часть земельного участка, которая занята недви-
жимостью и необходима для ее использования.
Связь недвижимого имущества с земель-
ным участком предопределяет не только невоз-
можность отчуждения такого имущества без
права пользования земельным участком, но и
невозможность отчуждения земельного участка,
на котором находятся здания, сооружения, иные
объекты недвижимого имущества, без установ-
ления ограничений покупателя в пользовании зе-
мельным участком в пользу владельца располо-
женного на нем недвижимого имущества [4].
Когда земельный участок, на котором
находятся принадлежащие продавцу здание,
сооружение или другая недвижимость, продает-
ся без передачи в собственность покупателя
этой недвижимости, за продавцом сохраняется
право пользования частью земельного участка,
которая занята недвижимостью и необходима
для ее использования, на условиях, определяе-
мых договором купли-продажи.
Размер остающейся в пользовании про-
давца части земельного участка и условия поль-
зования этой частью (право собственности,
аренда и т.д.) определяются в договоре купли-
продажи земельного участка.
Кроме того, договор продажи недвижи-
мости отличается от договора купли-продажи на-
личием такого существенного условия как цена,
так как, если отсутствуют в письменной форме
условия о цене недвижимости, то договор о ее
продаже является не заключенным. Отсутствие
в договоре условия о цене не может быть
заменено общим правилом определения цены в
договоре, потому что в своем большинстве пред-
меты недвижимого имущества строго инди-
видуальны и имеют свои особенности даже по
сравнению с аналогичными предметами.
Таким образом, анализ гражданского зако-
нодательства РК приводит к выводу о том, что в
особенную часть ГК РК необходимо внести изме-
нения и дополнения, касаемые договора купли-
продажи, в частности в разновидности договора
купли-продажи включить норму, регулирующую
условия договора купли-продажи недвижимости,
как в гражданском законодательстве Российской
Наличие общих квалифицирующих призна-
ков объектов недвижимости по законодательству
свидетельствует о необходимости правового
опосредования особого порядка (процедуры)
отчуждения недвижимого имущества.
Правила поведения в сфере купли-прода-
жи недвижимости с участием организаций и ин-
дивидуальных предпринимателей определяются
одновременно как общегражданскими нормами
специального законодательства (законнодатель-
ство о несостоятельности (банкротстве), антимо-
нопольное законодательство и т.д.). При этом
нормы данного законодательства, регулирую-
щего отношения в сфере купли-продажи недви-
жимости с участием организаций и индивидуаль-
ных предпринимателей, в основном носят право-
ограничительный характер и направлены на за-
щиту "слабой" стороны в правоотношении.
Продажа предприятий с нарушением прав
его кредиторов относится к существенным нару-
шениям соответствующего договора. Пред-
лагается установить обязанность собственника
по обращению в органы юстиции в целях исклю-
чения предприятия (юридического лица) из
Единого государственного реестра юридических
Применение положений п. 2 ст. 496 ГК РК в
судебно-арбитражной практике показывает неце-
лесообразность предоставления кредитору, не
уведомленному о продаже предприятия, в
состав которого входят обязательства должника,
права обращаться с иском о признании договора
продажи предприятия недействительным. Это
подтверждается тем, что при продаже предприя-
тия как имущественного комплекса в его состав
входят все виды имущества, включая права
требования и долги [5].
Таким образом, покупатель предприятия
является универсальным правопреемником и от-
вечает по всем обязательствам правопредшест-
венника. Права же не извещенного о продаже
предприятия кредитора не нарушаются и наде-
ление его таким правом как признать сделку
между покупателем предприятия и продавцом
недействительной недопустимо.
В гражданском законодательстве отсутст-
вуют какие-либо специальные нормы о госу-
дарственной регистрации договора аренды не-
жилого помещения как части здания.
В целях защиты интересов лица, добросо-
вестно исполнившего свои обязанности по дого-
вору, обосновывается необходимость включения
в параграф 1 главы 25 ГК РК специальной нор-
мы, которая позволила бы продавцу в односто-
роннем порядке расторгнуть договор купли-про-
дажи недвижимости в случае неоплаты покупа-
телем переданного по договору имущества.
1. Горемыкин В.А. Экономика недвижимос-
ти. - М.: Высшее образование, 2008.
2. Закон РК «О государственной регистра-
ции прав на недвижимое имущество» от 26 июля
2007 года.
3. Гражданское право: В 2-х т. - Т.1: Учеб-
ник. Изд-е 2-е, доп. и перераб. /Отв. ред.
Е.А.Суханов. - М.: БЕК, 1998.
