supersonic MiG-29K on the deck of an 

aircraft carrier in stormy weather.

Taking this opportunity, as editor 

of Munaishy, I would like to give 

our readers an insight, without 

exaggeration, into your legendary and 

interesting life.

Therefore, I would like to ask you 

a favour, as an old friend, Tokhtar 

Ongarbayevich, to tell us oil workers 

and our families a little about yourself 

and answer my questions. In anyone’s 

life there are key events that define 

that person’s furture. What were 

yours? What helped you choose your 


- I knew what I wanted to be when I saw 

an airplane for the first time as a child. I was 

in to heroes, and pilots, of course, fitted into 

that category. I remember that when a plane 

landed close to our village, my friends and 

I ran up to it. We were so happy when the 

pilot of the LI-2, which we thought was so 

huge, offered a ride and let us “drive”. I can 

remember what I felt the first time I went up 

in a plane - it seemed like I was flying for ages 

and I was so excited! That’s how I became 

interested in flying. Later on, I grew to love 

it. As a child, I dreamt of being a pilot, and 

I knew that I had to do well at school to 

become one.

Karaganda had an aviation club, but you 

had to be 15 to join. As soon as I was 15, 

I started going there, and soon after that 

I made my first sky dive. The age limit for 

flying school was 17, and I spent a whole year 

in a pre-training class for future pilots. In the 

summer of 1964, I was ready to fly, but they 

wouldn’t let me fly. You wouldn’t believe 

how devastated I was.

However, the wait made me more 

determined. I continued studying but also 

worked as a lathe operator at the Temirtau 

casting and mechanical plant. The club 

even asked me to teach aerodynamics and 

engines, and I accepted, as lecturers were 

unable to get from Karaganda back then. 

Meanwhile, at the plant I was suggested I go 

to study at the Almaty Polytechnic Institute, 

promising to maintain my salary and help me 

get a place through the party without having 

to take exams. Back then, that was a great 

HeRo oF tHe sovIet UnIon, PeoPle’s HeRo oF tHe RePUblIc 

oF KAZAKHstAn, KAZAKHstAn’s FIRst cosMonAUt, 

test PIlot toKHtAR AUbAKIRov: “We neeD to FlY In tHe 

nAMe oF tHe PeoPle AnD FoR tHe PeoPle”

Tokhtar Ongarbayevich Aubakirov

Born 27 July 1946 in the Karkaraly district of Karaganda Oblast. Test pilot and research 


72nd (and final) USSR cosmonaut and first Kazakh cosmonaut. Between 2 and 10 

October 1991, he took part as a research cosmonaut in an expedition to visit the Mir space 

station as part of a Kazakhstan programme.  During the expedition, he had the code name 

Donbas-2 (for the launch) and Ozone-2 (upon landing). He spent 7 days 22 hours 12 

minutes and 40 seconds in space.

Kazakhstan Air Force Major General. Deputy of the XII-XIII Assemblies of the Supreme 

Soviet of Kazakhstan. Deputy of the Kazakhstan Mazhilis from election constituency № 44 

of Kyzylorda Oblast.

Awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star 

by Edict of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 31 October 1988 for 

courage and heroism shown during the testing of new aviation technology.

Also has the following awards and titles: People’s Hero of Kazakhstan (1995), the Order 

of Otan (1995), Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR (1991), Distinguished Test Pilot of the USSR 

(1990), the Order of Lenin (1988), the Badge of Honour (1981), and the Medal for Services 

to Space Exploration (2011) - for a great contribution to the development of international 

cooperation in manned space exploration. Distinguished master of sport of the Republic 

of Kazakhstan.

At the age of 17, he had his picture on the board of honour at the plant he worked at, and 

for his work achievements, his name appears in gold letters in the Karaganda Oblast Book 

of Merit for Distinguished Workers.


Желтоқсан 2015


opportunity. I turned it down and in 1965 

left for Armavir to join the higher military 

aviation training college as a defence pilot, 

taking my first step to achieving my dream. I 

have never regretted my choice!

- You are a Hero of the Soviet Union. 

Can you tell us how you got that 

impressive title, as you didn’t get it 

from being a cosmonaut?

