1 Бондарко А.В. Проблемы функциональной грамматики. - Спб.: Наука, 2003. – 398 с.
2 Маслов Ю.С. Избранные труды: Аспектология. - М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2004. – 347 с.
3 Абуталипова Р.А. Функционально-семантическая категория аспектуальности в башкирском языке: Автореф. дис. докт.
филол. наук. – Уфа, 2009. – 35 с.
4 Жұбанов Қ. Қазақ тілі жөніндегі зерттеулер. – Алматы: Мемлекеттік тілді дамыту институты, 2010. – 607 б.
5 Ысқақов А. Қазіргі қазақ тілі. – Алматы: Мектеп, 1974. – 387 б.
6 Оралбаева Н. Қазіргі қазақ тілінің морфологиясы. – Алматы: «Інжу-маржан», 2007. – 388 б.
1 Bondarko A.V. The problems of functional grammar Spb.: Nauka, 2003. – 398 p.
2 Maslov U.S. Selected Works: Aspectology. M.: The languages of Slavic culture, 2004. – 347 p.
3 Abutalipova R.A. Functional-semantic category of aspectuality in Bashkir language: Sinopsis, dissertation of the doctor of
philology : - Ufa, 2009. – 35 p.
4 Zhubanov K. Researches of the Kazakh language. – Almaty: Institute of development of the state language, 2010. – 607 p.
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6 Oralbaeva N. Morphology oh modern Kazakh language. – Almaty: “Inzhu-marzhan”, 2007. – 388 p.
Л.С. Дүйсембекова
Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая. № 4
(144). 2013
УДК 81′23
*Turgan Zhanadilov¹, Zaure Zhanadilova²
¹Lecturer KIMEP University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
²Senior Teacher, al-Farabi KazNU, Kazakhstan, Almaty
Anxiety. Does it make much difference in learning a second language?
In this paper, drawbacks and useful sides of anxiety in learning a foreign language are tried to be exposed. The
importance of the theme in the field of psychology and language teaching is that it may have a practical idea in the
educational area for the teachers of English as a foreign language which is emphasized alongside the whole work.
The authors are giving their understanding of anxiety from the works of scholars in the field of educational
psychology and give some examples from their own experience. Some analyses of other researchers’ findings are
given throughout the article by appropriate citations from their points of view in that field, particularly, anxiety as a
phenomenon as well as anxiety in learning a foreign language.
Key words: anxiety; psychology; language learning and teaching; hindrance; assistance.
Т. Жанадилов, З. Жанадилова
Беймазасыздық. Екінші тілді үйренуде ол көп әсер ете ме?
Мақалада шет тілін оқудағы беймазасыздықтың келтірер жағымсыз және пайдалы жақтары
қарастырылған. Ағылшын тілін шет тілі ретінде үйрететін оқытушыларға іс-тәжірибелік ой және психология
саласындағы шетелдік ғалымдардың теориялық ізденістері, сонымен қатар осы мақала авторларының
ағылшын тілін үйретудегі өз тәжірибелерінен мысалдар берілген, сондықтан бұл көтеріліп отырған тақырып
маңызды болып табылады. Авторлар мақала оқушыларына білім беру саласындағы психологияны зерттеуші
ғалымдардың еңбектері арқылы беймазасыздықты өздері қалай түсінетіндерін жеткізіп отыр. Осы аталмыш
сала ғалымдарының ізденіс нәтижелерін сараптай отырып, олардан ретін келтіре лайықты дәйексөз ала
отырып, авторлар беймазасыздықты адам өміріндегі психологиялық құбылыс ретінде келтіріп, сонымен бірге
оның тіл үйренудегі алатын орны туралы өз көзқарастарын келтірген.
Түйін сөздер: беймазасыздық, психология, тіл үйрену, тіл үйрету, кедергі, жәрдем.
Т. Жанадилов, З. Жанадилова
Состояние тревожности. Большое ли влияние оно имеет в изучении второго языка?
В данной статье раскрываются отрицательные и положительные стороны состояния тревожности в
изучении иностранного языка. Важность темы заключается в том, что работа содержит практическую идею
для преподавателей английского языка как иностранного и теоретические мысли зарубежных исследователей
в области психологии, а также примеры из опыта авторов в обучении английскому языку. Авторы
предоставляют читателям свое понимание состояния тревожности через труды специалистов в области
психологии в образовании. Анализируя и соответствующим образом цитируя результаты исследований
ученых в этой области, авторы приводят свою точку зрения о самом состоянии тревожности в целом как
психологическое явление в жизни человека, так же, как и состояние тревожности в изучении иностранного
Ключевые слова: состояние тревоги; психология; изучение языка; обучение языку; препятствие; содей-
“There is a certainty of uncertainty that, in
part, defines us”.