4. Соколова А.Подходы к определению по-
нятия недвижимости. - М., 2002.
5. Гражданский кодекс РК. – основная
часть - п. 2. - ст. 496. - 01.07.1999.
Бұл мақалада жылжымайтын мүлікті сатып алу - сату шартын жасау ерекшеліктері, бас
тарту ережелері, сонымен қатар Қазақстан Республикасының азаматтық заңнамасына сәйкес
жылжымайтын мүлікті сату, қазіргі таңдағы жылжымайтын мүлік нарығының ерекшеліктері
The present article discusses findings of real estate contract, alienation rules including property sale
according to civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, property market specialties in modern stage.
УДК343.1 (574)
KorytnikovaN.A. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil Law and Procedure of Akhmet Baitursynov
Kostanay State University.
In article author analyzes the Kazakhstan justice system from ancient times till present. And also
author characterize court structure of modern Kazakhstan.
Key words: court, justice, Republic of Kazakhstan.
In general, we can define judicial system as
set of the courts constructed according to their
competence and tasks, which are predetermined by
the purposes of their activity. Judicial systems of the
different countries possess some specific features.
So, we want to introduce the Kazakhstan justice
system from ancient times till present, and also
characterize court structure of modern Kazakhstan.
Kazakh courts date back to ancient times
when folklore and traditions and religious rules
performed the function of the laws in the Kazakh
steppe. On a vast area stretching from the Black
Sea to the Altai mountains one after another rose
and fell the ancient states of Sakhs, Gunns, Yusuns,
Turks, Karluks which had their own laws the
evidence of which can be found in a variety of
sources on the State and the law. This has been
convincingly proved by L. Gumilev, a wonderful
scientist and a great connoisseur of Eurasian
issues, in his scientific paper on ancient Turks.
One of the founders of the law codes in the
Kazakh khanate was the outstanding diplomat and
statesman, Maiki bi, the adviser of Chingiskhan. The
consolidation of the state is also associated with the
name of Kasym khan, the son of AzZhanibek khan.
Under his rule the legal norms and traditions of that
time were consolidated into a book called «The
Truth of Kasym khan». A noticeable contribution to
the development of the legal system of the Kazakh
society was also made by Esim khan who
considerably toughened the military laws and raised
the level of responsibility of Kazakh warriors which
was necessary for defence from the attacks of the
aggressive Joungars. At the end of XVII AzTauke,
Tole bi, Kazbek bi, Aiteke bi created the
«ZhetiZhargi», which became the code of laws and
of court proceedings. However, as this code has
reached us only in verbal form, the society did not
regard it as official legislation. However, having
been polished by many generations of users in line
with the Kazakh traditions, those laws played an
important role and did a lot of good to the Kazakh
The last quarter of the 17th century became
an important historical turning point in the
establishment of the official court system in
Kazakhstan. At that time Kazakhs became Russian
subjects and practically lost their right to self-
determination: Bi's courts co-existed with Russian
laws. On the 23rd of December 1786 Ekaterina II
issued a decree on establishing a border court in
Kyrgyz (Kazakh) steppe pursuant to the proposal of
Igelstrom, the governor-general of Orenburg. The
heads of communities were appointed chairmen of
the local Kazakh courts. Mullahs served as court
secretaries. Six Kazakh foremen formed the body of
counsellors. Two Tartars and two Russians served
as controllers. This is how the official judiciary
system was introduced into the life of the Kazakh
In 1918 – 1920 at the height of the civil war
some areas of Kazakhstan were held by the White
Guard who cancelled the revolutionary tribunals. In
order to restore the tribunals, on 12 April 1919 the
Kazakh military-revolutionary committee issued the
Regulations of the revolutionary tribunals, and on 31
December 1922 a decree was signed on the
formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
This brought about a drastic change in the structure
of the court system. At the beginning of 1923 the All-
Union Central Executive Committee issued the
decrees on the establishment of the supreme courts
in the republics. Pursuant to that decree, on 10 April
1923, the RSFSR Supreme Court issued decree No.
31, in which paragraph 8 provided as follows: «… it
is decreed to establish the administration of
Turkestan branch to supervise a staff of 57 persons
of the Turkestan branch of the Supreme Court
established pursuant to the resolution of the
Presidium of the Supreme Court of 17 March of this
year.» On 11 April of the same year the All-Union
Central Executive Committee issued a resolution on
the establishment of the Supreme court of the
Kyrgyz (Kazakh) region of the RSFSR [1].
During the 1990s, Kazakhstan’s judicial
system was extremely weak and ineffective. Courts,
particularly at the local level, were not given
sufficient resources by the state, and judges were
poorly trained and underpaid. This resulted in many
bad court decisions (particularly on complex
commercial matters) and allegations of corruption.