- It’s quite complicated. After I became 

a pilot, and then a military jet pilot and 

engineer, I for a long time was trying to 

become a test pilot. I couldn’t find a way into 

pilot school as back then there were no Asian 

test pilots. I became the only one that time, 

and for that I will always be very grateful to 


In the 1970’s the Soviet Union began 

looking at the possibility of developing 

aircraft carriers, for which a number of 

experimental design bureaus were engaged, 

including the best at that time - the MiG 

Mikoyan experimental design bureau, where 

in 1976 I was lucky enough end up after 

graduating from test pilot school in 1976. I 

was surrounded by high-class professionals.

I was joined on the project with an 

experienced test pilot V.Menitskii, and our 

job was to make recommendations on 

anything to do with the aircraft and then 

test them. You could say that by testing new 

aviation technology we were to bring the 

aircraft to life! We worked hard, and each 

flight on a new aircraft brought with it the 

risk that you could be killed. I was given the 

Hero of the Soviet Union award in 1988 for 

the work I did there.

- You made a conscious choice to take 

up a very risky career. You were not 

just a test pilot who trained thousands 

of Soviet military aces. It would be 

interesting to hear something about 

your other legendary achievements - 

landing a military plane on the deck 

of an aircraft carrier during a violent 

storm and the first non-stop flight to 

the North Pole.

- Yes, it’s a dangerous profession, and we 

really did risk our lives doing some of the 

really difficult things we were asked to do. A 

lot could have gone wrong, and we wouldn’t 

have returned home. That deck landing 

you mentioned was linked to a programme 

to create navy aircraft carriers. Each 

experimental design bureau involved in the 

programme provided a few pilots, including 

Viktor Pugachev.

He made the first landing on the heavy 

aircraft cruiser Tbilisi. Forty minutes after 

he’d made his landing I made mine in my 

MiG-29K. However, for parity’s sake, after 

the landing I told my ground staff to prepare 

the aircraft for take-off again. Despite their 

warnings that there would be no navigation 

or other technical flight take-off support, 

I insisted and told them to position the 

gyroscopes. The state commission chairman 

had just notified the Kremlin about the first 

landing on an aircraft carrier, which was a 

revolutionary event in Soviet aviation. They 

were already celebrating and pouring out the 


So I asked the state commission chairman 

whether I could take off from the aircraft 

carrier deck, making it the first time an 

aircraft had taken off using a launch pad, in 

other words, a jump. The difficulty was that 

the carrier runway was very short and would 

not have been long enough under normal 

conditions. I would be using a launch-pad 

mechanism, which involved the aircraft 

dropping off the edge of the runway, and 

then me, from the moment the plane began 

falling from the parabola towards the water, 

generating enough velocity to raise the plane 

into the air. The whole process would take 

a few seconds and a lot depended on the 

test pilot’s experience and engine reliability, 

because any slightest hitch would mean the 

aircraft falling into the water.

Given my experience and rank (I was 

already a Hero of the Soviet Union), I was 

given the green light. On 1 November 1989, 

I was the first person to take off in a test jet 

fighter MiG from an aircraft cruiser, and for 

that my name was filed in the Guinness Book 

of Records.

Back in the day, we brought that ship and 

those aircraft to life, and started a new era in 

military and navy aviation.

Flying non-stop to the North Pole and 

refuelling twice in mid-air is not simple, for 

a number of reasons. First of all, navigation 

apparatus start to malfunction the further 

north you are and pilots need to use all of 

their aerial navigation resources, otherwise 

you simply do not know where you are and 

where you’re flying. Visibility is limitless and 

can stretch for several hundred kilometres, 

as air in the northern latitudes is so clear. 

You’re flying and you’re out there on your 

own. If something happens to the engine, 

it caught fire, for example, you would have 

to eject. The earth below is literally covered 

by ice hummocks that stick out like huge 

needles, which makes it impossible to land 

safely. Even if you do make it down, nobody 

would find you in that icy wilderness. The 

rescue services refused to from the start to 

look for you. Officially, we were allowed to 

use weapons, for example, if you had to eject. 

It may sound scary, but the weapon was to 

shoot yourself in the air to save yourself from 

a painful death….

The risk of dying on flights like that 

was very high. However, everything went 

smoothly. I flew a few times to the same 

region of the North Pole after that, and each 

time everything turned out fine.

- As a test pilot between 1976 and 

1991, you helped develop more than 50 

types of aircraft. What was the hardest 

moment? Were there any unusual 

situations on board?