Susan L. Smalley, Ph.D
It is argued that learning a foreign language
has always been one of the difficult tasks for a
human being. It is learned in different ages,
different situations and different conditions under
some circumstances compelling someone to be
integrated into a new society, to be able to have a
job or to accomplish a school programme where a
foreign language is a compulsory subject. From
common teaching experience, it is known that
people learn a foreign language in the case of this
article English with varied success. Success may
depend on the age as Krashen points out that
‘children are generally superior in second-
language attainment in the long run, adults, at
least initially, acquire at a faster rate’ [1, 12] when
one begins their first steps in the learning of a
Anxiety. Does it make much difference in learning a second language?
ISSN 1563-0223 Bulletin KazNU. Filology series. № 4
(144). 2013
language. It depends on the requirements of the
life such as how soon, where and what level of the
foreign language is demanded. It may also depend
on the so-called endowment or as Dornyei and
Skehan pertinently question if ‘a foreign language
aptitude is a specific talent for learning foreign
languages which exhibits considerable variation
among learners’ [2, 590]. So, whatever the
variables are, alongside with them there seem to
be also many difficulties in acquiring a foreign
One of the constraints which learners encounter
is anxiety. Arguably, this difficulty may not be
only linked with a language learner’s age or one
of the individual differences such as a talent. It
may appear as a changeable state of the mood in a
particular part of a person’s language learning
period. Also, anxiety may show its occurrence not
only in the language learning experience of a
person but in any period of a person’s life such as
during a job interview, on the first day of driving
a car, or making a speech or a presentation in
front of a large audience. Or, if you take an
example from the practice of educators, the first
day in the language classroom with twenty or
twenty five teenager English learners each
equipped with state-of-the-art technology is really
worrying for a novice teacher. Anxiety is
commonly described by psychologists as a state of
apprehension, a vague fear that is only indirectly
associated with an object. Because anxiety is
clearly an emotional state, it is generated through
the arousal of the limbic system, the primitive,
subcortical “chasis”of the cerebrum, which plays
an important, though indirect, role in many kinds
of human enterprises, including communication,
Hilgard, Atkinson, and Atkinson [3], Lamendella
[4], cited in Scovel [5, 134].
In this paper, the authors try to expose some
drawbacks and possible useful sides of the anxiety
in learning a second language. They will also
attempt to show their understanding of anxiety
from the works in this field and give some
examples from their own experience for teaching
implication of this phenomenon giving some
analysis of the researchers’ findings.
The research bases on the secondary data
analysis, and as such deals with the definition of
anxiety as a psychological phenomenon and its
different types. Particularly, emphasis is put on
searching for language anxiety, especially in the
process of learning a foreign language, and
whether it may exert a negative or positive
influence on foreign language learners.
Anxiety as a hindrance
According to Seligman et al [6], anxiety is a
psychological and physiological state characterized
by cognitive, somatic, emotional and behavioral
components. These components of anxiety may
create a combination of unpleasant feelings such
as uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry.
Anxiety seems to be a condition of a person’s
general mood. It can often occur without an
identifiable triggering stimulus. However, Ohman
[7] distinguishes anxiety from fear by saying that
fear occurs in the presence of an observed threat.
Additionally, fear is related to the specific
behaviors of escape and avoidance, whereas
anxiety is the result of threats that are perceived to
be uncontrollable or unavoidable. The latter view
from Ohman [7] is worth for us to agree. For
example, if a teacher trying to mobilize the
students to the forthcoming exams exaggerates the
requirements for the exam procedure, the students
may take the severe instruction as a threat of non-
pass possibility. As a result there might appear the
anxiety in the learners’ minds which in its turn
may disrupt the knowledge obtained during a term
or a year and lead to a low performance at the
exam in one of the language skills either, to make
things worse, in all four skills. That is what we
would call a fault of us, teachers at the beginning
of our teaching career just after three or four-year
initial training as a teacher at a pedagogic
institution. Reflecting back to our experience, we
understand that this mistake might come from the
teachers’ wrong beliefs that a teacher is the only
authority in the classroom which may also sound
as ‘the severer – the better’.