The Government began a serious program of
judicial reform in 2000 which is beginning to result in
improvements to the country’s judicial system,
including the formation of a Judicial Administration
establishment of judicial ethics commissions,
increases in judicial salaries, the raising of minimum
qualifications for judges, and the formation of
specialized courts. While many problems continue
Administration, the Supreme Court, and the Ministry
of Justice appear dedicated to continuing the
program of judicial reform during 2009, and, in
particular, to increasing the independence of the
courts, improving the qualifications of judges, and
providing greater resources to local courts [2, p.91].
The basic provisions regulating the structure
and activities of the judiciary are stated briefly in the
Constitution and more extensively in the LawOn
Judicial System and the Status of Judges in the
Republic of Kazakhstan.
According to the Constitution.justice in the
Republic of Kazakhstan shall be exercised only
by the court. That’s why, it is prohibited to issue any
legislative acts providing for transfer of exclusive
powers of a court to any other agencies. Besides
that, no other agencies, or persons shall have the
right to assume the powers of a judge or the
functions of judicial power [3].
Judicial power shall be intended to protect the
rights, freedoms, and legal interests of the citizens
and organizations for ensuring the observance
of the Constitution, laws, other regulatory legal acts,
and shall ensure international treaties of the
Republic. Everyone shall be guaranteed judicial
defense against any unlawful decisions and acts of
state agencies, organizations, officials and other
persons which infringe or restrict the rights,
freedoms and lawful interests provided by the
Constitution and the laws of the Republic. So, no
one may be deprived of the right to have his case
considered in compliance with all the requirements
of the law and fairness by a competent, independent
and impartial court.
Judicial power shall be exercised through the
constitutional, civil, administrative, criminal and
other forms of judicial procedure as established
by law.
In cases,
by law,
procedure shall be carried out with participation
of jurymen.
The main characteristic feature of judicial
system of Kazakhstan is its unity. The unity of the
judicial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall
be ensured by:
1) the principles of justice general and
uniform for all courts and judges and established by
the Constitution, Constitutional Law On Judicial
System and the Status of Judges in the Republic of
Kazakhstan, procedural and other laws;
2) the exercise of judicial power within the
forms of court proceedings uniform for all courts and
established by the laws;
3) the application of the current law of the
Republic of Kazakhstan by all courts;
4) the legislative enactment of the single
status of judges;
5) the obligatory enforcement of judicial acts
which have entered into legal force throughout the
entire territory of Kazakhstan; and
6) the financing of all courts only from the
Republic budget [4].
The Kazakhstani court system consists of
three levels:
• the basic (district courts and courts
equivalent to them (a city, interdistrict court), martial
court of garrisons, connections, armies);
• middle (oblast courts and courts equivalent
to them (the city court of the Republic's capital, city
courts of the cities of Republic's significance), Court
martial of troops);
• the highest (Supreme Court of the Republic
of Kazakhstan) [5, p.22].
extraordinary courts under any name shall not be
permitted. But, as part of the program of judicial
reform, certain specialized interdistrict courts having
the status of local city and district courts have been
established, including economic courts (which hear
disputes in which the parties are legal entities and/or
sole proprietors), administrative courts (which hear
disputes related to challenging resolutions of state
bodies levying administrative penalties), financial
court in Almaty (which has jurisdiction in civil cases
of participants of the Regional Financial Center in
Almaty) and juvenile courts (which has jurisdiction in
cases involving minors).
And now, we want to characterize each levels
of Kazakhstan court system.
So, a district court is a court of first instance
for most cases and hear most cases, civil or
criminal. That’s why, the main power of district court
is consider court cases and materials referred to its
District courts and courts equivalent to them
(hereinafter referred to as the district courts) shall be
established, reorganized and abolished by the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan pursuant to
the proposal of the authorized agency agreed with
the Chairman of the Supreme Court. The President
of the Republic of Kazakhstan may establish one
district court in several administrative-territorial
administrative-territorial area. The total number of
judges for the district courts shall be approved by
the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
pursuant to the proposal of the authorized agency.
The number of judges for each district court shall be
established by the authorized agency based on the
proposal of the chairman of that court. So, a district
court shall consist of the chairman and judges to be
appointed in the procedure stipulated by the
Constitution and this Constitutional Law. If there is
one judge on the staff of a district court (one-
member court), he shall exercise the powers of the
chairman of the court.
