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Brainstorming (brainstorming, brainstorming)

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11.Brainstorming (brainstorming, brainstorming)
Brainstorming (brainstorming, brainstorming) - widely applied method of a producing the new ideas for the solution of scientific and practical problems. Its purpose - the organization of collective cogitative activities for search of nonconventional solutions of problems.
Use of a method of brainstorming in educational process allows to solve the following problems:
- creative assimilation by school students of a training material;
- connection of theoretical knowledge with practice;
- activization of educational cognitive activity of trainees;
- forming of a capability to concentrate attention and cogitative efforts on the solution of an urgent task;
- forming of experience of collective cogitative activities. The problem formulated on class in a brainstorming technique shall have theoretical or practical relevance and attract active interest of school students. The general requirement which needs to be considered in case of the choice of a problem for brainstorming - a possibility of many ambiguous ways of solving the problem which is pushed before pupils as an educational task.
Preparation for brainstorming includes the following steps:
- determination of the purpose of occupation, specification of an educational task;
- planning of the general course of occupation, determination of time of each stage of occupation;
- matching of questions for warm-up;
- development of criteria for assessment of the arrived offers and the ideas that will allow to carry out purposefully and substantially the analysis and generalization of results of occupation.
There are certain rules which observance will allow to carry out brainstorming more productively. Let's list the main of them:
1. During the session there are neither chiefs, nor subordinates, nor beginners, nor veterans - there are a leader and participants; nobody can apply for a special role.
2. Mutual critical remarks and estimates are strictly forbidden, they prevent emergence of the new ideas.
3. It is necessary to abstain from actions, gestures which can be incorrectly interpreted by other participants of a session.
4. How the idea pushed by any of participants of a session was fantastic or improbable, she shall be met with approval.
5. Try to convince from the very beginning yourself that positive permission of this problem has for you paramount importance.
6. Don't think that this problem can be solved only by the known methods.
7. What it is more pushed offers, subjects a high probability of emergence of the new and valuable idea by.
8. Before the session try to answer for yourself the following questions:
Whether the problem of my attention deserves?
What gives its decision?
To whom and what it is necessary for?
What will occur if to change nothing?
What happens if I don't push any idea?
Technique of the organization and carrying out brainstorming
The organizational stage is carried out with one class. Prior to the occupation when pupils enter into audience and take seats in places, it is possible to turn on the vigorous, dynamic music, preferably tool as the text can influence forming of installation at pupils.
At the beginning of the occupation the teacher reports a subject and a form of occupation, formulates a problem which needs to be solved, proves a task for search of the decision. Then it acquaints pupils with conditions of collective work and issues them rules of brainstorming.
After that several working groups on 3 - 5 people are created. Each group elects the expert to whose duties fixing of the ideas, their subsequent assessment and selection of the most perspective offers belongs.
It is reasonable to create workers group according to personal wishes of pupils, but groups shall be approximately equal on number of participants.
Groups take seats so that it was convenient to work and that students could see each other.
About 10 minutes are on average spent for this stage.
Warm-up is done frontally with all group. The stage purpose - to help school students to be exempted from stereotypes and psychological barriers. Usually warm-up is done as exercise in bystry search of answers to questions. Bystry rate of work is important for warm-up. Therefore if there is a pause, the teacher himself shall push 1 - 2 answer option. As soon as pupils begin to find hardly answers, for a long time think, once to the following question turns. To create and support the easy and live atmosphere, the teacher prepares unexpected, original questions which directly aren't connected with a subject of storm, but are taken from the close sphere.
The teacher during warm-up doesn't give an assessment to answers of school students, however everything perceives them kindly, supporting positive reaction of audience.
Warm-up time - 15-20 minutes.
At the very beginning of actually "storm" of the delivered problem the teacher reminds a problem, specifies an objective, gives criteria for evaluation of the ideas, repeats rules of brainstorming.
The signal after which at the same time in all groups the statement of the ideas begins is given. The expert on a separate leaf writes down all pushed ideas. Be not afraid of small noise and revival in a class - ease of a situation promotes activization of a thought.
It is better for teacher not to interfere with work of groups not to disturb them. Only in case the group violates rules of work (for example, begins to discuss or critically to estimate the idea), the teacher in a tactful and benevolent form returns group in the working condition.
Time of a substantive session - 10-15 minutes. It is a stage of intensive load of pupils, usually by its end the obvious exhaustion of participants of "storm" is felt.
At an evaluation stage and selection of the best ideas experts unite estimate the ideas at group and on the marked-out criteria, selecting the best for representation to participants of a game. If there is an opportunity, experts to operating time can pass into other room that the group didn't disturb of the Teacher determines operating time for experts 15 - 20 minutes.
The working groups at this stage have a rest. It is possible to turn on the music and to give the chance to move, switch, or to offer them simple tasks in a playful way, for example, a crossword puzzle on this rate, discussion of interesting situations, etc.
At the final stage representatives of the group of experts do the message on results of brainstorming. They call a total quantity of the ideas offered during storm, acquaint with the best of them. Authors of noted ideas prove and protect them. By results of discussion the collective decision on implementation of these or those offers in practice is made.
The teacher sums up the results, gives overall assessment to work of groups. At the same time it is important to note positive in work, the moments of manifestation of high extent of creativity, progress of collective activities, etc. Such final assessment creates the creative atmosphere in educational group, supports pupils. Even if progress of group isn't brilliant, it is all the same necessary to rely on positive in its work to stimulate desire to achieve big results in the future at pupils.
On time final stage the most long (10 - 15 minutes). This stage is very important in the curriculum as in case of discussion and protection of the ideas there is an intensive exchange of information, its judgment and active assimilation.
As a rule, brainstorming takes place very productively and yields good results. In case of failure the teacher it isn't necessary to refuse hastily this form of work, and it is necessary to analyse once again carefully preparation for occupation and all its course, to try to find the failure reasons, to liquidate them, and in the future he is waited by success.
Business game - a method of imitation of the situations modeling professional or other activity by a game by the set rules.
It is impossible to refer all appearing new acceptances and training methods and any educational game to business games as it sometimes becomes both in student teaching, and in separate performances in a seal. Therefore such forms of carrying out lessons as lesson concert, lesson examination and so-called; the lesson competition, a lesson quiz, imitation of informative and entertaining telecasts at lessons, don't belong not only to business game, but also to technology of active training and in general to new forms and methods. These methods and acceptances of activization of cognitive activity of pupils, revival of educational process by means of various game situations don't answer those features and conditions of the organization which determine technology of active training. The pupil can take part in a quiz, a competition, can not accept, but will remain the passive participating viewer. Attempts to force it will lead to loss of the game moment and a positive mood on activities. In technology of active training "forced activity" of participants is caused by conditions and rules in case of which the pupil or actively participates, tensely thinks, or in general is disposed from process.
Rules of a business game are defined by the chosen activity. One of her options are role-playing games. When children play "house", they precisely imitate all roles entering a game and can't recede from them: so fathers don't do, children so can't behave, mother has to..., etc. Use of a business game in educational process is possible. With the advent of technology of active training long ago dramatization and staging known to Teachers became one of options (a fir-tree game and are widely used in technology of dialogue of cultures.
Dramatization - an instsenirovaniye, playing on roles of maintenance of a training material at lessons. With roles not only living characters, but also any lifeless objects and phenomena from any field of knowledge can be allocated.
Staging - theatrical performances of different genres on a training material in nonlearning time with a large number of participants, enduring, with scenery and other attributes. All pupils of a class or all classes of a parallel, the senior school students and pupils of younger age are involved in them. It can be statements according to program literary works, historical plots, etc.

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