- Anything new is out of the ordinary. A 

test pilot’s first job as the link between the 

constructor and his machine is to work out 

how the aircraft functions and pass that on to 

the constructor. Any testing is complex, and 

we were given an important and responsible 

task - to check airplanes for durability 

and safety. The constructor and tester are 

responsible for the lives of the people who 

later fly the aircraft.

Unusual situations are relatively frequently. 

It’s a part of our job.

- What’s your current attitude to 


Viktor Pugachev (born in 1948) - Soviet test pilot, distinguished USSR test pilot   

(18 December 1991), Hero of the Soviet Union.

The Pugachev Cobra was named in honour of Viktor Pugachev and demonstrates 

pitch control in flight dynamics, stability on approach angles and the jet plane’s 

excellent manoeuvrability.

*D.Kunayev was a Soviet state and public 

figure born in 1912. He died in 1993. He was 

the Chairman of the Council of Ministers 

of the Kazakh SSR, First Secretary of the 

Central Committee of the Communist Party 

of Kazakhstan, Three-Time Hero of Socialist 

Labour. He was the author of over 100 works. He 

was an academician of the Academy of Science of 

the Kazakh SSR.


Желтоқсан 2015      


- I have my own small plane that I fly 

sometimes as I miss the sky, being up high 

and the feeling you get flying. I don’t fly that 

often, but get up in the skies a couple of times 

a year. It’s a way of feeling adrenalin, which 

we, pilots, especially need.

- Can you tell us about your journey 

into space?

- When the USSR ceased to exist in 1991, 

President Nazarbayev invited me for a talk 

and suggested I fly into space. I told him 

about the difficulties we would have in 

staffing, so I initially refused the offer. To this 

he said, “our people have been waiting 30 

years already for a Kazakh to fly into space, 

from Kazakhstan, which launched the first 

cosmonaut and others. And there wasn’t one 

Kazakh among them. We need to fly in the 

name of the people and for the people.” After 

this, I agreed to fly into space.

I passed a medical commission and started 

training, which involved studying everything 

from the spacecraft to the Mir orbit complex. 

The most important thing for me was my 

programme during the flight, i.e. I did not 

want to fly into space as a passive tourist 

as I had been used all my life to effectively 

and efficiently complete the tasks. Luckily, 

thanks to the head of the RK Academy of 

Science Umirzak Sultangazin, they managed 

to develop the ‘Kazakhstan Garyshy’ 

programme in a very short period of time, 

which subsequently became a breakthrough 

in Kazakhstan space exploration. The space 

research carried out under the programme 

generated some unique results, 70% of which 

are application-oriented. Some of the results 

of our research have global significance, in 

terms of medical, geophysical and biological 


I remember that in addition to President 

Nazarbayev, presidents from a number of 

nations, such as Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, 

Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia, the 

Russian prime minister and the Austrian 

Chancellor, were at the launch of what was 

for Kazakhstan a historic expedition.

- What are the prospects for aviation 

and space exploration in Kazakhstan? 

What do you think about space 


- In any transportation sphere, tourism is 

an advancement. First, there were cars driven 

by one person. After testing, passengers 

appeared. The same thing happened with 

trains and airplanes: single-seated planes 

turned into passenger planes. The space 

industry is, of course, unique, but it is slowly 

gathering appeal, as tourists are travelling 

into space, albeit in small quantities so far. It’s 

just the start of the beginning. I think that in 

the future we will also be flying to the moon, 

in lunar orbit just like we go on cruises and 

fly to all corners of the world at the moment.

- What do you think, is there anyone 

else out there in the universe?

- There’s no doubt in my mind that there 

are other being and civilisations in the 

universe. You understand that out in space as 

soon as you see the huge expanses and the 

billions of stars and planets. Some of them 

have to have life, even if it differs from here 

on earth. I have no doubt that there is life out 


- I would like to stress that you don’t 

meet people very often who fit the 

words of the Rasul Gamzatov song “A 

real man”, i.e. decent, charming and 

kind. I really do think that exactly 

these best male and ultimately human 

qualities attract others to your 

personality. You have been with your 

lovely wife Tatyana for many years 

already. How did you meet?

- I met her while I was still working at the 

plant, way back in 1976. From the moment 

we met, I knew she would be the mother of 

my children and my faithful wife.