Oblast courts and courts equivalent to them
(hereinafter referred to as the oblast courts) shall be
established, reorganized and abolished by the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan pursuant to
the proposal of the authorized agency agreed with
the Chairman of the Supreme Court. The total
number of judges for the oblast courts shall be
approved by the President of the Republic of
Kazakhstan pursuant to the proposal of the
authorized agency. The number of judges for each
oblast court shall be established by the authorized
agency based on the proposal of the chairman of
that court. Structure of oblast court is more difficult,
than structure of district court, because of oblast
court functions as courts of appeal for district court
decisions. There are some special bodies for
making such functions:
1) the plenary session of the court;
2) the appellate collegium;
3) thecassational collegium.
Whenever necessary, but no less than twice a
year, the oblast court shall hold plenary sessions.
The main tasks of the plenary session of the court
1)establish the total number of members and
membership of the corresponding judicial collegium;
2) hear information of the chairman of the
oblast court and chairmen of the judicial collegiums;
3) discuss the judicial practice and based on
the results of summarizing it, consider the issues of
keeping the law by the courts of the oblast when
administering justice;
4) issue his consent to the authorized agency
for appointment of a person to the position of an
administrator of the oblast courts;
5) hear report of the administrator of the
oblast courts on his activity;
6) consider candidates for vacant position of
the chairman of a district court and issues
corresponding opinions based on its results;
7) submits his proposal to dismiss the
administrator of the oblast courts to the authorized
8) consider results of internship of the
candidates for the position of a judge and provide
the corresponding opinion;
9) discuss the referral to Judicial jury of
materials against a judge having low justice
performances or two or more disciplinary sanctions
for violation of law in legal proceeding, and based
on the results of discussion make an appropriate
decision; and
10) exercise other powers stipulated by the
The judicial collegium shall be headed by the
chairman appointed to the position pursuant to the
procedure established by this Constitutional Law.
The total number of members and membership of
the collegium shall be established on a plenary
session of the oblast court pursuant to the proposal
of the chairman of the oblast court. Specialized
panels shall be formed by the chairman of the oblast
The main powers of an Oblast Court are:
1) consider court cases and materials referred
to its jurisdiction;
2) study judicial practice and based on the
results of summarizing it, consider the issues of
keeping the law by the courts of the oblast when
administering justice;
3) supervise the activities of the administrator
of the courts of the oblast; and
4) exercise other powers stipulated by the
The Supreme Court shall be the highest
judicial body for civil, criminal and other cases which
are in the jurisdiction of local and other courts, and
shall supervise their activity within the procedural
forms provided for by the law and gives clarifications
concerning issues of judicial practice. The Supreme
Court shall:
1) consider the court cases and materials
referred to its jurisdiction;
2) study the judicial practice, and based on
the results of its summarizing, consider the issues of
keeping the law by the courts of the Republic when
administering justice;
3) adopt regulatory resolutions, provide the
judicial practice explanations; and
4) exercise other powers stipulated by the
There are several bodies in the Supreme
Court, including the Plenary session of the Supreme
Court, the Supervisory judicial collegium for civil and
administrative cases, the Supervisory judicial
collegium forcriminal cases and the Plenary session,
among other things, issues binding interpretations of
existing legislation. The Supervisory Collegium
examines verdicts already entered into force.
As judicial power in the Republic of
Kazakhstan belongs only to the courts in the face of
permanent judges, it is necessary to describe the
requirements to be met by the candidate judges.
Any citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan
may be appointed to a post of a judge of a district
court who:
is at least twenty-five years of age; has a
higher education in Law, an impeccable reputation,
and has a working experience in legal profession of
no less than two years;
has passed the qualifying examination at the
Justice Qualifying Board or completed the
specialized Master's program course;
has passed the qualifying examination,
including at specialized Magistracy;
has successfully completed training on
probation in the court and has received a positive
opinion of a plenary session of a court. No training
on probation in the court shall be required for a
candidate who completed the specialized Master's
program course.
Any citizen who meets the above-named
requirements, having working experience in legal
profession of no less than fifteen years or work
experience as a judge not less than five years, may
be appointed a judge of a regional court.
Any citizen who meets the above-named
requirements, having working experience in legal
profession of no less than twenty years or work
experience as a judge not less than ten years as a
judge may be appointed a judge of the Supreme
Conditions and procedure of having training
on probation in the court by a candidate judge shall
be determined by the Regulations to be approved by
the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Candidate judges shall pass an internship at courts
on a regular basis.Candidates for the position of a
judge shall be guaranteed equal right for the
position irrespective of their background, social and
property status, race and ethnic origin, sex, political
circumstances. A candidate for the vacant position
of judges of local and other courts shall be selected
by the Supreme Judicial Council on a competitive
basis from among persons meeting the above-
named requirements, and from among persons
applying for the vacant positions.Based on the
competition results, the Supreme Judicial Council
shall recommend candidates for the vacant
positions of the judges of local and other courts to
the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for
appointment to office. A candidate for the vacant
position of a chairman of a district court shall be
considered by the Supreme Judicial Council
pursuant to a proposal of the Chairman of the
Supreme Court made subject to an opinion of a
plenary session of a corresponding oblast court.
