Практическая значимость диссертационного исследования. Теоретические выводы и практические рекомендации, разработанные в ходе исследования, могут быть использованы государственными органами. Результаты исследования используются при преподавании следующих дисциплин: «Социальная экономика», «Региональная экономика», «Регулирования социальной сферы», «Социально-экономическое планирование», «Государственное регулирование экономики», «Человеческое развития». Разработанные магистрантом предложения по социальной защите населения в регионе одобрены ГУ «Отдел занятости и социальных программ Улытауского района» и Жезказганским Университетом имени О.А. Байконурова, что подтверждается актами о внедрении результатов научных исследовании.
Публикации. По теме диссертации опубликовано 3 научных статей общим объемом 0,5 п.л. Научные результаты и положения диссертационной работы были доложены и обсуждены на следующих научно-практических конференциях: «Дағдарыс және халықты әлеуметтік қорғау», «Дағдарыс жағдайында аймақтағы халықты әлеуметтік қорғауды жетілдіру», «Халықты әлеуметтік қорғау мен әлеуметтік қамсыздандырудың теориялық негіздері».
The structure and volume of dissertational work, the number of figures and tables, literature references are defined by logic of the carried out research. Work consists of the introduction, three sections, the conclusion, the list of the used sources contains 52 names, it is presented at 92 pages of typewritten text. Work is illustrated by 15 tables, 7 drawings and 3 formulas.
The list of key words:social protection, the population, the address social help, a consumer's basket, social security, a labor market, social insurance, social transfers, pension, grants, social system, unemployment, social partnership, poverty, social policy.
Theme urgency. Social policy is summary effective actions directed on easing existing in a society of a social inequality and on maintenance of the rights of each person on a worthy life. Carrying out of the given policy and responsibility for performance of the firm rights of each person is assigned to the state, in these purposes it organizes corresponding redistribution of incomes, a labor market and labor relations in a life, forms system of social protection and social maintenance and develops them that finally all it make the basic directions of social policy.
The most significant and actual in perfection of social protection of the population of region is that comparing to experience of the foreign states, by the analysis, perfection of social protection of the population of our region, proves an urgency of a problem of scientific research.
Taking into account bases of the theory of social protection of the population of region, the purpose of dissertational research is working out of the recommendation about perfection of social protection of the population in region and perfection of a policy of the address social help, research of features of economy. The decision of all these problems is connected with social sphere as all reforms with most has begun concern the population and with them is connected. For the decision of these problems and a finding of the most comprehensible optimum means and mechanisms, it is necessary to analyze carefully all system it is state – social policy.
For achievement of an object in view of dissertational research has demanded the decision of following problems: to find out a present situation in social sphere; to study all literature on this problem; to find skilled concepts on the government social sphere; to establish factors influencing realization specified to the concept; by comparison of the established factors and skilled concepts of the government of social sphere to choose from their number of the most perspective; the analysis of a social status of the population of region, improvement of a life of the population, poverty liquidation, studying of problems of social security and development of multilevel system of social protection of the population, the address social help, based on market relations (to citizens with a low living wage, including to women and youth), perfection of rules on strengthening of social protection of mother and the child; With accounts of regional features, maintenance employment of the population by a permanent job, on the basis of social partnership strengthening of social dialogue, perfection of system of a payment in budgetary sphere.