- I know that for you the meaning of 

life is your children and grandchildren. 

You have two wonderful sons, Timur 

and Mikhail, both worthy of you. And 

now the main person in your family is 

your one year old grandson Tokhtarlan. 

Tell us a little about them.

- I never used to believe that a passion for 

something can skip a generation, but with my 

grandson I have started to think otherwise. I 

remember, a few months after he was born, 

we went out for a walk, and he heard the 

sound of an airplane and immediately went 

quiet to listen. All of his toys are airplanes. 

At 14 months old, he can’t imagine being 

without them. He points at the television or 

Ipad and says “grandpa”, which means switch 

on the video about me - in space, my flights 

or just about airplanes, and he can watch 

them for hours! My children didn’t follow me 

in my profession. And I agree with my wife, 

who said that “one pilot, all the more so a 

test pilot, in one house is enough”. A while 

ago, my daughter-in-law, Tokhtarlan’s mum, 

promised that if in the future he wants to 

become a pilot, she won’t object. Of course, 

I’ll be glad if he follows his grandfather.

- You have your own collection of 

majestic horses and you look like a real 

Kazakh Batyr when you’re riding them. 

We would like to continue seeing you 

be on a roll, hoping you continue to 

enjoy life and reach new heights!

- PetroKazakhstan is one of the largest 

and best known companies in Kazakhstan. 

I hope you get through the crisis that has 

affected the global oil industry, as we will 

always need oil workers. I hope you continue 

to fill our lives with movement - in the direct 

and figurative meanings of the word.

As for the employees, I wish you and your 

families prosperity, health and happiness, 

and hope you continue to enjoy your work!

Thank you, dear Tokhtar 

Ongarbayevich, on behalf of our 

employees! We wish you and your 

family and friends health and success! 

All the best for the upcoming holidays!

In 2007, test pilot and cosmonaut 

General Major Tokhtar Aubakirov 

and test pilot General Major Zhaintai 

Sandybayev created an aviation 

centre in Astana to help educate the 

future generation of civil and military 

pilots in Kazakhstan.

Космосқа ұшу алдында, 1991 жыл / Перед полетом в космос, 1991 год / At the start of the space-flight, 1991


Желтоқсан 2015


As, indisputably, the most awaited and 

important oil and gas event of the year, 

the 10th Anniversary KAZENERGY Forum 

as usual was noted for the quantity and 

importance of the issues discussed, the list 

of events and high level of its participants. 

More than 2,000 delegates from 53 countries 

attended, including key global figures from 

the energy industry such as the French 

Prime Minister (2007-2012) Francois Fillon; 

Chairman of the China’s National Energy 

Administration Nur Bekri, Chairman of PJSC 

Gazprom Board of Directors Viktor Zubkov, 

Minister for Energy and Infrastructure 

of the Eurasian Economic Commission 

Tair Mansurov, President of the World 

Petroleum Council Jozsef Toth, Kazakhstan 

Energy Minister Vladimir Shkolnik, and top 

managers from a number of major oil and gas 

and power companies.

The Forum heard a number of weighty 

declarations that have become the 

foundation of the vision for future industry 

development. One such example was the 

opinion that when supply exceeds demand, 

each producing country should take 

steps to diversify its oil and gas industry, 

transportation routes and hydrocarbon 

transit, considering various industry 

development scenarios. The optimism was 

tangible when KAZENERGY Chairman 

Timur Kulibayev noted that Kazakhstan by 

the start of the 2020s should be producing 

in excess of 2 million barrels of oil a day, 

which should take it into the world’s top 

ten largest oil and gas producers. New plans 

and markets were discussed, for example 

according to KazTransOil General Director, 

Kairgeldy Kabyldin, Kazakhstan is looking at 

transporting its own hydrocarbons to India 

and providing transit possibilities for Russian 

oil and gas for the same purpose.

