Тапсырма № 2. . Cell has a complex structural organization and is a system differentiated into separate organelles. In a plant cell must distinguish the cell membrane and the contents.
18. The cytoplasm is a complex system with multiple membrane structures, such as the Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, and nemembrannymi structures-microtubules, ribosomes, etc. All of these organelles are shipped into the matrix of the cytoplasm - hyaloplasm or main plasma.
19. Fabric - the system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure, and functions performed. Epithelial (topcoat) tissue or epithelium that lines the integument, mucous membranes of all internal organs and cavities, and also forms the basis of many glands.
20. Connective tissue - the tissue is a living organism. Performs
37. Kind - a group of individuals similar in outward appearances and processes
Бақылау сұрақтары Basic properties of ecosystems:
- Self-regulation;
- Sustainability - the ability to withstand the changes under the influence of external factors;
- The ability to produce biological products.
The main indicators of ecosystem are:
- Species diversity (number of species of plants and animals that make up this ecosystem);
- Density - the amount of the same species per unit area;
- Biomass - the total amount of organic matter of the totality of individuals
Poorest ecosystems: desert, tundra and rich - rainforests. Natural ecosystems (natural) natural areas, water bodies.
Agrocnosises: field, garden, dam and other community created by man. Agrocnosises characterized by poor species composition, require additional energy costs
4 Ұсынылатын әдебиеттер тізімі
4.1 Негізгі әдебиеттер:
1.Кожарская Е.Э Английский язык
для направления «Биология».
2Кәсіби бағытталған шет тілі [Мәтін]: Оқу құралы / Р.Б. Таукебаева.- Шымкент, 2018.- 84б.- (білім мамандықтарының білім алушыларына арналған). -1экз
3. Ағылшын тілі: практикалық сабақтар 2 курс студенттеріне арналған [Мәтін] = English for Interdiate Students: Оқу құралы / ф.ғ.к, проф. Таукебаева Р.Б.- Түркістан, 2017.- 110- 23экзб