As Gardner and MacIntyre [8] define, language
anxiety can be in the form of the apprehension
experienced when a situation requires the use of a
second language with which the individual is not
fully proficient. Therefore, they argue that it is
seen as a stable personality trait referring to the
propensity for an individual to react in a nervous
manner when speaking, listening, reading, or
writing in the second language. It could be
arguably said that being prone to nervousness a
student has never been in such a situation or has
purposefully been avoiding similar situations
because of the original shy feature of the
character. Some of our students would justify
their low performance in listening by a sort of
being unmusical which might be a very rare case
to see and which we assume may not have much
ground to prove.
Researchers in the field of language acquisition
Turgan Zhanadilov, Zaure Zhanadilova
Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая. № 4
(144). 2013
psychology such as Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope
[9] discriminate anxiety as a complex experience
of a person, who may have several categories,
first, in communication in the second (foreign)
language and, second, with social evaluation which
is expressed in the language use with limited
knowledge attainment. In the communication
(reading, writing, listening and speaking) in target
language in a class, students experiencing an
anxiety-producing condition may differ towards a
negative side of language perception from their
classmates who are in more relaxed conditions.
What is known from our teaching experience,
students who are more anxious try not to speak
much, instead, they give shorter answers avoiding
the teacher’s and the peers’ attention. The same
behavior could be noticed in the way how they
produce writing tasks in the classroom, which is
Daly and Miller’s [10] finding as on time
corroboration to the life experience of a teacher.
They have found that students with higher levels
of writing anxiety write shorter compositions and
qualify their writing less than their calmer
counterparts do.
As for the second category, the social evaluation,
it may be closely connected with the interaction of
a student with his peers and the teacher which is
also supposed to involve the appraisal for the
student from aside that may not be a participant of
classroom activities. The evaluator may appear as
anyone in the society, either an employer conducting
a short-listing among the job applicants, or an
interlocutor taking the speaking part in the process
of TOEFL/UCLES examinations. As such, the
social evaluation anxiety may have in itself the
fear of negative evaluation during testing, com-
munication. Therefore, it seems to be broader than
just conversation or language use anxiety but it is
the fear of evaluation from aside in the society.
The third category of anxiety Horwitz et al [9]
differentiate is test anxiety. In their opinion,
students who encounter this component of anxiety
deal with fear of failure that is their poor perfor-
mance during the exams be it an oral or written
test. According to our teaching experience, the
student who is usually brilliant in doing everyday
classroom activities may literally get “stuck”
under the influence of anxiety in doing the
exercises which they know for sure, i.e. the
student may be thinking about the result of the
exam in general instead of thinking over how to
resolve the specific task he is doing. This type of
anxiety should be familiar to all experienced
teachers. Test anxiety in this case plays a negative
role against the student’s overall knowledge
Another detrimental type of anxiety is
‘overstudying’ which as Horwitz et al define that
‘students who are overly concerned about their
performance may become so anxious when they
make errors, they attempt to compensate by
studying even more’ [9, 127]. It is understandable
that the student may be concentrating on how he
is going to perform at the exam instead of
thinking of what must be performed. It may also
be explained by the student’s incorrect choice of
learning strategy due to lack of the young age. It
could also be said that he has not received enough
help from his parents and the teacher in reducing
the anxiety. It would be relevant to give an
example from the experience when one of the
article authors was chosen by the Kazakhstani
Ministry of Education as one of four invigilators
for the Unified National Testing for secondary
school graduates in 2005 in the region of Kara-
gandy (Kazakhstan). The importance of this
testing for the graduates is so high that it
determines the final graduate school grades and at
the same time defines whether a graduate wins a
right to participate in the contest to enter a higher
education institution. One school-girl had had
excellent marks in all subjects including English
as a foreign language and had been expected to
finish the secondary school with honours. She was
dreaming of entering one of the prestigious
universities with special invitation. She was so
obsessed with that idea and was so afraid of her
village men’s public opinion that she had been
studying whole night till late morning having only
a two-hour rest before the testing. As a result, her
exhausted organism did not help her to achieve
the goal. She only got good marks.
Anxiety as an assistance
“Language anxiety refers to students’ anxiety
reactions to situations in which they might make
use of the target language. Depending on the
language-learning context, it could be possible to
identify many possible situations: language clas-
sroom anxiety and language use anxiety” [8, 8].