Special emphasis was given to Kazakhstan-

Chinese energy relations, especially with 

the creation of the Silk Way Economic Belt 

project, whose objective is to create a new 

format for relations among the countries 

linking East Asia and Western Europe. Work 

is already being carried out to promote 

bilateral cooperation in several energy sector 

related areas, including research into shale 

production in Kazakhstan, the realisation 

of the Eurasia project in which CNPC has 

shown an interest, and the development 

of research into how to increase oil 

ҚХР Энергетикасының мемлекеттік басқармасының төрағасы Нур Бекри мен «ПетроҚазақстан» президенті Вэй Юйсян 

/ Председатель Государственного управления по энергетике КНР Нур Бекри и президент «ПетроКазахстан» Вэй Юйсян 

/ Chairman of the China’s National Energy Administration Nur Bekri and PetroKazakhstan President Wei Yuxiang

«Нұр отан» партиясының төрағасының орынбасары А.Мырзахметов пен «ПетроҚазақстан» вице-президенті 

Б.Исенғалиев / Первый заместитель председателя партии «Нур Отан» А.Мырзахметов и вице-президент 

«ПетроКазахстан» Б.Исенгалиев / Nur Otan party First Deputy Chairman A.Myrzakhmetov and PetroKazakhstan 

Vice-President B.Issengaliyev 

tHe sYneRGY oF bUsIness AnD ARt

between 29 september and 1 october, PetroKazakhstan took part in the 10th 

Anniversary KAZeneRGY eurasian Forum ‘new energy Horizons: Prospects of 

cooperation and Investments’, which took place in Astana. For the first time, in 

addition to the traditional discussion platforms around politics, economics, oil prices 

and the future of the oil industry, on 30 september the Forum introduced a cultural 

element in the form of the ‘synergy of Arts’ initiative, held by PetroKazakhstan and 

the KAZeneRGY Association.


Желтоқсан 2015      


production. Likewise, the Forum’s oil 

and gas conference ‘Energy Security in 

the Eurasian Region: a New Mechanism 

for Cooperation’ hosted the signing of a 

Memorandum of Cooperation between the 

Kazakhstan National Engineering Academy 

and its Chinese counterpart, stipulating 

partnership in engineering research and 

technology, including an exchange of 

experience, specialists and the establishment 

of communication between the relevant 


The Forum’s final resolution cited the 

need for the systematic development of 

international energy partnership, taking 

into account the interests and opinions of 

all Eurasian countries. Specific objectives 

were also set, starting from adjusting the 

approach to foreign investment, taking 

into account changes in the balance of 

global competition; the directions of energy 

policy of each country to further improve 

energy security; tariff reductions and energy 

resource diversification. The delegates noted 

the importance of development of transit 

and transportation potential in Kazakhstan 

and maintaining non-renewable energy 

resources for future generations. Ecological 

issues were also discussed in earnest, from 

improving the monitoring of environmental 

pollution at energy enterprises, accelerating 

the transition to ecologically friendly 

technology and the production of modern 

fuel standards.

In conjunction with the Forum, the 

Association organized an exhibition entitled 

‘Energy4us: Innovative Energy’, attended 

by over 500 people. The exhibition site, 

which was used to demonstrate the results 

of the application of new technology, was 

divided into four functional zones: for 

expositions; discussions and meetings; 

presentations and comprehensive services, 

and MEDIA VILLAGE for the mass-media. 

The exhibition also hosted a competition for 

16 participating energy sector companies to 

find the Best Innovative Stand, which was 

won by KMG International (Rompetrol) 

and the Auditorium Choice, which went to 

Samruk-Energy JSC.

In addition to celebrating its 10th 

anniversary, the latest KAZENERGY 

Eurasian Forum also hosted two culture 

and art evenings for the very first time. 

On 29 September, KAZENERGY held a 

reception and concert in the Astana Opera 

hall. The following day, PetroKazakhstan, 

at KAZENERGY’s suggestion, organised the 

‘Synergy of Arts’ event in the Kazakhstan 

Central Concert Hall. The event was support 

by companies such as KaspiiMunaiGas, KOR 

and the Kazakhstan Oil and Gas Institute.

PetroChina Vice President and CNODC 

President Lv Gongxun opened the 

official part of the ‘Synergy of Arts’ event, 

congratulating KAZENERGY with its 

anniversary and presenting a gift to the 

KAZENERGY Deputy Chairman D.Sarsenov. 

That was followed by a ceremony where 

Kazakhstan Vice Minister for Energy 

Uzakbai Karabalin presented KAZENERGY 

anniversary medals to PetroChina Vice 

President and CNODC President Lv 

Gongxun, General Director of CNPC in 

Kazakhstan Bian Dezhi, PetroKazakhstan 

President Wei Yuxiang, PetroKazakhstan 

Vice President B.Issengaliyev, and figures 

from the arts - Bibigul Tulegenova, Maira 

Mukhamedkyzy, Janiya Aubakirova and 

Aiman Mussakhadjayeva.