Candidates for the vacant positions of the chairmen
and the chairmen of judicial collegiums of oblast
courts, chairmen of judicial collegiums and judges of
the Supreme Court shall be considered by the
Supreme Judicial Council pursuant to a proposal of
the Chairman of the Supreme Court made subject to
an opinion of a plenary session of the Supreme
Court. A candidate for the vacant position of the
chairman of a judicial collegium of the Supreme
Court shall be recommended from among judges of
the Supreme Court.
recommend candidates for the vacant positions of
the chairmen, the chairmen of judicial collegiums of
local and other courts, chairmen of judicial
collegiums of the Supreme Court to the President of
the Republic of Kazakhstan for appointment to
A candidate for the position of the Chairman
of the Supreme Court shall be considered by the
Supreme Judicial Council.
recommend candidates for the vacant positions of
the Chairman, a judge of the Supreme Court to the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for
introduction to the Senate of the Parliament of the
Republic of Kazakhstan.
So, The Supreme Judicial Council is an
independent body which selects on a competitive
basis candidates for the positions of Supreme Court
judges and judges of the regional courts, and
recommends them for appointment.The Supreme
Judicial Council consists of the Chairman (appointed
by the President), the Chairpersons of the
Constitutional Council and the Supreme Court, the
General Prosecutor, the Minister of Justice; deputies
delegated by the Senate, judges, and other persons
appointed by the President [4].
As the Republic of Kazakhstan is the member
of the world community, it’s necessary to
characterize the Kazakhstan court’s duty to enforce
a foreign court judgment. Kazakhstan courts will
enforce a foreign court judgment only if there is a
treaty to that effect between Kazakhstan and the
relevant foreign country. While Kazakhstan has
entered into several bilateral and multilateral treaties
to facilitate the enforcement of foreign court
judgments,none of those treaties are with Western
European or North American countries. Except for a
treaty with other CIS countries, Kazakhstan is not a
party to any multilateral treaties on the enforcement
of foreign court judgments. Thus, Kazakhstan courts
will refuse to enforce the judgments of most foreign
1. http://supcourt.kz/eng/history
2. Baker & McKenzie Doing Business in
Kazakhstan. - Almaty, 2012 - P. 91.
3. Constitution of the Republic of Kazakh-
stan30.08.1995 г. //
4. The Constitutional Law On Judicial System
and the Status of Judges in theRepublic of Kazak-
hstan, dated 25 December 2000.// http://Supсourt.kz
5.ХакимоваГ.Е. Судебная система Респуб-
лики Казахстан. - Костанай, 2011.- С.22.
Мақалада ежелгі заманнан қазіргі уақытқа дейінгі Қазақстандық әділеттік жүйесін саралау
қарастырылған. Сонымен қатар Қазақстан Республикасының қазіргі замандағы сот жүйесін
В статье представлен анализ казахстанской системы правосудия с древних времен и до
настоящего времени. А также характеризуется современная судебная система Республики
УДК 349
Косанов Ж.Х. - д.ю.н., профессор Евразийского национального университета им.
Мендыбаев И.А. - магистрант Евразийского национального университета им. Л.Н.Гумилева
В данной статье рассматриваются аспекты правового статуса земельного участка как
объект права собственности и иных вещных прав. Земельный участок занимает особое место в
современном земельном праве, соответственно, земельное законодательство отличается
повышенной нормативной регламентацией.
Ключевые слова: правовой статус, земельный участок, вещное право, нормативная
В системе объектов современного земель-
ного права и субъективных земельных прав зе-
мельный участок занимает особое место, соот-
ветственно, земельное законодательство отли-
чается повышенной нормативной регламента-
цией, связанных с ним вопросов. Это объясняет-
ся тем, что в условиях вхождения в рыночную
экономику земля и права на ее пользование
приобрели форму товара, а земельный участок
как объект вещных прав становится основной
единицей, по поводу которой возникают земель-
ные правоотношения, включая совершение
объектом правоотношений собственности, ис-
пользования и охраны, отчуждения или изъятия
всегда выступает индивидуально определенный
земельный участок. В случаях, предусмотренных
законодательством, объектами выступают также
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