В ведение. Традиционная художествен-
ная культура казахского народа имеет
специфическую и своеобразную историю,
характеризующуюся ранним началом пре-
клонения природным явлениям. Она инте-
ресна и привлекательна для исследования
тем, что помимо огромного арсенала мате-
риальной и нематериальной культуры, обла-
дает большим духовным и художественным
потенциалом, уходящая своими корнями в
историческое прошлое (ритуальные дей-
ствия, наскальные изображения) и творче-
ские формы деятельности (устное народное
Abstract Turarbekova L., Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (Almaty,
National education as a public sphere //Pedagogy and Psychology, № 2(35), 2018, KazNPU
named after Abai.
The article describes the conceptual bases and the terminological features of the project
“Multidimensional Research of History, Problems and the Perspectives of Introduction of the
International Educational Projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan” grant financing of the Ministry
of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2018-2020 on a priority “Mangelik el”
(formation of the 21st century, basic and applied researches in the field of the humanities) of the
group of researchers of Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute and the Sьleyman Demirel University.
Methodological and terminological innovations such as "public space" and "transversality" are
described, their relevance is indicated. Using the latest approaches, as well as Kazakhstani and
foreign theoretical sources, the author proposes to modernize the approach to the concept of
"national education". The article concludes with an invitation to cooperation of interested experts
in the field of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, economics and law of education.
Key words: system of national education of the Republic of Kazakhstan; international
educational projects; public space; communication practices; transversality.
МРНТИ 14.35.07; 14.35.05 КАКИМОВА Л.Ш. 1 , СМАНОВА А.С. 2 1,2 Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая (Алматы, Казахстан)