The former refers to anxiety aroused speci-
fically in the classroom, while the latter refers to
feelings of anxiety that individuals experience in
any context where they are called upon to speak
the target language. For example, in a Kazakhstani
classroom, again going back to our experience,
students are reluctant to show their ability in
speaking believing that, first, they will not say
Anxiety. Does it make much difference in learning a second language?
ISSN 1563-0223 Bulletin KazNU. Filology series. № 4
(144). 2013
anything until they learn much of the language,
secondly, they feel embarrassed to be judged by
the group mates. This behavior of individuals is
more specific to the English language learners of
the beginning and low intermediate levels
especially among the students of older age. The
speaking and listening anxiety can be strongly felt
in a mixed-ages group of general English learners
where an elderly student has to show his ability in
front of the students who are much younger than
him. However, there is a way out from such an
embarrassing situation for that adult student.
Assuming that at an articulatory level, the vocal
cords and the muscles participating in the
production of a speech have had a certain shape
and forms of one’s first language sounds, they can
be reshaped and reformed as any other athletic
skills which will be ready to fulfill special
neuromuscular tasks of speaking in a foreign
language as it was suggested in 1973 by Scovel
[5] in his “Language learning as a sport”. As we
see, Scovel [5] talks about how to remove anxiety,
or, rather, paraphrasing him we would say how to
use the anxiety in a positive direction.
As far as the usefulness of anxiety is concer-
ned, it should be noted that there were moments
when anxiety was noticed to have helped students
at the definite parts of testing process. For
example, Chastain [11] while testing two different
language groups of students found out two
different results, negative and positive impact of
anxiety. One group had been taught with audio-
lingual method, the other one had been taught
with traditional method. Chastain was looking for
the correlation between student scores on tests and
anxiety. The audio-lingual method group showed
a negative correlation with anxiety but the tradi-
tional method group got a positive correlation. He
assumes that a little anxiety might be helpful
during a test, but if it is too much, it may lead to a
low performance. Facilitating anxiety was also
found in Kleinmann’s [12] research where he
wanted to find the relationship between the
avoidance behaviour of students and anxiety. The
assumption was that the helping anxiety would
inspire the students during the test to use the
English language structure which they
would not use in their native language because of
its complexity in the usage. Klienmann’s [12]
hypothesis came proved true as the Arabic and
Spanish students equipped with some anxiety had
used the particular structures in the English lan-
guage which they were not supposed to use due to
their difficulty in their mother tongue.
Another view which takes the positive influence
of anxiety, apart from the above mentioned situa-
tions from general psychology, in the applied
psychology is that anxiety is "a future-oriented
mood state in which one is ready or prepared to
attempt to cope with upcoming negative events"
[13, 1249] suggesting that it is a distinction
between future dangers in relation to present time
that separates anxiety from fear. Here, anxiety is
considered to be a normal reaction to stress. It
may help a person to deal with a difficult
situation, for example at work or at school, by
prompting one to cope with it. It could be also
assumed that anxiety may help one in the
situations when a high concentration is needed
provided that a person’s or a whole group of
people’s life or something very important depends
on his or her action being taken at that moment. It
may be argued that in this case, anxiety can
border with a high responsibility and be confused
to be clearly differentiated. Therefore, this posi-
tive occurrence of anxiety could be considered to
be useful affecting the owner of the action on an
emotional level.
Teaching implications
As an implication of anxiety in the classroom
it could be proposed that anxiety may be two –
folded: helpful and harmful. It can lead to a
success if it is in small portions, but if it
overflows, it may be disruptive or even take a
form of an illness. In order to be able to inspire
students towards successful learning of a foreign
language teachers may take guidance from
Schwartz’s [14, 73] classification of motivational
factors of learning and Chastain’s [11, 105] sug-
gestion in which he differentiates two influential
learner variables: intrinsic and extrinsic. Among
intrinsic motivational variables, he includes the
motivators such as anxiety, need to achieve, self –
concepts and aspirations. And, socio – cultural
influences and social reinforcers are referred to
the extrinsic motivational factors in learning a
Another important part of the educational
process is evaluation of the student’s foreign
language skills. Sometimes we, teachers overlook
the psychological side of the life of students at
school. While evaluating their students’ English
language level, teachers should be careful in
differentiating the lack of knowledge of a student
from the anxiety which the same student is
experiencing. Simplifying the situation, teachers
should be able to observe, notice and if possible to
Turgan Zhanadilov, Zaure Zhanadilova
Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая. № 4
(144). 2013
reveal anxiety and differentiate it from such
human beings’ weaknesses like laziness or under-
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