
Research methods and materials

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Research methods and materials.The second and third decades of May were chosen as the sowing date. Three types of herbage mixtures were investigated in two sowing periods: 1. barley, peas, Sudan grass, hybrid of sorghum-Sudan grass, rapeseed; 2. barley, peas, Sudanese grass, hybrid of sorghum-Sudan grass, barnyard millet; 3. barley, peas, hybrid sorghum-Sudan grass, African millet.
The area of ​​each site in the field studies is 100 m2. The placement is systematic, the frequency rate is a quadruple one.
The nutritional quality of the herbage mixtures was determined in the laboratory of the LLP "Research and Innovative Center for Livestock and Veterinary Medicine" using the DS 2500 device of Foss company.
Research findings and their discussion. The soil of the study area is a dark brown one. The soils are classified as low-fertile, since the humus content in the soil layer is 0-20 cm, on an average is 1.9%. The average content of exchangeable potassium made up 583.0 mg/kg, the average content of easily hydrolyzable nitrogen amounted to 4.2 mg/kg and mobile phosphorus amounted to 13.8 mg/kg.
The climatic conditions during the plant life history were very arid (GTC = 0.32) in 2017, and the climatic conditions for the plant life history were slightly arid (GTC = 1.01) in 2018 (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Indicators of air temperature, ºС and precipitation for growing season of plants in 2017-2018 compared to perennials

The air temperature under sowing seeds of herbage mixtures in 2017 was + 2.0° C higher than the long-term average annual temperature, and the amount of precipitation was 9.0 mm less one. Besides, the maximum precipitation during the plant lifehistorywas in the second decade of June and July.The average temperature in the course of the plant life was + 1.4° C, and the average amount of precipitation was 4.0 mm. Low precipitation resulted in a very dry hydrothermal coefficient.

The air temperature in the second and third decades of May 2018was -4.3, -1.2 ° C lower than the average annual one, and the amount of precipitation was 2.0-1.0 mm lower. However, the maximum precipitation during the growing season of plants, amounted to 32-31 mm in July and August. Also, the average air temperature was + 5.4 ° C higher than the long-term average annual, and the average precipitation amounted to 5.4 mm.
The moisture reserves in the soil, accumulated under the influence of winter snow and spring precipitation, were determined from a soil layer of 0-100 cm every 10 days during the growing season of plants. According to the average biennium period, sowing in the third decade of May amounted to 125.3 mm.

Figure 2 - Dynamics of moisture reserve of soil layer, mm (2017-2018).

In the third decade of June, when plants had the highest soil moisture reserves during their life cycle, the average bienniumdepth of precipitationwas down by 24 mm, and the average bienniumcontent of soil moisture made up 114.8 mm.
The nutritional quality of the studied herbage mixtures plays an important role in animal nutrition, because it's possible to get meat and dairy products with a high meat content from animals, while optimizing the nutritional feed quantityfor feeding [7-9]. The following findings were obtained by chemical analysis onidentifying the nutritional quality of the mixtures during the years of the study.
The chemical composition of the mixtures was analyzed. Compared to the timing of sowing nutrients in dry matter of herbage mixtures in the third decade of May compared to the second decade of May, the protein in the control variant amounted to 0.03-0.26 percent, nitrogen-free extractive substances (NFE) of 0.05 up to 0.12 percent, calcium was higher of 0.01 up to 0.03 percent (Table 1).
At the same time, the content of crude fiber in the herbage mixtures under rapeseed and African millet sowing was higher by 0.41-0.17%. Also, in comparison with the control variant of the herbage mixture, the highest rate for the two sowing periods made up 0.16-0.11% crude protein in the variant of the mixtures with the sowing of African millet and 0.08-0.15% in NFE in the mixture with peas, while carotene made up 0.13-0.07%, crude fiber and crude fat were higher by 0.01-0.03 and 0.50-0.45%, respectively.

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