Projects to support culture and the arts 

have a special place in PetroKazakhstan 

social policy, and the objective of this 

particular one was to promote the riches 

of modern Kazakhstan artists and once 

Participation by countries








Middle East

North America

Latin America


М.Мұхамедқызы өнерін көрсетуде / Выступление М.Мухамедкызы / Performance by M.Mukhamedkyzy


Желтоқсан 2015


again give visitors the chance to enjoy the 

compositions of some of the best Kazakhstan 


The Golden Century mobile exhibition 

of Kazakhstan artists was reviewed 

exceptionally well by ‘Synergy of Arts’ 

guests. As one of the Has Sanat art gallery’s 

most significant projects, the exhibition, 

which started its journey in 2006, has 

visited a number of countries and displayed 

Kazakhstan art to well-known museums 

and galleries in Brussels, Vienna, Paris, 

Barcelona and New York, and now had the 

opportunity to impress delegates from the 

KAZENERGY Forum. The collection includes 

over 100 works by 40 artists in a number 

of genres and directions, from realism to 

avant-garde, modern installations and brave 

ethno-symbolic experiments. The works 

of A.Sadykhanov, A.Akanayev, Y.Tolepbay, 

K.Mullashyev, A.Akhat, A.Noda, B.Bapishev, 

S.Tolesh, E.Kazaryan and others take pride of 

place in the exhibition.

After the exhibition, the guests were 

invited to a concert of classical music 

accompanied by the Eurasian Symphonic 

Orchestra conducted by Aidar Torybayev and 

featuring the best of the best - Kazakhstan 

people’s artists Aiman Mussakhadjayeva and 

Janiya Aubakirova as well as Kazakhstan 

merited artist Maira Mukhamedkyzy. Young 

singer Dimash Kudaibergen, winner of the 

XXIV International Slavic Bazaar 2015 Song 

Competition, left a good impression on the 

audience. The audience was immensely 

impressed by the young violinists from 

the Aiman Musakhadjayeva School, 

consummately passing the melody from one 

violin to the other during their performance 

of Fritz Kreisler’s Prelude and Allegro in the 

Style of Pugnani.

The Forum’s guests that attended this 

cultural event, including state figures such 

as Senate Speaker Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, 

Ministers Vladimir Shkolnik and Arystanbek 

Mukhamediuly, government representatives, 

oil company CEOs and public figures, all 

noted that they had not only enhanced their 

understanding of contemporary culture and 

art in Kazakhstan, but had managed to relax, 

immersing themselves in the wonderful 

world of art, forgetting for a while about day-

to-day political and economic issues and oil 


There is no doubt that the Forum took 

cooperation between PetroKazakhstan and 

KAZENERGY to a new higher level, where 

not only production issues are resolved 

and major project launched, but where the 

spiritual heritage and art of Kazakhstan 

are supported, all of which testified to 

the common vision of the principles of 

corporate responsibility in the country.

ҚР Энергетика вице-министрі Ұ.Қарабалин KAZENERGY мерейтойлық медальмен ҚСРО халық әртісі 

Б.Төлегенованы марапаттауда / Вице-министр энергетики РК У.Карабалин награждает юбилейной медалью 

KAZENERGY народную артистку СССР Б.Тулегенову / Kazakhstan Vice Minister of Energy U.Karabalin awards 

the People’s artist of the USSR B.Tulegenova the KAZENERGY anniversary medal

ҚР Парламент Сенатының төрағасы Қ.-Ж. Тоқаев пен «ПетроҚазақстан» вице-президенті  Б.Исенғалиев / 

Председатель Сената Парламента РК К.-Ж. Токаев и Вице-президент «ПетроКазахстан» Б.Исенгалиев / 

Kazakhstan Parliament’s Senate Chairman K.-J. Tokayev and PetroKazakhstan Vice-President B.Issengaliyev

«Өнер синергиясының» мәртебелі қонақтары / Высокие гости «Синергии искусства» / 

Honored guests of the ‘Synergy of Arts’    


Желтоқсан 2015      


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